
Chapter 267

Chapter 267

[On the contrary, the Yookryeong side is expressing their injustice at their representatives disappearance. They say it was never their intention]

Well, I can understand that much.

The voice also picks up information about well-known freelancers from the outside.

Mad Manson, a freelancer known for being quite out of his mind, is understood to have some connection with a mage called Jianlei.

Its hard to accept that Manson disappeared as soon as he contacted Jianlei, but if their relationship was not just a friendship as publicly known but a strict hierarchy, then it could be explained.

And if the voices speculation is correct, there might be a need to be even more wary of this mage called Jianlei.

Jianlei Ji, Jianlei


Hes a tricky one. Did he know it would come to this from the start?

Gathering information about a mage who has faced off against the cartel and effectively won wasnt difficult.

Even after becoming an external director, no one thinks Jianlei lost to the cartel, which in itself proves the mages skills and status.

The mix of illusion, awe, and fear creating countless stories was natural.

However, among the information the voice gathered, there was nothing true about Jianlei.

Identity, origin, past, and inside story. Not a single fact was properly known, only filled with absurd rumors.

The only officially confirmed information was about moments Jianlei wanted to reveal himself.

In a field filled with informants and tricksters, the extent to which Jianlei has cunningly and thoroughly controlled information about himself was admirable even to the voice.

There must be a reason he set foot in the fortress now, and he cleverly hid his destination amidst it.

[We can make up any justification]

Theres always a specific opponent for forced arguments.

The voice stated flatly.

What would the atmosphere be like if rumors spread that the cartels external director was snubbed and kicked out? He knows that well, which is why he boldly entered the fortress.


Having climbed up from the bottom, it seems he knows how to use his position and authority well.

The tone turned chilly.

But the game is almost entirely set. Hes come too far to muddy the waters alone. Lets see how far his arrogance can take him, Ill be watching.

* * *

No need for hesitation once the decision was made.

Explaining how he ended up getting the ticket through Chens half-sister wasnt difficult.

The woman with deep navy hair tied back looked down at the ticket for a while.

Ive heard the story.

It didnt take long for a bitter smile to appear on her lips.

The father, consumed by his desires, even sold the right to appoint the familys representative. Who would have thought it would come back in this manner.

The woman looking down at the ticket stood up and turned her back.

Im sorry for making you come all this way, but lets pretend this never happened.

Su, Sister Suryeon!!

Chen, surprised, grabbed her shoulder as she turned around.

You cant give up. This is practically a miracle.

Im not sure why hes offering to help us, but that man is from a completely different world. Hell definitely be able to break this situation!

A different world

Although Lennok understood the excitement upon hearing his words, even in the most favorable light, it seemed like an overstatement.

Lennok frowned at the praise that made his face hot, and Manson laughed heartily.

Chen, you really know nothing.

However, the woman called Suryeon frowned and brushed off Chens hand.

We cannot accept that mans offer because we do not know his reasons.

That is

Ive heard about that man too. What could a skilled and capable mage, who has a place in the cartel, possibly lack that he wants to help us?

Suryeons gaze sharpened.

After father died and the family members scattered, if I cant even protect whats left in my hands, Id have no face to show to our deceased mother.

Chen couldnt rashly continue speaking in response to Suryeons stern words.

It wasnt just a matter of pride; her rebuttal was likely the result of choosing the best reality from her perspective.

Lennok, too, could understand her position.

Given her lack of knowledge about Van, it would be difficult for her to trust him rashly, especially when help was so desperately needed and the timing of his appearance seemed too good to be true.

Lennok chose his words carefully before speaking.

I wont deny that my goals lie elsewhere.

That is!

But if I thought I couldnt properly fulfill the role of a representative, I wouldnt have sought you out from the start.

The atmosphere quieted down with Lennoks gentle words.

If youve heard of my name, youd roughly know what Ive been doing outside.

The only guarantee of trust for a freelancer is always the request and the contract.

Lennok looked at Suryeon and smiled faintly.

If we can clearly define what each of us wants, perhaps we can have a more constructive conversation?

It all comes down to trust.

While Lennok, who is following the traces of the Guido sect, is sure that the Oryun family is not connected to the sect,

Suryeon, on the other hand, would find it hard to place such trust in Lennok.

However, the solution itself is not so difficult.

As Van has openly shown his face while entering the fortress, proving his actions to Suryeon shouldnt be hard.

At least on the surface, Van is nothing more than a suspiciously capable freelancer wandering in search of space-time spells or artifacts.

If they can guarantee each others identity, Lennok could become the most suitable representative right here and now.


Chen grasped the hem of Suryeons clothes with a stiff expression.

This might really be an opportunity that wont come again.

If he intended to kill or betray us, he wouldnt have chosen such a troublesome method.

My reputation

Is it that notorious?

Mansons laughter grew louder beside a murmuring Lennok, unfazed by the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Chen firmly stated,

I will take responsibility and vouch for Vans identity and abilities. If you wish, sister, Ill write a pledge.

You would go that far

Suryeon muttered with a greatly shaken expression and eventually let out a sigh.

It didnt take long for a decision to be made.

* * *

So, what do you plan to do?

What do you mean?

After Lennok accepted the position of representative for the Oryun family, Suryeon began to gather the family members again as if she was determined.

Clinging to an already crumbled family may seem foolish, but if its about rebuilding, people and resources would surely be needed.

Sitting on the rooftop observatory of the old wooden mansion, Lennok watched people appearing at the mansion one by one.

You know that these people wont be of much help, practically speaking.


Perhaps because he was born a businessman, Chens perspective and conclusions were somewhat different from others.

The gathering of family members to equip the clan with a just cause and organizational strength.

Regarding the effort Suryeon was putting into as soon as she sought a representative, Chen had already concluded it to be an action without much meaning.

Not because he didnt understand the importance of a cause or the prestige of an organization, but because he didnt think it was entirely beneficial in the current situation.

And not mentioning that judgment to Suryeon alone showed Chen had the qualities of an excellent businessman.

Before replying, Lennok took out a cigarette from his pocket and offered it.

Want one?


Chen accepted the cigarette with a reluctant expression, and Lennok flicked his finger to light it.

The cigarette lit up without even being put in the mouth or drawn upon, a bizarre sight that made Chens face change weirdly, but he still quietly smoked it.


You didnt have to take it if you dont smoke.

No, I do smoke occasionally.

Chen coughed out in succession as he replied.

Smoking or not is quite important when doing business, so there are quite a few times I join in.

So, you dont like it.

One cant always do what they like.

Chen said, looking down at the night view of the fortress with a complicated gaze.

Everyone is like that The only difference is how much one acknowledges and conforms to that fact.

I ran away from the family because I couldnt accept that fact. Sister didnt. Some might think its a matter of birth, but I knew. Sister also wanted to leave the fortress just as much as I did

Lennok silently listened to Chens monologue.

He had noticed that Chen wanted to talk about Suryeon.

The father, intoxicated with pleasure, discarded the familys martial arts, which she mastered alone to reach such a level. She was too precious to be tied down and rot away in this worn-out family.

Indeed, the spear technique Suryeon demonstrated at their first meeting was brief but enough to seem equal to Manson.

It was difficult to grasp the specific level, but she must have a clear understanding of what the change in magical properties entails.

If she reached that level through self-study, Chen had a point.

Thats why, if you, Van, help us, maybe sister could have given a different answer.

Is that so?

Yeah. The reason doesnt matter.

Chens gaze turned towards Lennok.

Because you are incomparable to anyone I know.

Isnt it because I have never fallen off the tightrope that I can stand in that position now?

Chens tone was calm, but his words were incredibly sharp.

I just bet that the mage wouldnt fall off the rope this time.

You must have misjudged the person. The corners of Lennoks mouth twisted slightly. If thats what you think, then youre looking at a clown, not a mage.

Leaving a speechless Chen behind, Lennok stood up.

It doesnt matter. Standing there and watching how long I can walk the tightrope isnt a bad idea.

He adjusted his coat as he started walking.

The more wealth and fame one accumulates, and the higher the position and status one attains, the greater the expectations and sense of responsibility become for Lennok.

This man wont fail, this mage will win, this person will surely solve it.

No matter how unfavorable the situation, absurd the injustice, or insurmountable the power dynamics, he will overcome it.

Its a misconception.

Lennok knew all too well that he was not that great or talented.

He was merely struggling to survive every moment, not knowing what his future holds.

And because he acutely realizes this, he is not afraid of those expectations and gazes.

What needs to be done has always been clear.

The determination held in his heart has never wavered.

He might stumble and struggle, but he will never sit down and give up.

That was all Lennok could answer to himself.

Wait, just a minute.

Chen, who had followed him down belatedly, called out to Lennok in a hurry.

So, where are you going?

A proxy war to decide the master needs the right number of participants, doesnt it?

Lennok answered.

Among the five families attached to Ilwon, the representative of Yookryeong is already on our side. If we can win over Paldoon and Samyeong, we can balance it out.

Becoming the representative of Oryun doesnt mean the work is done.

No matter how much Lennok believes in his own power, facing the representatives of the other seven families alone is inefficient and reckless.

Fortunately, Ilwon seems to think the game is over once more than half of the five families are convinced, but Lennok believed there were still opportunities left.

Chen said with a bewildered expression, Paldoon and Samyeong have completely different circumstances from us. Paldoon is not popular within the fortress, and Samyeong, on the contrary, has a powerful presence that made us hesitant to approach them, but they are indeed powerful.

It doesnt matter.

Lennoks eyes shone sharply.

His left pupil rotated, emitting a vivid purple light.

Just going to see them will give us an estimate.

* * *

The eight families of Eightfold Fortress each engrave a number in their family name.

At first glance, it might seem like a simple identifier, but it represents the order in which the families joined the leadership of the fortress.

It was natural, then, that Paldoon, the last to be incorporated, had a relatively low status.

The problem was that even this relatively low status was incomparable to Oryuns situation.

Quite grand.

Lennok muttered as he observed Paldoons mansion through a scope from two blocks away.

The mansion was similar in size to Oryuns, but the density of people was on a completely different level.

Easily over a dozen mana users. All of them are warriors who have undergone intense training, with only a couple of sorcerers to support them.

On the top floor of the mansion, there are two ancient magical forces and one emitting an exceptionally strong vitality.

Likely, these belong to Paldoons head of the family, the direct bloodline, and their representative.

Can you do it?

Chen, looking tense, and Manson, who had lazily followed Lennok, muttered in a bored tone.

[If all else fails, just taking the representatives authority would be fine but that would mean wed have to knock down Paldoons entire force.]

A familys representative is literally an entity that acts on behalf of the familys will.

However, its possible to usurp that qualification through a duel between representatives.

This is because the existence of representatives was created to smooth over internal conflicts within the fortress.

To avoid direct descendants of the eight families getting killed in disputes, a symbiotic relationship was established where benefits are shared through representatives.

The reason Lennok hasnt been too concerned about Yookryeong since meeting Manson is that once a representative is decided, the decision cannot be reversed for a month.

Considering the proxy war to decide the master is in two weeks, Yookryeong, like it or not, will have to fill their numbers.

Yookryeongs misstep in trying to elevate their prestige by employing a capable freelancer like Manson.

They likely didnt anticipate Van holding Mansons leash.

As soon as Manson spoke, Lennok stood up from the top of the stone wall.

With these conditions, we have more than enough.


The flow of mana rapidly gathering between his five fingers.

Chen and Manson, realizing his intention too late, turned pale.

Wait, just a?

[What are you trying to do?]

The moment Manson sided with me, it was as good as started. If were going to make a move, might as well go big.

Lennok answered.

At the same time, he released the compressed wave of mana from his grip forward.

Shockwave-type general magic

[Shock Buster]


A powerful shockwave exploded in front of Paldoons hefty iron gate.

The thick steel bent and tore away instantly under the attack, far surpassing ordinary physical force.


The, the gate!!

Who the hell is it!

Chaos ensued in Paldoons front yard as warriors rushed out.

And the expressions of Chen and Manson, mouths agape.

Lennok stood up with a smirk.

I hope you liked my greeting.

The proxy war had begun.

(To be Continued)

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