
Chapter 195

Chapter 195

However, since they departed as one big unit and only traveled in smaller groups afterward, the Heavenly Secret Hall, which was closely watching the Nine Celestial Demons Sect, easily detected them leaving Mount Lingu. Even though they had already split into multiple groups now, the Southern Sky Branch had already been informed of their movements. Choosing to take the fight to their opponents, the Southern Sky Branch deployed four of the Seven Saints.

Unaware of that, the Heavenly Killer Sects demonic practitioners crossed the border between Jiangxi Province and Hunan Province without much vigilance. The same was true for the Demonic Shadow Monarch, one of the Four Heavenly Killer Monarchs, and his four Higher Demons. Upon crossing Yichun and approaching the border of Hunan Province, an old man with a saber hung around his waist blocked their path. One glance was all it took for the Demonic Shadow Monarch to realize that the old man was not an ordinary martial arts master. Not long after, a group crossed his mind.

The Seven Saints?

You managed to recognize me, huh? Ximen Zong looked at the Demonic Shadow Monarch as if he were commending him. Where did you lot come from?

Kill him! the Demonic Shadow Monarch shouted to the Higher Demons behind him as he extended his hand toward Ximen Zong, who was just about fifteen feet away from him. A large amount of dark energy poured out of his sleeves and pounced on Ximen Zong at lightning speed. Following the dark energy, the four Higher Demons behind the Demonic Shadow Monarch attacked Ximen Zong in a desperate attempt to bring him down with them.

What a ridiculous act, Ximen Zong snorted as a dragon-shaped vajra qi surged out of him, destroying the dark energy and engulfing the four Higher Demons. The Supreme Dragon Vajra Qi, his ultimate technique, mushed them like tofu and then splattered their remains all over the place.

He learned how to use the technique after attaining extreme enlightenment in the Supreme Dragon Saber Art, the Great Ximen Familys ultimate saber art.

Ximen Zong approached the Demonic Shadow Monarch with the Supreme Dragon Vajra Qi enveloping him. The Demonic Shadow Monarch wanted to step down, but an intangible energy restrained him, rendering him unable to move. Ximen Zong made the Demonic Shadow Monarch grab his own neck.

Kuhk! The Demonic Shadow Monarch groaned in pain.

Your actions tell me that you are from the Nine Celestial Demons Sects Heavenly Killer Sect. Where are the others? Where did you decide to gather? Ximen Zong asked.

Despite the pain around his throat, the Demonic Shadow Monarch made it clear that he had no intention of answering Ximen Zong. He simply kept showing him hostility through his gaze.

Then again, you would not be a Nine Celestial Demons Sects demonic practitioner if you obediently answered, Ximen Zong said as if he already expected this to happen. He threw the Demonic Shadow Monarch on the ground.

Ugh! Still glaring at the old man, the Demonic Shadow Monarch roughly breathed in the sudden burst of air after being choked. Why did you not kill me?

Inform the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon that I, Ximen Zong, will be here waiting. If he is confident in his skills, tell him to come at me.

I doubt that is what you are truly planning. You are setting me free so you can follow me to where the Heavenly Killer Sect is gathering.

Now that you mentioned it, I could certainly do that as well. However, Id rather not put this old body of mine through such a hassle. Stop worrying about it and just deliver my message to the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon.

Ximen Zong turned his back to the Demonic Shadow Monarch, showing that he was done talking to him, and then returned to the inn. The Demonic Shadow Monarch

Observing the establishment that the Saint was walking toward, the Demonic Shadow Monarch saw another old man sitting by the window of the inn. It did not take long for him to realize that the stranger was also one of the Seven Saints. He looked around for any other important figures but found no one else.

The Demonic Shadow Monarch flew in the opposite direction of the inn after confirming that Ximen Zong entered the inn and sat across the old man sitting by the window. Ximen Zong and Zhuge Wen, who was seated across Ximen Zong, watched the Demonic Shadow Monarch run away.

I did as you said, but I wonder if the Heavenly Killer Sect will actually ambush us. Ximen Zong said.

if we managed to make them believe that theres only the two of us here, the Heavenly Killer Sect will at least ponder a little about it. Well, we cant do anything about it if they do not take the bait. Zhuge Wen shrugged.

When Ximen made his move earlier, Zhuge Wen telepathically told him to set the Demonic Shadow Monarch free instead of killing him. His plan was simple. They would provoke the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon using the Demonic Shadow Monarch and induce him to ambush them here. However, they first had to make sure that the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon would believe they had a chance of winning. Hence, Zhuge Wen asked Namgung Byeok and Jin Gwang-Cheon to go back to their guest room to prevent the Demonic Shadow Monarch from detecting their presence.

Zhuge Wen remained in plain sight because the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon could grow suspicious instead if the report stated that Ximen Zong was alone. The Saints had to show that they could confidently face the full force of the Heavenly Killer Sect.

They did not know if the Heavenly Killer Divine Demon would fall for their provocation, but since it was impossible to track and kill all the hundreds of groups of demonic practitioners, luring them in with this method could be the best they could do. If they failed, then there was nothing they could do about it.

* * *

The Two Great Slayer Kings and the executives of the Heavenly Killer Sect sat together at the border of Jiangxi and Hunan Provinces. Only the Demonic Shadow Monarch was absent.

The Demonic Shadow Monarch has reported that two of the Seven Saints are guarding the path leading to Liling, Hunan Province, Heavenly Killer Divine Demon Dok Go-Seong informed the three demonic monarchs and the Slayer Kings.

Did you just say two? Earth Killer Sect Patriarch Jo Gu-Ryang clarified.

That is correct. They also left me a message. If you are confident in your skills, come at me.

They are just provoking you to lure you in, esteemed Divine Demon. Please ignore them, Shadowless Demonic Monarch Jae Kang-Cheon said.

That much is obvious, but defeating two of the Seven Saints will be of great help to the Nine Celestial Demons Sects conquest over the Central Plains. This is also a good opportunity to increase the status of the Heavenly Killer Sect within the Nine Celestial Demons Sect.

It is too risky. The Seven Saints are Supreme-Realm masters. We may have a chance of winning against just one of them since the esteemed Divine Demon is with us, but it would be too much for us to handle two.

No. We can use the Heavenly Dark Sky Array to kill them, Go-Seong confidently argued.

The Heavenly Dark Sky Array was Go-Seongs transcendental array formation. It formed a dark space that nullified all the senses of anyone inside, including their qi senses, making it easy to kill them. Once trapped in it, even the Seven Saints would not be able to get out unscathed.

However, one would have already drunk a cup of tea by the time it has been activated.

That was not a very long time, but Supreme-Realm masters could massacre dozens of people in just a few breaths. For Go-Seongs Heavenly Dark Sky Array to succeed, someone would have to buy him enough time and prevent the Saints from attacking him. However, considering the Saints were Supreme Realm masters, even just stalling for such a short period would already be difficult.

We will use the Ten Surface Ambush Formation to tie them down.

The Ten Surface Ambush Formation was a fundamentally perfect trap that nobody could ever escape. However, it was not only used for ambushes since it could prove useful for preemptive attacks as well. The members of the Three Greatest Assassin Organizations used it when the Heavenly Killer Sect fought Mu-Gun the other day. Compared to that, The array formation that the Heavenly Killer Sects elites could create was leagues above.

Go-Seong thought that even the two Saints would have trouble escaping a properly executed Ten Surface Ambush Formation. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Killer Sects demonic monarchs were not in good condition. Otherwise, they could have doubled its power.

The Ten Surface Ambush Formation will certainly help us suppress the two Saints while the esteemed Divine Demon is preparing to unleash the Heavenly Dark Sky Array. However, we will still have to pay a considerable price in return.

At the very least, more than half of our people will die. Still, we cannot expect to take down two Saints without sacrificing that much, Go-Seong said.

If the esteemed Divine Demon wishes for it, then I will gladly comply.

Realizing how determined Go-Seong was, Kang-Cheon no longer disagreed.

There is no guarantee that only two Saints will be present, though, is there? Phantom Death Sect Patriarch Won Chang-Hae commented.

I checked the area myself, Demonic Shadow Monarch Oh Geuk-Yee immediately answered.

I am not doubting you, but we cannot rule out the possibility that they were deceiving you all this time, can we?

I agree. The Great Ximen, Guangdong Jin, Great Zhuge, and Great Namgung Families are all at the Central Plains Murim Alliances Southern Sky Branch, Earth Killer Sect Patriarch Jo Gu-Ryang said. Naturally, that also means that they have four of the Seven Saints. We certainly cannot rule out the possibility that they are all together.

Aside from us, the Myriad Poison Sect, Invincible Clan, and Sky Beast Palace are all threatening the Southern Sky Branch as well. Rather than focusing their forces on just one area, the four Saints will most likely split up, Geuk-Yee refuted.

That could certainly be the case, but there is also a chance that they are moving together to completely annihilate one faction.

Enough! There is one thing you are all overlooking right now. For us to enter Hunan Province, we have to pass through where the two Saints are staying, Go-Seong interrupted, stopping the debate. No matter how many of the Seven Saints there are, we have no choice but to fight them, and we can only defeat them if we use the Ten Surface Ambush Formation and the Heavenly Dark Sky Array.

With all due respect, we also have the option to retreat, Gu-Ryang carefully reasoned.

If we retreat now and the Myriad Poison Sect and Invincible Clan suffer losses, the Nine Celestial Demons Sect will lose all possibility of conquering the Central Plains. If the other factions of the Nine Celestial Demons Sect lose their power as well, we will no longer be able to survive. We only have one option right now. No matter how many of the Seven Saints are waiting for us, we have to eliminate them now and advance into Hunan Province, Go-Seong firmly countered, preventing Gu-Ryang from saying anything else.

Now, gather all our forces immediately and make preparations for the Ten Surface Ambush Formation, Go-Seong ordered.

We will have it done swiftly.

The four demonic monarchs and two Slayer Kings immediately executed Go Seongs command. The very same night, the Heavenly Killer Sects one thousand demonic practitioners and the Earth Killer and Phantom Death Sects two hundred martial artists marched to the inn where the Saints were staying.

On the ground floor of the inn, which was dyed black by the dark night, the four Saints gathered. Even though it was already late, they still hadnt slept a wink. After all, the Heavenly Killer Sect would most likely launch a surprise attack tonight.

I wonder if we are staying up all night for nothing, Ximen Zong ominously said.

It is not like anything will happen to us if we lose sleep for a night, so stop whining, Zhuge Wen told him off.

I hope they come soon. All this waiting is frustrating.

If the Heavenly Killer Sect attacks, then that means they believe they have a good chance of winning. It will also mean that they have something up their sleeves, so perhaps it would not be a good sign for us if they do appear, Zhuge Wen countered.

Even if so, we have four Saints here. What problem can we not solve? The Heavenly Killer Sect also probably assumes that there are only two of us, so whatever tricks they have for us will likely prove useless anyway, Ximen Zong argued.

Who knows, the Heavenly Killer Sect could have already thought that there is a chance that the four of us are together.

You think they will still attack us then?

That is why I said it might not be a good sign if they do.

Is there perhaps something you know that we dont? Gwang-Cheon asked Zhuge Wen.

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