
Chapter 47: Nobody’s Hero

Chapter 47: Nobody\'s Hero

Alex returned to the locker room after the first fight of this little smoker tournament that Korea\'s wealthy elite was putting on to display the effectiveness of their bodyguards. And while he did so, he found his employer waiting for him. She appeared to be looking at Alex differently, as if the man actually had the talent to go far as a professional boxer, which she was quick to voice.

"You dropped that guy three times in the first round? Are you sure you don\'t want to be a boxer instead?"

A slight scoff escaped Alex\'s mouth as he shat on his own victory.

"The man wasn\'t a professional, and I had 55 pounds on him. He never really had much of a chance, especially because I went after him with full power from the start. If I went against a real boxer my own size, I might be able to last a few rounds, maybe even finish the fight, but the odds are he\'d win. I\'m a much better fighter when I\'m not restricted by as many rules…."

Hee-Young sighed as she heard this and shook her head. She was just about to say something when an explosive sound caught her attention. It was a sound that South Koreans were not accustomed to, but was instantly recognizable nonetheless. A sound that Alex, who grew up in the poorer parts of Las Vegas, was all too familiar with. It was the sound of gunfire. And not just any gunfire, automatic gunfire.

Alex immediately grabbed hold of the woman, and pushed her behind him, as he crouched down, while trying to find out what was going on. He did not know why there would be machine gun fire at a South Korean Country Club, but whatever was happening, it was an emergency. Hee-Young instantly began to panic, as she questioned just what the hell was going on.

"What is that? Is that what I think it is? Oh my God, this can\'t be happening?"

Alex simply ignored the woman, while trying to figure out what was happening, by listening to the screams. He could hear people fleeing through the country club, and the voices of several men call out throughout the hallway.

"Go on, check to see if there are any stragglers in the locker rooms!"

Knowing that whoever was attacking this facility was about to enter the area where Alex and Hee-Young were hiding, Alex immediately pointed to the woman to hide in his locker, while keeping a finger to his lips, signaling her to remain silent.

Shockingly, the woman did as he said, which allowed Alex to hide behind the entrance to the locker rooms. Surely enough, a man dressed in camouflage entered the room, his face was concealed by a balaclava, and he was holding onto a Type 68 Assault Rifle.

Apparently, his training was not too great, because he had utterly failed to clear the doorway upon entering the locker room. instead allowing Alex to sneak up behind him and break his neck with a neck crank, instantly killing the man on the spot. Once Alex had killed the man, he scavenged the man\'s assault rifle and type 81 chest rig before making sure that a round was chambered in his newly acquired weapon.

Hee-Young had watched Alex kill the man from the slats of the locker door, which she was hiding in, and had forced herself to muffle her scream with her hand. She cautiously watched Alex scavenge the necessary equipment from the terrorist, such as the assault rifle, chest rig, and a handheld radio.

Alex called out to the mature beauty who was crying inside the locker, assuring her that he would rescue her daughter if she were still alive. He had no idea what was going on outside this room, but his first priority was to ensure the safety of his employer and her heiress.

"Boss… I don\'t know what the hell is going on out there, but you stay here, in that locker, and do not leave for a single moment. I promise, if Ja-Young is still breathing, I will retrieve her and get you two out of here, or die trying…."

After saying this, Alex left the room with his type 68 assault rifle in hand. He noticed that Hee-Young\'s favorability towards him had risen quite sharply to a 45/100, which caused the man to smirk.

Currently, Alex was sweeping the halls while listening to the radio, which he had scavenged from the man he had killed, which revealed the ongoing operations of what he believed to be a bunch of terrorists.

"What about the east corridor? Is it searched?"

"Yes, the whole club has been searched. We have all the hostages located in the dining hall. Now all is left is for the Commander to contact the South Korean government and give them our demands…"

"Good, have you heard from Red Dragon yet? He was supposed to be back by now."

"Negative, I will search for him now…"

Alex smirked when he heard this, and aimed down his iron sights as he slowly stalked through the halls. He was by no means an expert on CQC, but as an American, he was well accustomed to a variety of firearms, including the AK series of rifles. And Alex had also been given a crash course on CQC by his uncle, who was a Marine that had fought in Fallujah. Thus, at the very least, he was more capable than most civilians when it came to armed combat.

As Alex made his way through the halls, he saw the guy who was sent to search for Red Dragon, which was apparently the man who had killed previously. Before the guy could even react to Alex\'s presence, Alex had raised the muzzle of his rifle ever so slightly, and aimed down his sights while pressing the trigger just long enough to fire a three-round burst into the man\'s chest. Killing him on the spot.

The gunshots crackled throughout the country club, alerting the terrorists about their fallen comrade. Which immediately caused the communications channel to light up.

"What was that! Who fired! God damn it someone tell me what is going on!"

Alex did not bother paying attention to the chaos he had caused, and instead proceeded through the hallways, where he found a small team of three men moving towards the location of where the gunshots originated from.

He quickly took cover behind a granite counter and fired a burst of bullets, immediately dropping one soldier, where the other two returned fire at Alex. The man had never been in a gunfight before, and because of this his heart was pumping like it had never done before.

Fueling his bloodstream with adrenaline and endorphins, so much so that he felt like an actual god at the moment. As Alex popped his head out from behind cover, he fired another burst, dropping the next terrorist.

After killing that terrorist, Alex fired another burst, eliminating the third. Where he quickly secured the area before dropping his mag, and inserting a fresh one from the chest rig of one of the men he recently killed.

Once he had rocked and locked the magazine, and racked the charging handle, Alex aimed his sights down towards the other end of the corridor, where he finally got on the radio and mocked the terrorists while doing his best impression of the former President of the United States.

"That\'s five, wow, okay. Are you sure you guys are cut out for this? Not to brag, but I made short work of your boys."

The sudden taunt had caused another voice to emerge from the under-end, seemingly unaware that he was being trolled. There was a very clear, cold rage in his tone, as if the man was trying everything he could not to lash out in anger.

"Just who the hell are you?"

Alex smirked when he heard this. The fact that they were asking him for information meant they had no idea who he was. Evidently, they didn\'t do their homework on the backgrounds of the bodyguards of these wealthy assholes.

Or perhaps Hee-Young had not actually submitted any professional paperwork for his employment. Either way, Alex decided to have some fun with these terrorists. Thus, he cleared his throat and made sure to continue his impression of America\'s most notorious president.

"Listen here, you little shit, my name is President Donald J Trump! I don\'t know if little rocket man sent you, but you just made a big mistake by attacking my donors! So now you have to answer to America! Good luck with that, because we have the biggest, no the best army in the world, and my guys\' guns are bigger than yours!"

After saying this, Alex shut off the radio and smirked. He could already guess by the equipment these guys were using that they were probably at the very least backed by North Korea. Thus, he knew this remark would particularly get under the terrorist\'s skin.

After trolling the terrorists, Alex continued his sweep of the halls, as he made his way towards the Dining Hall where the bulk of the terrorists were gathered, as well as any survivors of this attack who were currently being held hostage. With some luck, he might be able to retrieve Ja-Young and escape without making a bigger scene than he already had.


Ja-Young kneeled in the dining hall, while surrounded by all the other survivors of this attack. She did not know how this had happened, and so suddenly at that, but the terrorists had quickly rounded up all the hostages and held them here against their will. Currently, she was crying, her tears making a mess of her makeup.

The young silver haired beauty just wanted somebody to save her, and honestly was not even thinking about her mother who was nowhere to be found. As she cried, the leader of these terrorists was scowling beneath his balaclava. He genuinely did not know if America had sent its soldiers to intercept them, or if he was just being trolled.

But he knew the situation had changed, and because of this, they needed to act quickly if they wanted to succeed in their mission. However, that was not the worst of his current circumstances, and the man completely lost his cool when one of his subordinates approached him and informed the man about the newest predicament that they found themselves in.

"Sir, the South Korean Military has surrounded the club, and we have heard no news from the Commander. If we don\'t do something soon, we will be overrun. What are our orders?"

Realizing that escape was impossible, and that at this very moment, there was quite possibly a SEAL team stalking the halls. The leader of this group of armed combatants was quick to give out his orders. Which were as vicious as they were cruel.

"Execute a hostage and threaten the Korean army with his or her death. If they dare to breach this facility, we will kill all the hostages!"

The combatant nodded his head and approached the group of hostages, looking for the first one to kill. Where he noticed Ja-Young was crying. This girl had been a constant annoyance to him, ever since he first captured her.

And now that she was throwing a hissy fit, he figured that she had touched a nerve. Even if Ja-Young was beautiful, her attitude was pure garbage, and thus he grabbed hold of her, and tried to drag her out of the room or execution.

"You come with me! I\'ve had enough of your shit!"

Even though Ja-Young was crying, she quickly slapped the terrorist across the face and demanded he unhand her.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on me, you damned commoner! Do you have any idea who I am? I will have your head for this!"

Having had enough of this spoiled brat\'s entitlement, the man hit Ja-Young in the stomach with the butt of his rifle before dragging her off into the hallway. The entire time, she was kicking and screaming. Demanding that the man let her go.

In the end, she was kicked onto the floor, outside of the dining hall where the man raised his rifle, and shook his head before condemning the girl to her fate.

"It\'s a damn shame. You really are stunning to look at, but your attitude has been your undoing. Perhaps in the next life you can reflect on this...."

With this said, the man aimed his rifle straight at Ja-Young\'s pretty face, causing her to shut her eyes and shield them with her hands. In the very next moment she her a gunshot, and felt a splash of blood land on her face. However, it took Ja-Young several moments to realize that she felt no pain, and was instead still alive. Causing her to open her violet eyes and see that her executioner lie dead in front of her.

Meanwhile, a familiar face revealed itself, as Alex smirked and made a comment about the woman\'s dire circumstances.

"Well, it looks like I arrived just in the nick of time. Come here, my lady, and let me wipe that blood off of your pretty face…"

After saying that, Alex leaned in and wiped the blood away from Ja-Young\'s face with his thumb, before licking it off. She had never seen such a display of savagery before, and yet, the spoiled heiress was not revolted with Alex\'s actions, and instead broke out into tears of joy as she hugged the man, as if he were her hero.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! I promise that I will never call you a filthy commoner again!"

Alex did not remember Ja-Young calling him such a nasty term, but he decided that was the best compliment he could receive from the silver-haired beauty. Thus, he grabbed hold of her hand and dragged her to her feet, before informing her of the game plan.

"Alright, let\'s go retrieve your mother and get the hell out of here. By now this place is surrounded by the Korean army, and I do not want to be here when they force their way inside…."

Ja-Young looked at Alex with pure confusion in her eyes, as she voiced her thoughts aloud with an almost hysterical voice.

"What about the others? There are literally hundreds of hostages?"

Alex, however, looked at the woman as if she were the biggest idiot he had ever met, before informing her of how little he cared about the lives of those still held captive by the terrorists.

"I\'m nobody\'s hero, sweetheart. Your mother pays me to protect your family, and as the professional that I am just doing my job. Now that the two of you are secure, I don\'t give a damn about anybody else. No, I think I will leave the heroics up to those foolish enough to engage in them. Come, we don\'t have much time to escape before things get too hot for my liking."

After saying that, Alex began to walk off, leaving Ja-Young completely speechless. Naturally, as a spoiled brat, she cared more about her own survival than that of her friends, and thus, she left them and all the other hostages in the hands of fate.


Not long after, Alex entered the locker room where he had left Hee-Young with Ja-Young following right behind him. He could hear the woman\'s sobs and called out to her in a haughty tone.

"Didn\'t I tell you to stay quiet until I came back? What would have happened if one of the terrorists heard you crying in here?"

It was as if an electric shock had went down Hee-Young\'s spine, causing her to immediately silence herself, as Alex opened the locker room door to reveal his handsome face, as well as the stunning figure of the woman\'s beloved daughter behind him.

Hee-Young immediately jumped into her daughter\'s arms, and hugged the girl, causing Alex to sigh and shake his head as he watched the mother and daughter reunited. All while crying like a couple of schoolgirls.



The two women held each other in their arms, while Alex simply coughed, before alerting them of the situation they were in.

"As heartwarming of a sight that this is, I must remind you that the terrorists are out looking for us, and this building is surrounded by the South Korean Army. So how about we get the fuck out of dodge, before you two waste three hours talking about your feelings?"

Ja-Young frowned at Alex and was about to scold him when her mother wiped the tears from her eyes before nodding her head in agreement with his words.

"I am eternally thankful for all that you have done for my family, and I will make sure to reward you properly once we are safe and sound. So, please lead the way!"

With this said, Alex smirked before leading the two women out of the Country Club, ultimately escaping beyond the detection of the South Korean Army, as they fled back to their estate. After all, Alex did not want to surrender his newly acquired assault rifle, and Hee-Young did not want to have to waste eight hours of her night answering questions.

Eventually, the situation was resolved when the South Korean Army stormed the country club and killed the North Korean soldiers before they could execute any of the hostages.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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