
Chapter 529 528. Reverse Psychology

Sylvester ended the battle with ease and arrived at the city wall. The soldiers had lost their will to fight against him and stared blankly at his face as he went ahead and opened the city gates. After that, a few men of the Highland Kingdom\'s army entered calmly without causing a ruckus or frightening anyone. 

However, the one leading the army wasn\'t King Highland himself, but rather a man with black hair and mighty armor riding a tall stallion. 

"I am Kaecilius Silvanus!" the black-haired man roared. "I lay claim to the throne of Riveria, and if anyone here wishes to oppose me or lay claim themselves, I\'m prepared to battle!" 

Silence echoed throughout the streets. Even the clanking of soldiers\' armor faded away. The city had been taken over without a war, and they felt confused about what would happen next. What will happen to them?

"I\'m not here to pillage this land, nor here to take your wealth away! Years ago, the Riveria family killed my son, and today, I claim my revenge—as your new King, you can either follow me and live in peace or leave if that is what you wish! Soldiers shall remain soldiers, and merchants shall remain merchants—only the head under the crown has changed!" 

Once Kaecilius stopped speaking, the Highland Kingdom\'s army began to chant in a united roaring voice. 

"Long Live King Kaecilius!"

"Long Live King Kaecilius!"

"All Hail The King!" 

The soldiers of Riveria didn\'t know what to do. Who were they even supposed to fight against? Kaecilius was a Viscount already, meaning he was one of them—it was utter confusion for them. 

And in the midst of that confusion, a well-placed and well-paid group of Riveria soldiers began chanting with Highland\'s Soldiers. In no time, almost the entire Riveria army on the walls started to shout. 

"Today marks the end of the foolish pride of the Riveria family! No more shall we have enemies but allies and blessings! Riveria will soon establish economic alliances with Gracia, Highland, Blackhart, and even further West with the new rich kingdoms—Riveria shall flourish like never before, and our produce shall reach the entire Sol!" Kaecilius continued to spread the propaganda, making sure that those who listened from the cracks of their doors would know what their new King was like.

In the meantime, Sylvester sent a few men to encircle the city monastery, as heathens also lived there. However, the Bright Mothers living there were members of Xavia\'s intelligence-gathering group. So Sylvester handed them the task of spreading the word that King Conrad had taken the side of the Demons. 

Nobody ever questioned the words of a kind and loving Bright Mother, and that was the key to a swift power change. 

"That was brilliantly done, Sylvester." King Highland praised while walking beside Sylvester, as the long procession headed toward River Castle. "We didn\'t have to raise a single sword." 

"Of course, I was planning for this for almost a decade," Sylvester replied, glancing at the houses lining the sides. He made his halo appear clear at that moment so that the commoners would perceive their new King as divinely blessed.

"I pity the first Guardian of Light in the Holy Land." King Highland jokingly said. "He chose the wrong time and the wrong opponent." 

Sadly, Sylvester found no joy in that thought. "Let\'s discuss this once we reach the Highland Kingdom, Your Majesty. I\'m afraid Niel is not our final opponent, and there\'s something that you should know about the history of our world." 

King Highland turned serious and didn\'t mention the topic anymore. "So you are coming." 

"We\'re so close already and I\'d rather not be scolded by Mum for not coming to see her. At the same time, we should give Niel some time to breathe. We must force him to come out of the Holy Land and fight us outside—anywhere." Sylvester said, but refused to elaborate on his entire plan. There were too many ears listening. 

Tap! Tap!

Just as they crossed the large moat to enter River Castle, Sylvester felt something poke on his shoulder. He looked and found it to be an undead bird from Bishop Lazark. 

Worried, he quickly took it and unstrapped the letter. 

\'Lord Bard, Duchy of Ironstone has rebelled against Gracia and has joined the Holy Land. Ironstone was the wealthiest and the most populated region, Lord Bard… What are your orders? Queen Isabella is quite anxious — Bishop Lazark.\' 

Sylvester sighed and brushed his hair back with one hand. "Of course. They must still be dissatisfied with me since I killed Prince Daemon Gracia and his Witch wife. The lords had to pay a lot of ransom to gain their freedom." 

"Why not attack them? The army is already prepared." King Highland asked, cracking his knuckles. The man was likely itching for some action. 

But Sylvester had different plans. "No need. The lives of all the lords of Ironstone Duchy are already in my grasp. At any moment, at my command—I can kill every single one of them. Let\'s prepare for our main battle for now." 

King Highland\'s shoulder fell. "Sylvester, I envy your sharp wits, but sometimes, all a man wants is to land a few strong blows."

"The time will come soon enough, Your Majesty." 

"I\'m afraid all the experts would have fallen to your great plans by then." King Highland said. "I\'m delighted that we stand on the same side." 

Sylvester chuckled inwardly, slowly understanding what kind of a terrifying entity he had become for those who knew him. And it was for good, as commoners saw him with love and warmth, and the lords saw him with fear—just as he wanted. 

No battle took place, and the people were left unharmed. In fact, King Highland\'s soldiers diligently patrolled the streets to ensure no crime took place and slowly won the trust of the people. 

Since they carried Sylvester\'s flag, the people felt some assurance that it was all happening for the greater good. Soon, rumors spread in no time from the mouths of Bright Mothers. 

By the eve of the second day, after their occupation of the royal castle, a vast number of commoners were called to gather before the moat of the royal castle. The drawbridge was then lowered, and three men were brought forward, stripped naked except for their underwear, their hands locked with darkstone cuffs. 



The commoners were simple, and Sylvester\'s propaganda ensured that any side he stood on would appear righteous. He was the guiding figure for the moral compass of the commoners now—if he pointed at someone and called for death, the commoners would comply. 

Kaecilius appeared in his regal robes and a crown on his head. He made Conrad, his brother Rainer and the Archbishop of the City kneel before the crowd. "These three men, together, conspired with the Demon who now sits in the Holy Land. They betrayed both faith and humanity for the allure of power and more land—their greed was too great!"


The people shouted, and some threw rotten eggs and tomatoes.  I think you should take a look at

"They were ready to sacrifice all of you and condemn the entire city as heathens! What happens to such lands? You must have heard of Article Sixty-six!" Kaecilius continued, spreading more fear into the hearts of the people. "But I found out on time, and with the help of the Son of Solis, and my brother in faith, King Highland—we stopped them! But I will not judge them, for that is something only the supreme could do—Your Holiness, please give your judgment." 

Sylvester nodded and stood behind the three kneeling men. Their tongues had already been cut so that they couldn\'t speak. They were only putting on a show to make Kaecilius more legitimate. 

Sylvester made a halo behind his head and allowed the metal wings to spread wide. Gasps left the mouths of tens of thousands, and soon complete silence spread. 

♫Spoken so often, heresy has no mercy. 

For my forgiveness, you are unworthy. 

Cry not now, for the sins you have committed. 

Embrace the Lord; there, you may be acquitted.♫

Kaecilius unsheathed his blade and stood behind the Archbishop. "May the Holy Light enlighten us!" 



Kaecilius then went behind Prince Rainer and did the same. Finally, he stood behind the teary-eyed King Conrad. To some extent, he felt bad for the man, but at the same time, he understood that to build a new world, some things needed to be destroyed first. 

"May the Holy Light enlighten us, Conrad…" 


The dirty-blond-haired head rolled on the ground, bloodying the surface. The commoners who saw from a distance simply cheered at the sight. It was terrifying in Kaecilius\' eyes because he saw how easily people came to hate the man who had been their King just a few days ago.

He felt it could be him if he wasn\'t careful in the future. The only man who was immune from such a fate was Lord Bard, but then again, the Bard had foes far more worrisome than mere commoners. 

"Glory to Riveria!" King Kaecilius roared with his sword aimed at the sky. 


"Long live the King!" 

Commoners echoed in unison for their new King. 

Soon enough, the bodies of the dead were taken back inside the royal castle and burned on a pyre. The people were allowed to hold a one-day festival to celebrate their new King. As for Sylvester, he decided to finish his mission. 

"Kaecilius, the wives of Conrad and Rainer, have locked themselves inside their rooms. Don\'t harm them physically. Just give them some sleeping poison for a painless death." Sylvester ordered the new King. "And refrain from taking any drastic measures, such as abolishing slavery. First, hold a fealty ceremony, summon all the lords to pledge allegiance to you—and kill all who reject."

"Understood, Your Holiness." Kaecilius saluted. "I will refrain from any drastic actions before the end of the War of the Popes." 

"War of the Popes?" Sylvester repeated the term he had never heard of before. 

  "A word the commoners use to describe the Holy Land\'s situation," Kaecilius answered. 

\'This isn\'t good… I don\'t want them to see Niel as a Pope.\' Sylvester felt the urgency to spread more propaganda. 

"I\'ll be going to Highland tomorrow, Kaecilius. But I will speak with you mentally every six hours. In case a significant opposition arises, I will return." Sylvester assured him. "And use the two leftover Grand Wizards, but don\'t trust them blindly. Lastly, conduct an audit of the kingdom\'s military. Be ready to move if needed." 


"Understood, Your Holiness." Kaecilius saluted seriously. 

Satisfied, Sylvester left the man to sit alone and think about his own future. Sylvester had too much to do anyway, and the first thing to do was to speak with Gabriel to increase the propaganda. 

"Maxy! Look, another rain of papers!" Miraj flew down from the sky and landed on Sylvester\'s shoulder. "Look, it has your face on it." 

"Mine?" Sylvester took the propaganda poster and examined it. "This is… brilliantly done reverse psychology! People will hesitate to believe Niel now." 

This time, the poster held a long message, directly addressing Sylvester\'s worries about the near future. There was a painting of Sylveser with a halo, and behind him stood an ugly-faced Demon with a dark crown, trying to grab Sylvester\'s mitre. The message was…

\'The Demons are divisive. They lie as effortlessly as they breathe. Tomorrow, they may claim the Son of Solis has the blood of an Elf, Dwarf, or Dragon—as if that makes any difference. Is he still not the Son of Solis? Is he still not the mightiest Bard? Is he still not the rightful Pope?\'

Then, at the bottom, three words were written in big letters. 

\'Beware of Lies!\' 

Sylvester tried to think who must have come up with it. Gabriel had no clue about his blood, and Sir Dolorem was away in Highland. 

"Then... It must be the Lord Inquisitor, that magnificent raging man."


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