
Chapter 77  World War Milf

Chapter 77  World War Milf

Now that she realized she was not the only woman that was her age who was being intimate with her son, she became quite upset. The tone in her voice, as she commanded the younger girls to leave the house. Was anything but kind.

"Girls! It would appear I do not have enough ingredients to cook for this many people. If you would all go to the store and pick up what I need, it would be greatly appreciated…"

Mimi was unsure what was happening, but Ji-an could guess, and thus she quickly grabbed hold of Mimi\'s wrist, and dragged her away, not wanting anything to do with this catfight that was about to unfold.

"Well, now that we have made sure Alex is alright, I believe it\'s our time to depart. Come along Mimi, your parents are worried sick about you!" As Ji-an stepped past the doorway, she tripped and fell into the bushes that were directly outside. Causing Mimi to giggle at her misfortune.

"Jiji, you\'re such a clutz!"

After saying this, Mimi helped the woman out of her spot. Where Chun-Hei bowed and apologized for the inconvenience before leaving as well. This just left Min-Ah, Su-Jin, Sakura, and Dal, who were nervous about the idea of their mothers about to break into a complete and total bitch fest. Thus, Su-Jin, who was the oldest of the group, quickly led them away to the store, despite not having a list of ingredients to purchase.

"Come along girls… We should do as mother says…"

Thus, Alex was left all alone, with six mature beauties, all of which were staring at one another as if they intended to murder each other. Ultimately, it was Chae-Yeong who spoke up first.

"Alex, go upstairs and get dressed… We have company and your attire is completely inappropriate!"

However, Jung-Hyun wore a smug grin on her pretty face as she assured Alex that it was alright to dress the way he wanted to.

"You don\'t need to do something so trivial, Alex. It\'s not like I haven\'t seen everything already!\'

This caused Chae-Yeong\'s eyes to widen as she immediately called out to the neighbor she had once considered a friend with a hateful tone in her voice.

"What\'s that supposed to mean?"

Jung-Hyun, of course, simply rolled her eyes and giggled before mocking Chae-Yeong for her lack of memory.

"What, are you going senile? You were there when Alex stripped for us, were you not?"

Chae-Yeong instantly felt embarrassed for forgetting such an important detail, but sighed in relief nonetheless, at least until the mature green-haired beauty spoke up again.

"Of course, that was before Alex made me his mommy…"

This remark caused Chae-Yeong to enter a state of fury as she lashed out at her neighbor. Or she planned to before Kaede spoke up.

"Ara ara? I had no idea that my husband had so many older women by his side…."

This remark caused all the women, including Hae-won, to practically jump out of their skin, as they all asked the same question at the same time.


Kaede wore a smug grin on her face, as she admitted to the kind of roleplay that she and Alex engaged in every time they were alone together.

"Of course! After all, he is Sakura\'s daddy, which would make him my husband, would it not?"

Jung-Hyun simply rolled her eyes, slightly relieved that Alex wasn\'t actually married before making her own remark about what the busty Japanese beauty had just said.

"What kind of a shitty family roleplay is that? Don\'t you have any shame?"

This, of course, caused Kaede to narrow her eyes and lift her brow, as she questioned how a woman like Jung-Hyun could say such a thing.

"And I suppose forcing a grown man to call me mommy is much less shameful? Eun-Ji, you\'re going to back me up on this, right?"

Eun-Ji was the given name of Dal\'s mother, who was a great beauty in her own right. She had a smirk on her pretty face as she nodded her head and agreed with Kaede\'s response.

"Truly shameful…"

This caused Jung-Hyun to flush red in embarrassment, while Chae-Yeong joined the side against her.

"I agree… It\'s one thing if you are the man\'s actual mother, but you are simply an older woman with a Jocasta complex! To force my son to call you mother it is truly the most shameful thing I have ever heard!\'

By now Alex had decided to fuck off back to the Sofa where he sat with a six-pack of beer and a family size bag of cheese puffs. He was watching a fight and ignoring the one that was taking place behind him. Thus, he did not hear the remark that Jung-Hyun had made in her own defense.

"I\'ll have you know that Alex is more of a son to me than that little brat who betrayed me! He\'s the only family I have left and is only a few years older than my biological son! Why shouldn\'t he call me mommy?"

The other women gawked at Jung-Hyun\'s shamelessness, but it was ultimately Hee-Young who commented on the absurdity of the whole situation.

"My oh my, you peasants sure are entertaining, fighting over a young man, barely into adulthood. You should all be ashamed of yourself!"

This remark caused the other women to lash out at the wealthy and proud CEO. None more so than Eun-Ji, who despised people like Hee-Young.

"And yet clearly you have also submitted yourself to Alex like the rest of us! Don\'t act like you are better than us, simply because your husband has a lot of money! That\'s right, I know who you are! The only reason the company you are in charge of even still exists is because of the sheer volume of investments it receives from your husband every year! Without your rich husband, you would be no better off than the rest of us!"

This insult had clearly stung the wealthy and mature beauty\'s heart, and she was just about to have a total meltdown when Hae-won spoke up, she had observed the whole situation so far, but could honestly not believe what was happening and thus she was quick to voice the silent part aloud.

"Let me just get this straight…. Are all of you are having sex with Alex? Including you Chae-Yeong? Aren\'t you his stepmother!?! Do you none of you have the least bit of shame?"

It was only now that these mother hens realized that they had an outsider in the midst. Only Jung-Hyun was aware that Alex had not yet had sex with his professor, or at least, she suspected it. In truth, she had no idea what the man did when he was at school.

With this said, the event that Alex would later go on to declare "World War Milf" had only just barely been de-escalated. Because if this argument had continued any further, World War Milf would have gone nuclear. With the women finally calming themselves in awkward silence, Alex finally got up from his sofa and approached them with a smug look on his face.

"Are you girls finally done arguing? You don\'t have to fight over me, you know that, right? There is more than enough of my love to go around. So how about we all go upstairs and have a little fun?"

Contrary to what Alex was expecting the mature beauties which he had all collected simply looked at him as if he were the dirt beneath their feet, before ignoring him entirely where they went back to arguing with one another about their petty squabbles, trying to figure out just who was who in the pecking order.

"Even if Alex has accepted you all, I am the boy\'s mother, his actual mother, and therefore, I am first in his heart! And Jung-Hyun, you better knock off that mommy crap, or I swear to God I will make you pay for trying to steal my son from me!"

Jung-Hyun was just about to retort to this comment when she saw the murderous gaze in Chae-Yeong\'s eyes. Clearly, this woman wanted to be the only maternal figure in Alex\'s life, and was willing to go to whatever lengths were necessary to achieve it. Thus, the woman begrudgingly agreed, as she approached Alex and flirted with him.

"Say Alex, your mommy is actually really scary… How about you call me auntie from now on?"

Alex chuckled when he saw how quickly the woman had backed down, and quickly grabbed hold of her plump ass, before kissing her in front of the other women, which drew all of their ire.

"Okay, Auntie Jung-Hyun…"

Despite wanting for Alex to stop calling the woman\'s mother, Chae-Yeong was quite bitter that Jung-Hyun was given such an intimate title. And immediately reacted in an irrational manner like women were so prone to do. She had just opened another beer for Alex but instead of giving it to the man, Chung-Hyun decided to spill it all over Jung-Hyun\'s dress, which caused the woman to lash out and throw some chopped onions at her. nails. "You fucking bitch! How dare you!" Immediately, the worst-case scenario had occurred, and Alex\'s attempts to de-escalate the situation had turned out to be utterly pointless. World War Milf had gone nuclear, and five out of the six women had begun throwing food and beverages at each other while pulling each other\'s hair and scratching each other with their nails. As for Hae-won, she played the role of Switzerland in this conflict, and stayed out of it, sitting by Alex\'s side, and ignoring what the other women were doing. Alex exchanged one glance with his professor before shaking his head and sighing as he said a single word. "Women..." Seeing how this could not possibly get any worse, Alex finally had enough and stood up where he shouted at the woman in a voice filled with authority that caused them to completely cease their chaotic behavior. "Shut up and Kneel!"

By the time, his other girls returned to the home with groceries in hand, they were astonished to see that the entire kitchen had turned into a giant mess, and that their mothers were covered in filth, their hair was ragged, their makeup was running, and their dresses were torn. All the while they kneeled in front of Alex as if he were their King. Meanwhile, Alex himself was sitting on the couch, watching a fight with a beer in his one good hand, while ignoring the mature beauties who prostrated themselves before him.  

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