
Chapter 191 - Abnormal Demon Knight


In addition to the unlocking of all the previously locked functions of the system, when Apollo looked through the battle logs, he was surprised. The exact value of experience granted eclipsed that of humans many times over. At this point, he held no qualms will finding and committing a massacre of lesser Ifrits.


However, he then remembered this may have something to do with their level difference. Although it wasn't depicted, Apollo was sure there was a significant difference between them. Otherwise, the experience gain wouldn't have been so large.

Nevertheless, since the combat was over, both Ouroboros and Apollo calmed down. Even after waiting for a decent period, there were no signs of incoming enemies. Thus, they took this opportunity to recuperate.

At the same time, Ouroboros' change started to revert to its normal appearance. It was clear he hadn't reached the level to hold this transformation as his base form. In fact, he consumed nearly all the Chaos in his body to enter this form. It'd take a decent amount of Crystallized Chaos to recover what he lost.

On the other hand, Apollo was in a much different situation. Not only did he not know how to take on his human form of his own accord, but there were also no signs of him doing so forcefully either. As he sat down to recover, in addition to alleviating his exhaustion, the Pure Demonic Anima also sustained this form.

Naturally, the Diabolic Heart of Wrath's evolution also played an extremely large role. Had not for that, he wouldn't even be able to enter this state. At most, he would have taken on a basic demon form once again. 

'Interesting, I should find something or someone can tell me more about the exact abilities of this transformation. I can tell by the name that it is a race closely linked to Ira, but it doesn't distinguish the benefits of this form in great form. Although,' Apollo paused and clenched his fist.

'I must say, the vitality of this form is beyond compare. The exuberant feeling coursing through me is at least 3 times that I felt when I first became a Lesser Demon,' Apollo internalized.

By the time, Ouroboros recovered, Apollo was finished as well. Moreover, now that the battle was over. Apollo could tell with unhindered clarity that the connection with this instinctual guide deepened. To be precise, he felt like he needed to arrive at this very moment.

In light of this, Apollo glanced at the time in the corner of his eye. 'There are just over 3 days left in this place. I sacrificed 4 units of Sin for every unit the Fragment of Sin bolstered. Luckily, this place is mending the consumed Sin. However, the question remains, how much can I get done in three days here?'

Now that he recovered to a suitable degree, Apollo cut his recovery period short. In exchange for this compromise, he sought to reach the area of interest quicker. Thus, with Ouroboros on his shoulder, he resumed traveling.

Even though he was advancing in an area that only seemed to house Lesser Demons, the environment was growing harsher by the second. If it kept up with this trend, it would soon reach a level that began to cause Sin Interference. This only happened when a begin with insufficient grasp entered an area wherein the concentration of Sin Energy was too pure.

From there, the interference could devolve into hysteria. At that point, the mind would begin to deteriorate. The high levels would corrupt the mind, and if it were due to Ira, it would induce a mindless rage that robbed one of all rationality.

Fortunately, this issue could be circumvented in Apollo's case. Unlike others, he possessed Ouroboros who could siphon the excess from him. More importantly, Ouroboros possessed a body with the Pinnacle Adaptation trait. 

Meanwhile, as the two continued on their journey, they started to meet foes exhibiting these symptoms. The Lesser Ifrits they faced now were more deranged than their previous brethren. Due to this, even though Apollo possessed an understanding of his power, he still experienced some difficulty to slay the continually appearing enemies. 

In fact, it wasn't long before he came in contact with a Lesser Ifrit that suffered a mutation due to the overload of Sin. Two extremely large yet mangled fiery wings protruded from its back as it stood before Apollo.

As it looked at Apollo, its eyes appeared to be clouded by irritation and madness. It appeared to be in a forever berserk state. However, Apollo found something different. 'Based on these Sin levels, I'm sure it'll translate into copious amounts of experience. I may even jump to Level 101 in one go. Compared to the earlier levels, I wonder how this upgrade would fare against.'

Without any prior signs, the Lesser Ifrit rushed towards Apollo. While it was faster than the others before, Apollo had time to familiarize himself with the extent of this body. As a result, when the Ifrit's explosive punch bombarded the ground, the only thing it struck through was Apollo's after image.

Since he wasn't as bulky as most other foes he came in contact with, the nimbleness granted by this was something Apollo could take advantage of. While empowered by the Partial Shade Silhouette, Apollo simultaneously conjured a blanket of Hellfire.

Inspiration then hit him as he reduced the Hellfire to a fine needle. After adding a small rotation to it, he clicked his thumb. However, as it hurtled forward, it started losing momentum the further it distanced from Apollo. In light of this, Apollo narrowed his eyes.

'The control isn't just physical. It requires a strong mental link to perform long-distance attacks. However, that is one thing I'm not sure how to go about doing. Perhaps I should steal a piece of Claire's soul. According to Typhir, her family specializes in mental practice. I don't want the techniques, just the logic behind it,' Apollo determined.

In the meantime, he repeatedly conjured and fired the Hellfire needles. Although they seemed to be ineffective. While he continued to dodge the Ifrit's attacks, he could see signs of the area under repeating impact weakening. Obviously, what he aimed for was the joints of the opponent.

Despite his transformation, due to that mutation, by no means did he want to take a hit. The destructive capabilities it currently possessed were obscene, to say the least. Every impact with the ground caused a huge obstruction of splintered rocks.

Nonetheless, under the repeated attacks of Apollo, the Ifrit's knee was soon blown through. After losing the function of that leg, it fell to one knee and roared. On the other hand, Apollo repeated his actions with its other leg.

As Apollo walked up to it with a calm expression, its roars grew frantic. Afterward, it flapped its wings. A searing wind billowed towards Apollo that caused him to defend. Despite that, due to the irregularities of Ifrit, Apollo's arm suffered small burns.

But, soon after, they started recovering at a visible rate. Upon seeing this, the Ifrit continued to flap its wings at a hastened pace. Although it couldn't be used for flight, it could be used as a means of combat as seen from its current actions.

 Only after several moments did its attempts peter out. On the other hand, Apollo felt a pang of frustration from this prolonged issue. Amid its roars, Apollo approached with unhurried steps, "All of that noise, allow me to put you out of your misery."

'Splich!' 'Zzzzzt!'

With an arm covered in a thick layer of Hellfire, Apollo thrust his arm through the gaped mouth of the Ifrit. In response, a large source of experience flowed into his body. However, this time, both the Sin and experience melded as one. And, because of the rewards, Apollo smiled.

〈System Alert! Congratulations, you have reached Level 101.〉

〈All basic stats have been raised by 10.〉

Once he settled the matters with the corpse, Apollo tossed it aside. Different from before, there was a single confrontation after this battle. As such, Apollo soon arrived in front of his intended destination. It was a desolate cave.

Yet, as he and Ouroboros stood before it, not only did the beacon become clear as day, a dreadful feeling washed over him. It was so intense, even the system generation information that it never did before.

〈System Alert! The aura of a Knight-level, peak Greater Demon has been detected. One of the pieces has been located. Please exercise caution, the abnormal aura exhibits dangerous levels of Superbia and Ira.〉

All of a sudden, the ground shook as a magnetic voice sounded from with this the desolate darkness of the cave, "State your name and who has sent you here. Other than those few, no one else knows of my location nor existence."

In response, Apollo fell silent. In short, he didn't know how to answer this. Truthfully speaking, it was his instincts that brought him here. 

Still, the silence was by far not the best option. Frustration could be felt from the cave entrance as the voice sounded once again, "I'll only repeat myself once more. Who dares to advise you to intrude upon this great one, Fuhrer's, humble place of escape. If you fail to answer, I will end your pitiful existence where you stand."

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