
Chapter 470: Sharing a Glass of Blood

Chapter 470: Sharing a Glass of Blood

Upon reaching the first floor of the castle, Daisy and Amelia see Heike greeting Elliot and Neal at the door.

"Lady Daisy." Elliot and his son quickly bow respectfully.

Neal doesn\'t think anyone would deserve such respect from the King, but he would take a beating from his father if he disrespected that \'holy\' woman.

"Elliot, my friend." Daisy slightly nods as she mentally wonders why Heike invited them. And she quickly concludes that he must be feeling unsupported around all of Lucien\'s wives.

Elliot bows again as he respects Daisy so much. "I am grateful for the dinner invitation, especially when we have such distinguished guests."

Daisy looks at Heike quickly, trying to hide her expression of disappointment. Then she smiles amiably at the King. "No problem, my friend. I just hope you can put some sense in my husband\'s head."

He notices Amelia behind Daisy and quickly bows to her as well. "My Lady... a woman of your beauty makes even the moon feel modest."

She shakes her head while laughing. "Save your compliments, little man; that\'s not how you\'re going to get my brother\'s friendship."

Daisy tries to contain her laughter as Amelia heads into the dining room. Elliot is not ashamed but motivated. He smiles at his son. "If you could only get the affection of that beautiful lady, we could unite our families."

Neal can\'t deny that Amelia is one of the most beautiful women he\'s ever seen, but his entire heart already belongs to another woman, and he\'s irritated by his father\'s suggestion.

"You know I love Rose!! So don\'t even think about trying anything!" He quickly responds, and Heike smiles as he gives him a thumbs-up sign.

But Daisy\'s expression quickly turns worried, and Elliot realizes that. "I\'m sorry, Lady Daisy, but I thought that... well, as that Lady is your friend\'s sister... that could be..."

"Impossible." She quickly speaks. "I like you, Elliot; you\'re a good friend, but I\'m afraid you won\'t survive this night if you don\'t change that kind of thinking."

"Humph!" Heike makes a mocking sound. "What\'s the problem?? That guy stole our greatest treasure, and you think it\'s bad for our Prince to make his sister the future Queen of the whole Freelands??"

Daisy feels she can\'t bear the stupidity of her husband and any man who has such intentions with Lucien\'s women anymore. [DAMN!! Why can\'t you see that you are looking for death like this?!?!]

But she still tries to help them, for all the years they\'ve been friendly to her. "Elliot, I suggest you and your son get out of my house now, or I won\'t be able to stop Lucien from killing you."

While Heike makes a repulsive expression, as if he\'s eaten the most bitter thing in the world, Daisy smiles. "Actually, I won\'t even try to stop him. Lucien is my guest tonight, and anyone who offends him in my house will truly deserve death."

"BULLSHIT!!" Heike loses patience and exclaims in anger.

Daisy crosses her arms as she makes a disapproving expression, but she\'s not surprised by his reaction as she knows him well. Elliot is really worried, while Neal looks upset with her.

Heike looks at Daisy with an annoyed expression. "First, you disappear with those girls to look for a random guy, and now you\'re back with this guy who claims to be our daughter\'s husband... that sucks already, but you\'re also so different... talking about killing our best friend and his son. What the hell is wrong with you?!?"

[I just realized I don\'t deserve an asshole like you!] Daisy thinks and immediately feels bad.

"I\'m trying to help you." She explains. "Lucien doesn\'t claim to be our daughter\'s husband, he\'s her husband, and because she chose him. You don\'t know anything about him, the problems he has to deal with, or how he helped me."

Elliot realizes that Heike and Daisy are having one of those couple\'s arguments, and he really doesn\'t want to get involved. On the one hand, he loves Heike as his brother, but he respects Daisy as the person who helped not only him but his entire people.

Then he pushes his son towards the door while making a sorry expression. "I think we\'d better leave. We can have dinner together another day, alright?"

Daisy thinks it\'s better that way, but Heike quickly gets in front of them. "No. You have to stay with me, Elliot; don\'t let me go through this shit alone!"

Elliot feels bad for his best friend. He always thought Heike wasn\'t worthy of Daisy, not because he\'s bad, but because she\'s so amazing.

And although he also loves his son, he never thought he was worthy of Rose. But Lucien is different; just by looking at him is possible to know that no one could make a woman\'s heart beat like him.

"We\'d better go, brother," Elliot begs. "I don\'t want to make trouble."

"Brother..." Heike also pleads. He\'s too scared to be in a room with Lucien and all his wives. "Just dine with me; nothing bad will happen."

Daisy has a concerned expression on her face, just like Elliot, but still, he can\'t deny support to his best friend. "Alright… I\'ll stay, but you have to promise to behave yourself."

"Hahaha..." Heike starts laughing and wraps an arm around Neal\'s shoulder as he leads him toward the dining room. "Behave in my own house? Why not? Come on; food is getting cold."

When Heike and Neal are out of sight, Elliot looks at Daisy with a sorry expression. "I\'m really sorry, Lady Daisy. I didn\'t mean to, but..."

"I know." She quickly comments. "You\'re a loyal friend and brother, Elliot. But you and he don\'t understand who you guys are dealing with. Lucien doesn\'t have a good relationship with men, especially those who think about messing with his girls. And he is so powerful... You think I\'m strong, but I\'m very weak compared to him."

Elliot is even more curious about Lucien, so he approaches Daisy and asks in a soft tone. "I\'m curious, how powerful is he?"

"Godlike." Daisy smiles. "I\'m pretty sure he could kill a God right now."

[A GOD?!?!] Elliot is shocked, and as he thinks about that, he sees Lucien coming down the stairs hugging Donna. His legs start to shake as he feels a strange cold run down his spine. [This boy?? How strong does someone have to be to kill a God??]

Lucien walks past Elliot and doesn\'t even look at him before heading into the dining room with Donna. Daisy follows them, but Elliot needs a few moments to stop shaking as he can never really understand how powerful Lucien is.

Arriving in the dining room, Lucien notices most of his wives sitting at the large dining table, which has fifty chairs.

Heike is sitting at the head while the first person on the right side of the table is Neal just before Rose, who is frowning at her father.

As soon as Rose sees Lucien, she quickly speaks to him mentally. \'I don\'t know why he\'s doing it; this is so annoying!!\'

He smiles and responds. \'It\'s alright, my dear. He wants what\'s best for you and trained this boy to be the perfect husband for you. It must be bad to see his plans go down the drain.\'

\'But only you can be the perfect man for me!\' She quickly responds. \'Comparing this boy with you is an insult!\'

\'It\'s just dinner, don\'t be mad at him.\' Lucien speaks. He knows that Rose loves her father and can see that he loves her too. Making mistakes is normal, and he doesn\'t blame Heike for that. Yet, everything has a limit, and Lucien hopes his father-in-law doesn\'t push the situation to that limit.

\'Okay…\' She sighs. \'Let\'s just finish this soon and then go back home... and you\'ll fuck me so hard until I don\'t remember this shit anymore.\'

\'As you wish, my love.\' He responds and then looks for a place to sit.

Donna sits next to Helena, and Lucien thinks about sitting next to Rose to support her. But he doesn\'t do that because he wants her to make it clear to her father who she has chosen as her husband. If he has to make that clearer, he could end up being violent, which wouldn\'t really be good for her.

Daisy notices what Heike is doing and gets even more disappointed in him. So she doesn\'t sit next to him as usual but on a chair away from the head one.

"Lucien." She smiles at him as he pulls out the chair beside her.

Heike can\'t help but frown as he is furious at that. He tries to show Daisy his expression, but she doesn\'t even look at him. Rose notices that, and her lips curve into a smile as she feels avenged.

Lucien sits down next to Daisy and smiles at her. Lust quickly sits down beside him, not on his lap this time, as she feels he needs space.

He is more and more sure that Daisy\'s marriage is too flawed to be fixed, but that\'s not a bad thing as he really wants to give her the love she really deserves.

But he can\'t do anything until Rose realizes that. So he just acts friendly. "So, what do we have for dinner?"

As soon as he asks, several servants start serving all kinds of food. The girls have fun talking while Heike doesn\'t know whether to focus on making faces at Daisy or encouraging Rose to talk to Neal.

Elliot finally joins the table and sits opposite Daisy and Lucien. He is focused on having an alliance with him, or at least not letting there be any enmity between them.

"Lady Daisy..." Elliot respectfully speaks as he pulls out a luxurious bottle of dark red liquid from his storage ring. "Albino deer, as you like it."

Daisy\'s eyes sparkle as she smiles and takes the bottle. "Thank you, my friend. It\'s my favorite kind of animal blood."

Elliot smiles too, but Heike makes a disgusted expression. That isn\'t the first time Elliot has brought blood from rare animals to Daisy, but he never gets used to that side of her.

She quickly opens the bottle, and Lucien hands her a glass; then she fills it with blood and drinks it slowly. "Ahhhh... this feels so good..."

Lucien watches the expression of pleasure on her face as a drop of blood runs down her lips. He has to control his excitement as he finds that extremely erotic.

He remembers how good Rose and he felt drinking each other\'s blood, and he can\'t stop thinking about what it would be like to have that relationship with Daisy.

"What are you looking at?" Daisy asks Lucien in a playful tone.

He smiles. "Nothing important; I was just thinking about how good this albino deer blood is."

She makes a thoughtful expression. "Why don\'t you try it?"

Lucien is not a vampire, but the Blood Pact with Rose allows him to enjoy her blood. Then he wonders if he can enjoy blood other than hers. "Why not?"

He picks up his wine glass and drinks it all in one gulp to clear the glass before placing it in front of Daisy. She is about to fill his glass with blood, but then she stops and thinks about something.

"I don\'t want you to waste a single drop of this rare blood if you don\'t like it..." Then she pushes her glass of blood toward him.

That action may not mean much to other people, but it\'s not normal for a woman and a man to use the same glass without them having a very close relationship.

Heike stares at them as he gets even angrier. He\'s sure Daisy is punishing him for not accepting Lucien, but he thinks she\'s going too far.

Lucien, on the other hand, doesn\'t think much about the glass as he\'s more curious to taste the blood. Then he takes a sip and surprisingly finds it\'s good, although extremely inferior to Rose\'s blood.

Coincidentally, a drop of blood also runs from his lips. Daisy sees that, and her mind acts exactly like Lucien\'s, making her imagine things…

She gets so horny that her panties start to get wet, so she quickly runs a finger over that drop and drinks it. "No waste, remember?"


Everyone sees that \'inappropriate\' act and is silent while they can hear the heavy breathing of Heike, who now looks like a mad dog about to jump on Lucien\'s neck.

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