
Chapter 26: Tsundere

Chapter 26: Tsundere

Things had suddenly changed around his home after Alex had found himself the new head of the household. His relationship with his stepmother, and stepsisters improved with each passing day. While his father accepted his role as a wage slave. And quite emphatically, I might add.

As for Alex, he continued with his daily classes at university, while also invading Sakura\'s dreams at night, slowly but surely causing her favorability rating to rise, while in all actuality, seldom meeting with the girl. However, at the moment, Alex was entirely unaware of a discussion that was taking place between two women after his class with Doctor Park was over.

Now that Alex could see South Korea\'s heroines on a mini map, he could tell that there were two heroines in this class, one was Doctor Park Hae-won, and the other was the nerdy girl he had tried to introduce himself to on the first day of his classes. Currently, the two women were alone in the classroom while having a discussion about Alex.

"Min-Ji, As the top student of my class, and the university as a whole, I feel it is your responsibility to help tutor those students who may be falling behind. Surely by now you are aware of the difficulties that Alex is having in my class?"

Kang Min-Ji appeared nervous when she heard the name Alex appear. She had obviously heard the rumors that were floating around the school about him. And could honestly say that she was quite intimidated by the man. Thus, she voiced these concerns to her teacher as she tried to pressure her into tutoring Alex.

"Mom… I can\'t… You should also have heard the rumors about that man… I\'m afraid that he might try to devour me…"

That\'s correct. Doctor Park Hae-won was Min-Ji\'s mother, which explained their similar appearance. Albeit her daughter had unfortunately not inherited Hae-Won\'s ample assets. Yet, despite the girl\'s concerns, Hae-won was adamant about forcing her daughter to tutor Alex.

"That is not a concern of mine. Min-Ji, nothing is more important to me than the performance of my class. You know as well as I that our family needs this performance bonus. Especially now that your father is lagging behind in his own classes! And that foolish boy is bringing down the entire average! You will tutor him, or else I am afraid I will have to rethink the grades on some of your recent papers…"

The threat of having her perfect grades tarnished by her mother, who was more concerned about the performance of her class than her own daughter\'s wellbeing, had forced Min-Ji to accept the role. And thus, with a sullen expression, she agreed to her mother\'s demands.

"Alright, I understand… I will approach him in the next few weeks."

After saying this, Min-Ji got up from her seat and left the room, not waiting for her mother\'s response.


While Min-Ji was having a discussion with her mother about tutoring Alex. The man himself had stopped by the Judo Club room. After all, there were more than just two heroines on this campus. And it was about time Alex began playing the field, slowly building up a relationship with multiple girls at the same time.

Thus, when he stopped by, he saw the Judo club engaging in a bit of randori, or what he, as a mixed martial artist, would call rolling. There in the center of the mat was a beautiful young woman, with dark purple hair that was tied into twin buns and bright violet eyes.

Though her figure was concealed beneath a judo Gi, Alex could tell that she was rather slender, and had breasts that were on the small side. He simply watched the woman effortlessly throw grown men significantly bigger than her onto the ground with her expert technique, which in a way piqued Alex\'s curiosity.

Eventually, the club noticed that they had a spectator causing this little cutie to approach Alex with a stern expression on her otherwise pretty face.

"I\'m sorry, but the Judo Club is closed to outsiders. Please leave…"

However, Alex would not simply accept such a demand without properly introducing himself. Thus, he reached his hand out in a friendly gesture before informing the woman of his identity.

"I\'m sorry. I was just a bit curious. You see, I\'m also what you might call a grappler, and though I have never trained explicitly in Judo before, I have learned a few of its techniques. My curiosity got the better of me. But where are my manners? My name is Alex Smith. It is nice to meet you."

Alex had introduced himself in such a respectful manner for two reasons. Firstly, he respected fellow martial artists, or at least those who trained in those few arts he would consider legitimate. Secondly, he could see what the girl liked due to the overlay of his system.

[Likes: Respect, Courtesy, Chivalry, ???]

[Dislikes: disrespect, rudeness, selfishness, and general douchebagery]

Curiously enough, this was the first time that one of the likes wasn\'t clearly listed, and was instead up to Alex to find out on his own. But Alex liked a challenge. Meanwhile, the girl gazed up and down at Alex before asking about his grappling credentials.

"You say you grapple? What arts? And What rank?"

The way this girl looked at Alex it was almost with disdain. Perhaps she expected him to be another hapkido practitioner, or maybe even Aikido. Which were "grappling" arts which she considered to be absolutely worthless. Yet when Alex spoke of his grappling credentials, she suddenly shifted her tone.

"Folkstyle wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I was a National High School D1 wrestling Champion in America, and recently received my black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu from a 4th degree black belt. But that was before I moved to Korea three months ago. I know it\'s not appropriate for me to stop by like this, but I was wondering if I could get a bit of a workout in before my next class?"

As the team captain, it was ultimately up to this girl to decide whether or not Alex could join in… But judging by the fact that the man had a gym bag with him; it seems like he had come prepared. Thus, she sighed heavily before relenting to Alex\'s request. Primarily because she was curious how effective someone with Alex\'s background actually was.

"Alright fine, get dressed in your Gi and meet us on the mat. The changing rooms are around the corner."

Alex smiled when he heard this, before bowing with respect to the woman. He then quickly got changed in his gi before returning to the mat. Unlike the judo team, who were dressed in white and blue gis, with solid black belts. Alex was dressed in a black gi with multiple red and white patches on it.

He also had a black belt with a solid red section on the end of it, symbolizing that he truly was a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Naturally, as per was custom, he bowed before stepping foot on the mat. Where he approached the girl, he was just speaking with.

The girl bowed before Alex, which was not exactly the custom he was used to before starting a rolling session, but he followed suit. The two of them then circled each other for a few moments, while reaching out to grab hold of one another\'s Gi.

Unfortunately for Alex, he was primarily trained in wrestling techniques when it came to takedowns, mostly those that involved grabbing the legs which were illegal in Judo. And though he had been trained in a few Judo throws, he was not wholly proficient in them.

Thus, he got tossed to the ground rather quickly by the much smaller girl. As She grabbed hold of his gi and threw him to the mat with a hip toss. Once on the ground, she laughed and allowed him to get back up before commenting on his lack of skill.

"I will give it to you. You\'ve got good balance, but your technique is severely lacking. So much for being a proficient grappler!"

This comment had wounded Alex\'s pride, yet despite this, he tried his best to take the girl down, in accordance with judo rules. Which repeatedly ended in him being slammed onto the mat. Eventually, the rest of the club started laughing and mocking Alex, even questioning his black belt, which he had spent over a decade grinding on the mats to earn.

It wasn\'t that Alex was a bad grappler, it\'s just that Brazilian Jiu jitsu had an emphasis on submissions and ground fighting, while most wrestling techniques were illegal in Judo competition. Thus, while obeying by Judo rules, where the moment he hit the ground he was forced to get back to his feet, Alex was severely outmatched.

Of course, the moment these bastards started joking about his qualifications as a black belt. Alex suddenly decided to no longer follow the rules. While he circled with the girl, who by now had a smug look on her face. Alex shot in for a double leg takedown, where he quickly lifted the girl off her feet. This caused her to flush, as she screamed at Alex while he carried her across the mat while she was wholly incapable of escaping.

"You bastard! That\'s against the rules!"

Yet there was an arrogant expression on Alex\'s face as he slammed the girl into the mat. Nearly sending her spirit to the shadow realm as he did so. Once the girl was on the ground, Alex quickly transitioned into the north, south position.

The north south position was eerily similar to the sexual position known as 69, with Alex\'s groin being right above the girl\'s face, and vice versa. Because of this, he made a joke which caused the girl to flush in embarassment.

"Gosh it sure smells right here..."

This caused the girl to lash out at Alex while desperately attempting to tranistion out of the position.

"It\'s the sweat!"

And though the girl tried to scramble back to her feet, the ground was Alex\'s domain. Once on the ground, he quickly outperformed the Judo black belt, as he took her back, and locked her in a body triangle. It was only after he did this that the system revealed the hidden like that the girl had.

[Likes: Respect, Courtesy, Chivalry, Sexual Aggression]

Upon seeing this, Alex did the unthinkable. While one arm was wrapped around the girl\'s throat, which she desperately pulled on to avoid being choked out, Alex slipped his free hand beneath her Gi, and suddenly grabbed hold of her right breast, which was just large enough for the man to squeeze.

The girl flushed red in embarrassment, as she had just been touched by a man for the first time in her life. And tried her best to headbutt Alex, but he was too secure in his position, and thus he began to shamelessly play with the girl\'s nipple. Until finally she bit the arm that was restraining her.

Alex did not wince in pain, and merely chuckled before withdrawing his free hand from the girl\'s breast, where he sunk in the rear naked choke, and put the girl to sleep in five seconds flat. Once he had done so, he released his chokehold, before patting the girl\'s chest, until she finally woke up a few seconds later, completely unaware of where she was or how she had gone to sleep.

It took the girl a few moments to realize what had happened. And to remember Alex\'s shamelessness. But when Alex leaned in and introduced himself once more with a charming smile on his face, she couldn\'t help but forgive him.

"Like I said, I\'m Alex. What\'s your name?"

The dark purple haired beauty looked at Alex with a mixture of hatred and interest as she whispered her name in a voice so low that Alex nearly missed it.

"Seong Nari…."

Seeing as how the girl was still willing to speak with him, even after what he did to her, Alex simply smirked as he nodded his head before posing a question he knew the girl would refuse.

"Nari… That\'s a beautiful name, so tell me Nari, after demonstrating my skills, am I allowed in the Judo club?"

This remark caused Nari to lose her mind, especially after what Alex had done to her. Not only had he violated the rules, but the man had shamelessly assaulted her. She had half a mind to report him to the authorities, and yet she did not do so. Instead, she screamed at him, like a little child who had been wronged.

"Never! Get out! I never want to see you again!"

This caused Alex to chuckle, as he stood up and walked off the mat, and though the girl seemed furious with him, he saw that her favorability rating had actually increased.

[Nari\'s Favorability: 35/100]

Upon seeing this, Alex simply chuckled once more while shaking his head. Before mocking the girl for not being honest with her feelings. Albeit in a voice so low only he heard it.



Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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