
Chapter 152 152. Shadow Vs Light

Sylvester felt out of breath just looking at the towering monstrous form of the Shadow Knight. Why was he here? What did he want from him? Is this what the thing talked about, all those years ago? About meeting again?

While Sir Dolorem was panicking and looking at Sylvester the whole time, trying to think if he could do anything to save him if the thing went after him. But, he could not even move, no matter what.


But, shockingly, Lady Aurora was able to move, albeit so slowly that she seemed not moving at all.

Meanwhile, Sylvester was somehow able to move even more than Lady Aurora at that moment. But he had to exert himself to the fullest. "W-What..."

The Shadow Knight slowly hovered towards the platoon\'s men. Then, as its robes brushed past one of them, the Knight\'s body started to turn into a heap of ash. The Shadow Knight then moved to the wizard named Phobos, just beside Sylvester, and once again turned him into ash--slowly falling apart.

It moved towards the back and killed more, but Sylvester could not see it anymore. He could only hope that the creature does not come after him or those close to him.

No sound was made, and no screams echoed. The forest was absolutely silent, and the sky starkly dark. The shadow knight mercilessly killed without making any remark. The freezing cold made all those who survived to sense death, too, as they felt their eyes heavy--frozen. Blood in their veins got colder, and it felt as if a burden fell heavily on their shoulders.


Sylvester heard hissing from behind him. It was too close, and raised his hair instantly. \'Fuck! Is he close? I can\'t even see it... what\'s he doing? Does he want me?\'

He tried to turn his face with all the strength he could muster. Eventually, he could only turn an inch, but that was enough to notice the fluttering black robes behind him, close enough to touch and turn him into ash.

Then, for the first time, Sylvester heard clear words from the Shadow Knight. Although they seemed like whispers full of death and coldness, they were clear.

"I remain the same--but look what you became--the height your sins have reached."


If there was any confusion, it was now clear. He was also the target. But why? He could not remember ever harming someone for his sadistic desire. It was always for his own survival, and those he killed were far from kind folks. \'Is this for Romel? For that Count\'s family? But that wasn\'t my decision to make.\'

"Take your last breath--to greet death..."

Sylvester felt a sharp pain in his back, but it was cold. So cold that he just couldn\'t sense the part of his body on the back once the pain registered. It was like a dead spot.

"Arghh..." He grunted and put his everything in moving away. With that, like a raging beast, he roared. "My light will--stop you, shadow knight!"


He used every ounce of magic to let solarium release from his body and shine all around him in bright golden light. His whole body turned into a torch at the moment, a new sight for all as he had never done something like this.

Every pore in his body released the light and made the coldness around turn into warmth--letting all around him take a fresh breath.

But, Sylvester felt the light had some effect as he could now move better, albeit still struggling--but faster. So he jumped forward and got away from the Shadow Knight.

"What do you want? I have not sinned; I follow the word of the lord!"

The shadow knight flew towards him, slowly as it appeared Sylvester\'s light was affecting it in return. "Faith or wraith, sins do not discriminate."

"Sylvester!" Lady Aurora seemed to somehow get up. Her sword remained in her arms, ready to strike and help him.

But Sylvester knew she was not a match for this creature. On top of that, he could not use the Wrath of Heavens there as the allies were too close. And the coldness increased as the Shadow Knight tried to get closer to Sylvester.

"Stop! Don\'t indulge it! You are no match... for it... Ugh!" He fell to his knees as the Shadow Knight reached arm\'s length from him. The creature seemed to use more strength on him now as the coldness increased at least five times. Even while emitting light, he felt weak and cold.

\'Fuck! I can\'t let this fight go on here, or Sir Dolorem and the rest will die from the cold anyway.\'

He noticed Chonky was also frozen on his shoulder, jaws wide open. "Give me the bag."

Chonky did whatever it could and vomited the bag they got from Pitfall town. After that, Sylvester pushed Miraj away to the ground as he didn\'t want to risk his life.

Then, he looked towards Lady Aurora, his face contorted in pain from the wound on his back. He still couldn\'t feel the back of his body. "L-Lady Aurora... Look for me, please...."

"Wha-at?" She struggled to stay conscious.

Sylvester didn\'t answer and closed his eyes. Next thing they knew, an immense explosion resounded, and fire appeared under Sylvester\'s feet--so strong it shined brighter than his light, and its warmth instantly relieved those around--making them sense the warmth abound.

But all their minds could feel was dread as Sylvester\'s body flew into the sky like a spear and vanished soon after. They knew he was saving them by luring the legendary Shadow Knight away--he was giving himself for their sake. Shame--utter shame was all their thoughts could make.

The Shadow Knight shockingly changed its movements and flew away deeper into the forest towards Sylvester\'s direction so fast they could only notice blur.

This made them realise that the Shadow Knight had not even started to use its full power on them. It was merely toying this whole time, using its mystical powers to make them freeze.

Eventually, the noise around them seemed to return, the sky appeared to shine with the moonlight again, and the owls sang once more. The bonfire in the middle of the camp slowly made them feel warm again and move.

"Fuck! Fuck! We need to go fast!" Felix was the first one to stand up and shout in anger and fear. "I won\'t let that bastard put himself at harm each time for our pathetic weak lives! Get up!"

His frustration was evident as the events of the past were still fresh. During the Sphinx Town bloodling, when the Void Keepers came, and now. Each time Sylvester saved them, all they could do was watch or assist him from afar.

Sir Dolorem looked towards the sky at the trajectory Sylvester flew off to. "We need to be careful not to become a liability instead. I believe we need as many light crystals as possible."

"Where are we going to get those?" Gabriel asked.

"I have them!" Sir Dolorem blurted and showed a large bag full of said crystals. But at the same time, he was praying to the lord. \'Thank you, guardian angel--with you; I can help Sylvester.\'

It was Miraj who was scared the most. Sylvester was everything to him--his family, and all he could do when frozen was watch in fear. Sylvester was gone, and all he could do was wish he was safe.

Thankfully, he could help the people around him. And thanks to Sir Dolorem\'s cryptic messages, he could give them what they needed to go after Sylvester.

Lady Auror was frustrated and angered. She started to tap on her armour in different places, activating some runes and preparing to fight and give her all. \'Father will kill me if Sylvester dies here. Why did it have to attack him?\'

"Let\'s move! Leave everything you don\'t need to fight and march behind me." She ordered them. "Sir Dolorem, how many crystals do we have?"

"Nearly two hundred."

"Give five to each one..." she paused as her gaze fell on the various swords left on the ground. "So, out of twenty-five, only ten survived in the platoon? Ugh... this is a mess. Give five crystals to each and move."

Gabriel stepped forward first, however. "I can use light magic. Give me Solarium crystals if you have them instead."

Sir Dolorem nodded and acted like he was fiddling in the bag behind him. But then, suddenly, a bag appeared in his palm. "I have some--Sylvester handed them to me a while back."

Quickly, they were all armed to the teeth and prepared to move. But first, Lady Aurora moved to each one of them and tapped a few times on their armours. "I am placing anti-cold enchantments on your armours. I believe it\'s going to snow soon."

She was the strongest member among them, and her experiences speak for themselves now. Nobody objected to her taking over the command of the situation.

"Priest Felix! I know you\'re angry but don\'t do something foolish." She glared at the tall wizard-knight.

Felix nodded. "Let\'s just move now, please!"

And as they moved, as Lady Aurora guessed, it snowed.


Unknown distance away, Sylvester fell like a meteor in the middle of the forest and burnt away hundreds of trees in a large radius around himself.

"Why do I have such rotten luck!" He cursed and prepared to huddle himself there until the morning, as night was the only time the Shadow Knight appeared.

Thankfully, since he was away from the Shadow Knight, the sky was clear, and he could move easily. So he started to take out all his light crystals and put them around himself in a circle. He then placed rows of solarium crystals behind them.

Over half of his bag emptied in one night, thousands of gold graces gone instantly. But as long as he lived, he could earn.

Quickly, he created a dome of light around him, using his own light manipulation to solidify the light from crystals. This way, he could conserve his own magic while keeping a shield around himself.

"Ugh!" He sat down and felt pain all over his back. So he touched it and felt as if a part of his back was made of rough sand. He could not feel any touch on that part, as if it was dead. "Did he kill the cells of that area?"



Abruptly, his thoughts returned to the matter. Out of nowhere, like a spear, the Shadow Knight appeared in front of the light dome and collided with it. Instantly, the dome cracked but didn\'t fall apart.

"Damn it!" Sylvester realised the thing was far stronger than the last Bloodling he fought.

He had to use his own magic now to reinforce the shield.



The shield cracked again, and yet again, he had to exert more effort to repair the damage. Not to mention, the coldness had returned and was slowly reaching his body.

\'Is this going to be it?\'

"Why are you after me when far more villains exist outside?" He asked the thing.

The Shadow Knight stopped and stared at Sylvester with shining white streaks similar to eyes. There was silence for a while, but the dread only increased.

"They may be sinners--but the prospect of your sins overshines all others."

Sylvester felt sweat dripping down his forehead even in that cold. "Because I have high talent, I am a bigger sinner? How can you be sure? Can you see the future?"

But the Shadow Knight spoke no more words, and the only reply was another wave of body slams from it.

Sylvester gritted his teeth as he noticed the exhausting solarium in his body. "Fine... I will use it then."

He took a long breath, raised his right palm beside his chest, and aimed toward the Shadow Knight. Then, the chants of hymns started resounding with the halo behind his head.

♫Return to the depths of hell below,

Take this ray of light I bestow,

You vile pest, risen from the shadow!♫



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1 Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.


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