
Chapter 608 605:Attack On Clex City[2]

Chapter 608 605:Attack On Clex City[2]

The attack on the defence was quite fierce still they managed to hold as the Black market spent a lot of resources to form the line of defence.



A hundred metres away from the defence line, in a deserted building that was supposed to be an upper district of the Black market, faint tremors echoed.

Due to the loud sound of explosions, the faint tremors went unnoticed until the end.

A soldier patrolling in the area caught the disturbance but ignored it thinking that the earth was quaking because of pressure radiating from the battle from the defence line.

Still, he bent down to observe the disturbance but the tremors softened and disappeared.

"Weird!"The soldier muttered.

"Let\'s not waste time here. We should finish patrolling and move to our shits on the frontline.

The moment they moved away, a hole burst open slowly from the ground and from that, a lean and thin man with a dirt-stricken face holding a shovel moved up.

The man lowered his chin and scanned the dilapidated and deserted buildings.

Seeing no soul in his sight, he bent down at the face of the hole and waved his hand.

"All clear."


"Hugo, you are a genius at digging tunnels."

"Shhhssss!Don\'t speak loudly."

The soldiers wearing Knight armour got out of the tunnel following Hugo\'s lead.

"Hahahahaha!I am not that great."Hugo rubbed his nose with a small chuckle.

For them, Hugo was a weird guy and no one knew what the Lord saw in him to put him into the army.

When he was picked up, he was just a poor ordinary miner but under Their Liege\'s guidance and resources, this guy reached the early legendary realm in just a few years.

Within half an hour, this guy dug a tunnel too skilfully right under the enemy\'s nose. Except for slight disturbances near the surface, one couldn\'t feel that someone was digging underneath their feet even if they used mana because the tunnel went quite deep inside the ground for many kilometres.

"Let\'s not waste our time. Sir Aeon is waiting for us."

"All of you follow the orders."

"Yeah, let\'s dismantle everything."

"Kill everyone."

"Destroy everything."

Hugo was back drenched in sweat hearing their war cries.

\'It seems all of them had been influenced too much by Liege and now their brain is filled with destruction and murder.\'

"Hey, curb your excitement. Don\'t forget we are not going to get any reinforcement. This is a test to prove ourselves."

"Lab, do you get it?"

"Yes, I got it," Lan murmured, wiping the tears from his eyes as he could never forget the day when the Lord visited Wright for the first time and kidnapped him…he chose him and guided him to become a magician.

Without making a sound, the soldiers pull out their metallic armour, and speed through desolated buildings.

The team was divided into two parts.

One was going to create mayhem and chaos by acting as a diversion while the other one broke the wall from the inside and destroyed the barrier.

Hugo was in charge of guiding people to barriers and was a bit nervous as he had never led people.

He had fought many spars but all of that was like a practice match so he didn\'t have any real-life combat experience.

Till now his kill count was still struck at zero but tonight he will not be a newbie any more.

Tonight he will make sure to upgrade his status and show everyone how fierce he is.

"Let\'s go and wait for the team to create a diversion."

On the other side, a pair of men sneaked in closely observing the influx of soldiers marching ahead.

A small squad of soldiers on hearing the orders started hurrying their way.

The leader who was at the front, took long strides while screaming.

"All of us shouldn\'t be afraid of sacrificing our lives. We aren\'t here to win or make a big statement. We are here to stall time for the head of the Black market to evacuate."

"Leader, why do we need to do all this? Just why?"

"Yes, leader, isn\'t it a waste of time? I think Emperor Alex\'s side is better."

"You are too naive."The leader sneered.

"The new Emperor is too young. He didn\'t know the way to rule. He wants to strip our position and make us work as if we are his dogs with a little salary and no benefit"

"But aren\'t we facing a huge external threat? Shouldn\'t we unite to repel it?"

"External threat.What external threat? All of this is just a lie made up on his part to suppress the internal chaos. How can there be such a big threat and even if there is such a threat what can puny low-level soldiers like us do?"

The leader scoffed at the naivety of people.

Since when has there been a truthful ruler? The one at the top had always been a liar playing tricks on people in the lower section of society.

So how can he trust a self-proclaimed righteous Emperor? It\'s better to believe in people who are greedy than in people who pretend to be righteous. 

The leader of the squad who sank into thoughts for a moment suddenly halted his steps as he didn\'t hear his soldiers reply nor there was any sound coming from footsteps.

At that time, his back was drenched in sweat and he turned around only to find no one.

"What the hell? Where did everyone go?\'\' 

With his heart beating in trepidation and sensing a crisis, he took out the emergency signal and fired into the sky drawing everyone\'s attention.

The soldiers who noticed the signal started running towards the spot.

"Hemi, what happened?"

"What is going on?"

The man named Hemi whose squad vanished in thin air just stood there seeing the influx of soldiers with a bad premonition.

He sends the signal instantly but the enemy doesn\'t kill him nor does he stop him from sending the signal which means.

"Damn…Don\'t come here. Run…."

Hemi screamed and tried to run but he was too late.

[Call Of Thunder.]

A loud voice spanned across the area and large dark clouds casting a huge shadow covered the area.

And before anyone could understand what was happening here, lightning flashes started raining down on the area.

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