
Chapter 334 334. Missive From North

Sylvester stopped and looked at the undead bird with interest. He had seen undead animals before, but this was the first time seeing a bird.

"Did Bishop Lazark send you?" He asked and quickly caught it in his palm.

The bird was like a zombie, with a rotting body and deadly red eyes. Yet it made no noise the whole time and calmly remained in Sylvester\'s grasp without even wriggling.

"A missive?" He noticed a small piece of rolled paper tied to the bird\'s claws.

He quickly untied it and read in a low breath so Miraj could hear it too. "The North calls, for the trouble brews. Will you respond or let your allies lose? Time is of the essence, react, or see them fade into obsolescence."

"What? Why did Bishop Lazark write th… He didn\'t write it!"

Sylvester glanced at the undead bird a second time and clenched the missive in the other hand. A deep frown quickly overtook him as the meaning behind the words was clear. It was a message telling him there was some issue in the north and his friends were in danger.

"Chonky! Change of plans. Our break ends now! Hold tight!" He ordered and slapped the horse on the back.

In no time, at full speed, Frost rode in the winter mist. Sylvester slouched forward to reduce the air resistance and approached the Inquisitor camp.

He waved at the guards and entered with no hassle, and got off the horse right in front of Lady Aurora\'s abode in no time.

"Lady Aurora!" He called her out.

The wooden door of the large tent opened, and she came out rubbing her tired eyes. She was not wearing her regular armour at the moment. It was just a plain long oversized nightgown.

"Sylvester? Why are you here so early?"

"May I?" He gestured to enter.

"Well, come in."

Sylvester did so and closed the door behind him. "An urgent matter has come, Aur—"

Aurora went back to her bed tiredly, mumbling something. "I haven\'t found any mention of a girl named Zye or a Bishop named Monarthy Reed. I will look further tomorrow… Good night…"

Sylvester had asked Aurora to use her ways to look for the two names that he had heard in his visions over the years. He had finally decided to do something as the little girl in the visions was truly too pitiful and needed help.

Though his visions were the least of his problems now.

He showed the undead bird to her and extended the little piece of paper. "Wake up! It\'s urgent! Look at this. An undead bird delivered me this message from the north."

"What?!" Aurora quickly lost her sleep and looked at the dead bird. "How did an undead enter the Holy Land?"

She picked up the paper and read it immediately. Soon, she shared the same frowning look on her face as Sylvester. Then she got up and started putting on her armour.

"Good lord, Sylvester. Why can\'t you just be a normal boy? Why is your luck so rotten?" She genuinely asked, as anyone would, after seeing how everything related to Sylvester devolves into something worse and deadlier every single time.

Sylvester wanted to rebuke her, but he knew there was some truth in her words. He often wondered about it too, and usually dismissed it as something he had to deal with for being so highly talented and unique.

"Let\'s go!" She finally picked up her sword and walked out. "We\'re going to see my father first and then go meet the Pope. If something bad is happening in the northern mountains, then we will need some strong backing."

"How strong are Mountain Barbarians? The books always portray them as dumb fiends, but I know there is more to it." Sylvester asked her.

"The Mountain Barbarians are very strong—Enough to scare multiple duchies in one go. However, it\'s unknown how strong they are internally as infiltrating them is nigh impossible."

Soon, they arrived at the Inquisitor High Lord\'s tent. The big man was not sleeping, as expected. So, they were given an audience immediately.

"Lord inquisitor, Sylvester here got this missive from an undead bird." She cut to the chase and handed over the two things.

Inquisitor High Lord glanced at Sylvester and read the paper. He, as expected, didn\'t react very strongly and only stood up. "You did the right thing coming to me, young bard. It\'s always best to escalate such things to the higher clergy in a levelled manner. For many hyenas are sitting, ready to clamour."

Sylvester understood what the man said. It was true that over the past six months, as Sylvester and the Pope appeared friendly with each other, many jealous eyes piled up their anger and hatred. They were all waiting for Sylvester to slip and do something wrong, so they could cry about how pathetic he was.

"Lord Inquisitor, I wish to leave for the Northern Duchies and ensure the safety of Felix, Gabriel and the rest of the team." Sylvester requested. "I have a plan prepared already, and I know an expert in the mountains of the north who can help me."

"First, we must meet His Holiness." Inquisitor High Lord headed to the door instead.

There was nothing anyone could do once the big man had spoken. So Sylvester and Aurora followed behind the colossal body and entered Lord Inquisitor\'s giant carriage.

As they made their way to the Pope\'s Palace, Inquisitor High Lord kept looking at Sylvester with his shining red eyes under the visor.

\'What does he want now? I only smell the usual rage in him. Why is he always in rage?\' Sylvester wondered and tried to avoid awkwardly looking back.

"Young Bard, I heard about your progress under the training with the Pope. How confident are you at defeating a top-ranked Arch Wizard?" Lord Inquisitor asked suddenly.

\'Is this a test?\'

"I can not defeat a top-level Archwizard outright, but I sure can outlast one in Solarium reserves and defeat him as long as I don\'t get injured too much." He answered.

The Inquisitor High Lord\'s eyes shined, and the man nodded. "So you are a horse of a long race. As long as the feet can last, you may win the race. But they are not enough, for your enemies are cruel and tough. Assassins, spies, beings of otherworldly filth—they are out to consume you to zilch."

\'What the… Why the sudden overdose of worship now? Did I do something recently?\' Sylvester wondered confusedly.

"I will level up to Archwizard level four soon, Lord Inquisitor." He replied respectfully.

Pat! Pat!

Aurora patted his shoulder. "That\'s my little brother! I knew you were special when I saw you for the first time in the School of Dawn."

\'Lies! I smell such clear and loud lies!\'

"Thank you, Lady Aurora." He was, sadly, not in the mood to joke around. Instead, he was worried about his friends, as they were the only people in the world he could count on other than Xavia and Sir Dolorem.

"Where is Sir Dolorem?" He asked.

"He went to train with the Second Guardian. Worry not. I\'ve sent an Inquisitor to fetch him." Lady Aurora replied.

\'Good, I will need some trustworthy people on this mission. Northern Duchies… Could Shadow of Masan be involved in this too? That man did plot his schemes over ten years, so him being gone shouldn\'t mean all his schemes are over.\'

He had no idea what to do this time. Felix\'s dozens of letters from the past few months had clearly revealed that no conspiracy was found in the Duchy of Iceling. He would have doubted it if it was a report just by Felix, but Bishop Lazark was there too, who was an experienced Santcum Inspector. Not to mention, Elyon, the Beastkin, was a trader, hence experienced in catching lies.

"Follow me." Lord Inquisitors\' soft but loud order broke him out of his thoughts.

He exited the carriage and followed the man to climb the long stairs. Once again, just like the first time, all the golden armoured guards of the faith started kneeling one after another.

\'Strange, I never saw them kneeling when Aurora used to walk with me. They must respect this old man from the bottom of their heart.\'

"May the Holy Light enlighten us!" Sir Dolorem was awaiting at the top. "I came as quickly as possible."

Sylvester went ahead and shook hands with the blind knight. "Sir Dolorem, we are headed to the Pope\'s office. Please follow us."

"Understood, Lord Bard."

So, Inquisitor High Lord led them inside. Though, even he had to get checked by the entry guards with magical items to ensure he was not an imposter or holding some dangerous material. The Pope was, after all, like a half-god for the faith, and his security was of utmost importance—Unless the Pope decided to mess around alone.

In no time, they arrived at the Pope\'s office. A meeting was going on inside from the looks of it as the Pope\'s assistant tried to stop them. But the Inquisitor High Lord opened the door and entered.

"May the Holy Light enlighten us, Holy Father. An urgent matter has come to my attention that is best shared at the earliest."

The Pope was somewhat surprised by all of them appearing simultaneously. But he sensed the urgency and dismissed the two old Cardinals sitting in the visitor\'s seat beside the table.

"What is it, Lord Inquisitor."

"The young bard was approached by this. So, I wish to travel with him to the Northern Duchies and get to the bottom of this." Inquisitor High Lord forwarded the items and surprised Sylvester with the request.

Silence lingered in the room for a few minutes as the Pope inspected everything. First, the parchment was read, and then, the Pope used some strange magic from his hands to assess the rotting bird.

"Undead… But recently made. If the words of the missive are true, then it\'s not just the Young Bard\'s allies that are in danger." The Pope remained silent for a few seconds after that.

"Fine! I shall authorise a special mission to the north. Young Bard, I am giving you the command of the Holy Army division in the Duchy of Iceling. You have proven yourself to be a marvellous battle commander against Duke Daemon." The Pope commanded and started writing something.

"I-I am going with him, your holiness." Aurora meekly announced.

The Pope nodded. "Sure, you are his good elder sister. But I can\'t have you leave the station, Lord Inquisitor. The north is the land of winter, where your powers are not as fierce."

"But it is my duty, your holiness. Be it fire, cold or water—I vowed to Solis to never falter." Lord Inquisitor insisted.

"Declined! I can\'t take risks after losing so many strong talents in the clergy recently." The Pope spoke with genuine concern.

He then handed Sylvester a folded letter with his seal. "Young Bard, you need not worry. I am calling forth someone who mans the only monastery in the entire Pentapeak mountain range—The sixth Guardian, Winter Ghost."


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