
Chapter 252 252. What Makes A Guardian

"I presume there was someone who helped you in doing it? The kid?" Sylvester asked.

"Of course, you helped me."


There were questions written on Sylvester\'s face, so Sir Dolorem elaborated. "Well, you sent two little kids to the Holy Land a while back. Their names were Diana and Max. When I found out about them, I got interested. So I decided to go and see them as they were being checked by the healers for their initial mandatory diagnosis before being sent to the orphanage.

"They are really sweet kids. That girl is a genius and strong-minded. But, after seeing them, I realised nobody was stopping me; nobody was watching me. So I just walked out of the main door with the help of that little girl, Diana, and returned to the Inquisitor\'s camp. There I started training with other brothers of the Inquisition."


Sylvester never knew that his actions hundreds of kilometres away in another Duchy would cause something like this. \'The butterfly is truly amazing. You never know what causes what.\'

"So, how did you get so much better at sensing your surroundings? I see you\'re easily avoiding the cracks in the ground." He inquired interestedly. "Did you truly learn Echo-location?"

Sir Dolorem explained. "Well, it\'s luck, or perhaps the hidden work of Lord Inquisitor. As you may know, the Second Guardian used to be the Inquisitor High Lord nearly two centuries ago. So, he sometimes appears in the Inquisitor camp to help when Lord Inquisitor is out working.

"He saw me and learned about my story from other Commanders. So he decided to help me understand how to live a life of blindness. Although his way of sensing his surroundings has something to do with his blood magic, he was able to help me to stay calm and use my other senses to the fullest, like the smell, touch and hearing. So now, I have started grasping the concept of Echo Location as well, as now I can create a simple textureless linear structure according to the noise that reacts with the environment in my mind."

\'Living in a colourless world, I can\'t imagine being him.\' Sylvester sighed as he heard the story. Although it was very positive, he knew that these limited abilities would harm Sir Dolorem in one way or another.

"I am working to find a way to heal your eyes, Sir Dolorem. So I\'m sure soon you will be able to see me again." Sylvester replied, sounding firm in his promise.

But Sir Dolorem didn\'t immediately reply.

So Sylvester elaborated. "I have a few people who are urgently looking for a way for the cure. I\'m sure magic can do it. Nerve damage is extremely hard to fix, but if people like Lord Second can use blood magic to fix wounds, I\'m sure there is healing magic for the eyes. Perhaps across the sea, maybe."

"I\'m not sure if I want my eyes back." Sir Dolorem muttered. "Not having eyes has taught me something new, something great. There is so much detail to the world that I could not see before. My vision was, in reality, dulling down so many things because they were so easy to ignore unless you were specifically looking for them. Now I smell, I hear, and I sense a great many things, which in reality can be amazing as a fighter."

"But you\'ll be against enemies who can use magic. So how will you counter them?" Sylvester argued.

Sir Dolorem sighed and shook his head. "I am physically limited in terms of power, Sylvester. I can never fight against someone many times stronger than me. So, believe me, you don\'t have to worry too much. You need not rush. As long as I can have my vision back to see you take the holy throne on that inevitable day, I\'ll be the most satisfied person in the world."

\'This fool, I can already sense the hints of doubt in his own words. So he doesn\'t wish to cause me to worry?\' Sylvester read the man like an open book.

But he didn\'t press on it and changed the topic. "How is mum? She was attacked."

"I went to see her and spoke to her. I couldn\'t see her physically, so I don\'t know about that. However, she did say she was fine and only slightly weak. She even handed me this letter when I told her about returning to aid you. I just never knew it\'d be so soon, thanks to Lord Second." Sir Dolorem handed Sylvester a piece of paper while carrying the armless Duke on his other shoulder like a sack of grains.

Sylvester had Lady Aurora\'s body on his back, piggybacking it, so he opened it in front of himself and read it. \'Dear Max, don\'t worry about mum. I am fine and eating very well. Raven is helping me a lot, and soon I will be able to get back to work. The wounds have been completely healed, so please be at peace. Don\'t rush your work because you will find me right here whenever you return. Love you and take care.\'

Sylvester crumpled the paper and put it in a pocket. "She didn\'t write this. I know her handwriting. She likely dictated it, and… Raven wrote it."

Sir Dolorem sounded disappointed as well. "She likely does not wish to worry you, Sylvester."

\'Aren\'t you doing the same?\' Sylvester thought in mind.

But he felt more worried for Xavia now as he didn\'t know her actual condition. "Her neck was stabbed, so I\'m sure she also lost a lot of blood. Her entire body must be fragile right now. That bastard!"

"Was it King Riveria?" Sir Dolorem asked.

"Who else could it be? The man came after me; it was acceptable. But he crossed a fine line this time and will pay greatly. Let\'s rush a little. My work is not even half done as of now." Sylvester increased his pace.

"What are you planning, Sylvester?"

"I\'ll let my actions speak, Sir Dolorem."

Sylvester and Sir Dolorem soon arrived at the Inquisitor camp. A lot of dead bodies were placed on the ground in a few places. An extreme majority of them belonged to the Duke\'s army, however. In contrast, the dead Inquisitors had been placed in a much better place with a white cloth on their bodies. Pyres were being set up for them.

Sylvester placed Lady Aurora on an empty makeshift bed and called the healer. "She\'s out of Solarium. Everything else is fine. Feed her some strengthening potions for nutrients. They should help her."

Then Sylvester walked to the most guarded makeshift tent and placed the Duke there with metal chains bounding the legs. The man was now officially a prisoner.

"Old man?! Woah! What are you doing here?" Just then, Felix\'s loud and excited voice came from behind.


And before anyone knew it, Felix had jumped in to hug Sir Dolorem like they were childhood buddies, which they were in a way, as Sylvester had known Felix since he was eight.

Sir Dolorem laughed heartily and patted Felix\'s back. "I hope you\'re doing well, Felix. I see you have become heavier."

"Of course, I\'m a big growing boy, after all. But how did you get here? And was that armless sack of human meat the Duke? Who did that?"

Sylvester replied in the fewest words. "I chopped the Duke. Then Sir Maximus attacked, but he got his arms sliced and arrested by the Second Guardian of Light, Bloodrain."


"Where is Lord Second? I\'ve never seen him before. Is he handsome? How tall is he?" Felix excitedly asked.

Sylvester sighed, still feeling numb by how dark the Second Guardian\'s appearance was. "Imagine Inquisitor High Lord, but a foot shorter, thinner, with silver armour, the same conical hat, detailed human face visor, a lot of blood—especially coming from the eyesockets."

Felix was speechless. "...Why are all these Guardians such weirdos? The only simple one I know is Lady Aurora."

\'I ask that question myself time and time again.\' Sylvester thought.

But Sir Dolorem answered them. "It\'s because of their uniqueness. Becoming a Grand Wizard in the clergy does not automatically make one a Guardian. To be eligible, it takes uniqueness and special abilities that are not easy to beat."

"That makes sense." Sylvester agreed. "So Guardians are more about talent and not just strength? So, even if they were to fight a Grand Wizard of the same level, they\'d still win?"



"Sir Dolorem?" Gabriel also appeared and jumped on the poor blind old man for a hug.

But Sir Dolorem just smiled, and he seemed genuinely happy. After all, the man had seen them grow from kids.

But Sylvester decided to move on with the rest of the mission. "Everyone, enough talking. Now let\'s get ready. We still don\'t have the Witch in our hands. From what the Duke revealed, she\'s a vile woman. Felix and Gabriel, you two are coming. Call Bishop Lazark and Beastkin Elyon as well. Prepare two thousand men from the Inquisitors as well. We will need them to handle the crowd."

"I shall go with you, Sylvester." Sir Dolorem wished.

But Sylvester didn\'t know if he should take him. "How good are you with your abilities?"

"Defeating someone of my rank isn\'t an issue. But more than that, I have become much better at sensing clues in the surrounding."

\'So he degraded on one side but has become a better detective on the other?\'

"Alright, you can come too. Everyone, we leave in fifteen minutes, go and get ready!" He ordered and sent all away so he could speak with the Duke alone.

But before that, a certain good furry boy had woken up from his injured slumber. So Sylvester coddled the boy in his arms like a baby on his back. "How are you, Chonky?"

"Meow Meow is very good—but hungry." Miraj cutely patted his tummy while looking around with sleepy eyes.

Sylvester chuckled and handed him a banana from the side table. Then he patted Miraj\'s belly. "Boy, we have something important to do now. Remember the last time in Duke\'s castle I told you we would have one more opportunity to fill this bank? That time has come."

Miraj\'s eyes shot open, and his nostrils blew air. "Hehe… I become Rich Chonky now?"

Sylvester agreed. "Extremely rich, my lord Chonky. In pay, you shall receive an extra banana every single day—with milk!"

Miraj was on cloud nine and relaxed his body, letting his paws fall on himself and head back. "Oh, my—So much food. Chonky will be a fat lord now!"

Sylvester chuckled and patted the tummy again. "Wasn\'t it just the fur?"

Miraj grabbed his furry head with his paws. "Oh nyo!"

[A/N: Make a guess how rich Sylvester will be by the end of this arc.]


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