
Chapter 146 146. So It Begins

The Portrait turned out very nicely by the end of the day. Sylvester just took it and headed home to show it to Xavia. She loved to collect anything Sylvester-related.

But as he arrived, he noticed a few clergymen were also climbing the stairs and stopped in front of his apartment\'s door. He instantly turned serious and prepared to react if anything happened.

"How may I help you?" He walked up to them. From their rank plates, all of them were Master Wizards, and according to their Mitre, one was a Bishop while the other were Archpriests.

"Lord Bard!" They all saluted him simultaneously as if Sylvester was their senior.

Just then, Xavia also opened the door and looked at the crowd of men with suspicion until Sylvester came forward and stood in front of the door like a wall. "Yes, that\'s me."

"I\'m Bishop Kenward from the Administration office. We are delighted to inform you that your promotion has been accepted, and I am to commission you as an Archpriest by handing you the new identity and Mitre."

Sylvester\'s mood turned better instantly. "Then come in, Bishop. I was going to leave for my next assignment in a few days, so I appreciate you coming quickly."

In the house, in the living room, the identification was handed over to Sylvester first, and the old one was burnt. Then the old Mitre was taken, and Archpriest\'s Mitre was put on Sylvester\'s head.

"As an Archpriest, you are by law to be called Sire by commoners," Bishop informed him. "But we all know commoners have no sense of rank and call everyone lord."

Sylvester agreed as he signed a parchment the Bishop brought, officially making him an Archpriest. Now, as he was an Archpriest from the Holy Land, the headquarters of the faith, he had higher authority over all Archpriests outside the Holy Land, such as those overseeing a monastery or such.

It was a little ceremony for the promotion. The real deal happens when one becomes a Bishop because then they officially become a part of the senior clergy of the Church.

As it was already turning night, the Bishop and his assistants soon left for Sylvester to celebrate alone.

He relaxed in the chair and looked at the identification. "I should be able to become a Bishop by the end of this year—as long as I do a good job."

"Don\'t force yourself too hard, dear." Xavia walked behind him and started caressing his hair, massaging it. Sylvester just melted in his seat as he felt ticklish and relaxed.

"I must force myself to reach greater heights, mum. That\'s the only way to stay relevant and important in the eyes of the clergy for me." He replied and enjoyed the massage.

She sighed and silently massaged. She felt useless to some extent, as the most she could do to help Sylvester was just talk.

Sylvester grabbed her hand and made her walk over and sit on the chair beside his. He had work for her this time, as he had also stepped into the great game. "Mum, I have decided to try and become the Pope seriously. I make no promises or guarantees that I can, but I shall give it my best. But, I can\'t do it alone; I will need allies and people I can trust—influential people in power and rank.

"You are already a Superintendent Healer, and the better you work, the higher you will go. So, I was hoping you could help me gain influence over Bright Mothers. I wish to turn them into my information network. Not for spying, of course, but just for information collection. To make a list of what\'s happening in parts of the world. If there was a murder, robbery, heresy, or a rumor about a noble."

Xavia didn\'t fluster and instead firmly nodded. "What must I do, Max?"

"Not much. You just need to ensure that the Bright Mothers feel optimistic about me. Remember, mental ideologies are not forged after one discussion. It\'s built on the back of years or hints—and that\'s what you must do. I shall, from now on, tell you all about my outstanding achievements, and you must subtly tell them to others and spread the word. You are a healer too, maybe tell stories about me to young orphans who shall one day join the clergy.

"I need the people to think of my name as a legend. Of course, I will also push things from my end by inventing a few things, but word of mouth must come from Bright Mothers as people already believe you all."

Sylvester\'s words resonated in her mind, and instantly she tried to think of how she could achieve the things that Sylveste asked her. She already knew a lot of Bright Mothers who were known to gossip, and she met young orphans and patients every day.

"Max, is this legal?" She asked.

He nodded and also shrugged. "Mum, it\'s perfectly normal. The Bright Mothers already preach the name of the Lord. And remember, what I am doing is for the sake of the faith, because as of right now, I have seen so much darkness and corruption in the Holy Land that the future looks too bleak."

Xavia trusted him and his plans, having taken the lesson from the last incident where she tried to plan things. "I will do all I can, Max. But, please guide me whenever you feel I must do something in a particular way. I… I don\'t know how to do everything you ask me to, but I will learn."

\'Not your fault. It\'s not a month\'s work to become a spy. It takes years, blood, and a lot of backstabbing to get to where I am.\' He thought.

"Anyway, let\'s stop talking about all this." He changed the topic and held her hand in his. "Tell me about your life. How is everything going? Are you facing any trouble at work?"

Xavia\'s heart felt like it was exploding, sensing his concern and love for her. She tightened the grip on his hand and nodded vigorously. "Yes! I am fine, dear. Work is also good, and the Great Mother takes special care of us. She may be very strict and sometimes scary, but she treats all of us as if we\'re her daughters and sisters. If any clergyman misbehaves with us, they get the hell in return."

Sylvester bobbed his head and just listened to her. He knew she likely had nobody to talk to about her personal problems. And if left like that, it could lead to a lot of mental frustration. But he was thankful to the Church for at least being good at one thing, which was caring for the safety of the Bright Mothers. The Church\'s no-nonsense policy was brilliant—as apparent by their willingness to erase the house of a Count.

He listened to her and replied in between until late at night, past midnight. She had so many stories to tell and people she met over time. He didn\'t feel bored or annoyed due to this, however.

After all, he may just like her and respect her as his mother in this world, but for Xavia, just like Miraj—he was the entire world.

Over the coming four days, Sylvester, Felix, and Gabriel trained with Lady Aurora every day. They were nowhere near getting any better, however, and they just get beaten up before being healed.

But the undergarment work came out nicely, despite Great Mother Grace\'s inability to get permission in time. So he decided to only hand over the ones he made for Xavia and leave for the assignment.

\'I can\'t believe I am using my mechanical engineering degree to make bras.\' he muttered as he put the final clip for the bra to maintain its front size. He also made a few more and decided to let Xavia distribute them to women she deemed were of similar size as her.

But he didn\'t talk about her size anymore and just handed it over. Though he needed to demonstrate how they could use it for which, he enticed Felix with the promise of Xavia\'s cooking.

Still, the tall, mighty wizard-knight from Sandwall felt utterly embarrassed as he stood in the living room with a bra on his robes. At the same time, Sylvester showed Xavia how it\'s used.

"There are hooks at the back which you can use to adjust the tightness around your midriff. Then you see these little metallic hooks at the front over the two thin straps coming down from the shoulder—you can adjust their length according to the size required. You may feel discomfort initially, so I have brought some herbal skin powder you can use." He explained to her in the least sexual words possible.

Xavia wrote everything down while seeing. Then finally, she was handed over a box full of similar bras.

"Keep these, mum. You can hold onto seven of them and give the rest of the thirty to other Bright Mothers you feel can benefit from it."

She took it and put it in the safe in her bedroom. "Don\'t worry, Max. I will take care of them. By the way, when will you return this time?"

Sylvester had to leave for Pitfall Town quickly now. "About a month or two. It depends on how fast I can find the killer and stop the war. But don\'t worry, I\'m not dealing with anything supernatural this time."

"Tsk… You jinxed yourself now." Felix barked from behind.

Xavia hugged him and handed him a jar of cookies, as always. "I will be waiting with more of these."

Then she went to Felix and hugged him as well and handed him a jar too. She knew the boy didn\'t have a mother, and her being a Bright Mother, her motherly instincts flared up for Felix. "You too, dear."

Felix was in a daze after receiving her hug and good luck. Then instantly, he smiled like there was no tomorrow. "Yes, Mother Xavia! And don\'t worry about Max—I shall protect him with my life!"

She chuckled and patted Felix\'s head. "Thank you, dear. But take care of yourself too."

"Well, see you later, mum." Sylvester picked up his luggage and moved out.

Both of them proceeded to the School of Dawn, where Gabriel, Sir Dolorem, and Lady Aurora were to meet.


However, as they reached midway, they noticed Gabriel coming to them, running and panting as if his life depended on it.

"You two are urgently called to the administration office! Lady Aurora and Sir Dolorem were called too!"

\'What the hell happened now?\' Sylvester frowned and didn\'t have good feelings about it.

"Take our luggage to the carriage then. We will meet you there." Sylvester handed over the items.

Felix did the same, and both made a run for the Administration office not far away. As they arrived, they noticed a lot of other Sanctum Inspectors were there. Not only that, but the Holy Army\'s commanders and Inquisitors were also present. Along with hundreds of other clergymen.

"What\'s happening?" Felix muttered.

Soon, they were directed to head to the Great Hall of the building, where sometimes large-scale events occur. From large-scale award ceremonies to rituals.

As they reached it, they saw a vast crowd had gathered there. Clergymen from all sorts of departments were there, each being ranked high enough to be in charge of something.

Thankfully, there were people guiding them to their respective sections, so they soon reached the Sanctum Inspectors section and took seats among the old men.

At the end of the hall was a small stage on which stood First, Third, Fifth, and Tenth Guardians of Light in a row, facing the crowd. In front of them stood all the Sanctum Council members, and then finally, at the frontmost was the Pope, looking at everyone settling down.

Saint Wazir and all the other clergy members on the stage were standing in full attire with the Mitre. Not only that, but they were also wearing light armor over their robes.

Slowly, all the noise and movements stopped in the hall as everyone took a seat. Then, Saint Wazir came forward instead of the Pope to speak to all.

"Attention to all, this announcement holds great importance for the future of the faith. All of you are members with the authority and power to decide certain things. Henceforth, your responsibility will be to ensure there arises no possibility—of heresy."

The man then unrolled a parchment pasted on red silk and announced it even louder. "On the seventh day of the first month of the year 5117 of the Lord—as authorized by the Pope, signed by the council.

"Against the creatures of the dark that endanger our realm—bloodlings that have plagued our lands. Around the world, to the faithful\'s aid—I pronounce the commencement of the seventh Holy Crusade!"


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