
Chapter 45 - This Is A Warning

Chapter 45 - This Is A Warning


A mischievous smile broke out on his lips again, sending a chill down Duan Tian’s body. Immediately it came, it vanished and was now replaced by the cold chilling look of before.

"This is a warning, the next time you so much as try to hurt a hair on her head, I would not let you off as I did today." His deep voice came off cold and authoritative like he owned the world, sending fear into the hearts of those who heard him.


"This is not the end. Do not think you have won. Just you wait. I would make you pay, both of you." Duan Tian threatened as he got up on his feet.

He trailed his eyes over the two of them and his eyes did not miss Ye Cheng’s still half-naked body, making him jealous of how structured the other guy was.

"Do yourself a favour Duan Tian and make sure you and Li Xiu do not show yourself in presence again. I wish you both a happy married life in hell," Li Jing chipped in as she watched Duan Tian leave in anger.

By the time he was out of sight, she let out the breath she did not know she was holding in. She could not believe what had happened just now. Her bravery, her boldness, her confidence, just name it...

They were all new to her. Ever since this morning, she could feel her adrenaline rushing in her body and she became bolder and let her feelings out.

’Perhaps this bad vibe wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. I could tell Duan Tian how horrible he is.’

"If you are done feeling shocked at yourself, you would consider coming inside." Ye Cheng’s calm voice broke her from her trance and she stared at him.

His hands on her arm finally slid off and released her from his hold. Just as he was about to turn and go inside, he felt a tug on his elbow and his eyes trailed down to where her small fingers held his elbow.

Without saying anything, he trailed his eyes back to hers and saw her nervously looking down.

"Thank you," her small voice broke out in a low voice. She was feeling ashamed that he had to witness something like that about her and hear all those names she was being called.

That wasn’t the only part. She felt bad that he had to be insulted because of her. ’Did that idiot Duan Tian even know the meaning of a gigolo? Sigh, I am in this situation now because his mouth is as lousy as his male organ.’

"You do not have to thank me. I only did the right thing. No man born of a woman should hit a woman. It only proved how low he is. Cheer up, you did great standing up for yourself."

Without uttering any more words, Ye Cheng bent down and helped her pick the groceries on the floor and carefully placed them back in their bags.

By the time he was done, he turned to look at her and was about asking her to close the door when she raised her hand in front of him, in a ’stop’ manner.

He shot her a questioning look and waited for her to speak. ’That is right, take your time Li Jing, but hurry. Your silence can kill someone!’ Ye Cheng complained in his mind while on the outside his expression gave nothing away.

She dropped her free hand and raised the one holding unto the men’s clothing shopping back in front of him.

"Here, I know it is not much, bought I am sorry for throwing away your shirt without permission and a pair of trousers as compensation."

At her last words, she lifted her eyes to his and managed to put on her best smile.

Ye Cheng was speechless and at a loss of words. This girl never ceased to amaze him. "No need to say thank you. I do not know if it fits, but I hope I guessed right. Take, go try it on."

Before he could react or say anything, she took the grocery bags from him and pushed the bag containing the new clothes in his hand then pushed him away.

As Ye Cheng left, he was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he just got treated like a child his mother got new clothes for and was asked to try them on, by a small girl.

With that agenda done and the door slamming shut behind him, Li Jing let out a small yell and held her chest with her hand.

"Phew! That was a little bit hard." Her mind trailed off to his dumbstruck expression a while ago and she smiled to herself before proceeding to take care of the groceries and making dinner.

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