
Chapter 1017 Samsara of Sin and Man. Full Power

Chapter 1017  Samsara of Sin and Man. Full Power

A scream of rage emerged from the Specter of Revenge as it lunged toward Ravakir, full of murderous intent.

It was so fast that the Echo of Doom could not dodge it and was forced to use both of his demonic hands to stop the giant maws from closing on him.

Ravakir\'s eyes were cold as he stopped the specter\'s maws from devouring him, and he could not believe things ended up like this. The fact that Venganza was able to turn his attack\'s nature from fear to revenge proved whose Eternal Flame was mightier. To members of the Sky Demon Race, that was the same as learning that you were in the lower echelons of the food chain. After all, they were emotions made flesh, and it seemed like fear could not defeat revenge.

Ravakir could not understand how Venganza\'s mastery over the Sky Demon Race fighting style could be so high. By what he saw from the Daybreak Army, the Revenge Thearch was the only of the race that truly reached the Fourth Realm.

The Knight failed to understand that there was a sacred cultivation place in the Daybreak Universe that held the essence of the Depravita Race, allowing Venganza to understand the nature of his powers and origin truly.

Of course, Ravakir knew that the true key to Venganza\'s superb abilities and mastery was that samsara wheel, a power that was clearly above his cultivation stage.

However, the Knight could not let himself lose focus and needed to take care of the spell.


The Echo of Doom made his energy explode, and he unleashed blasts of dark gray flames from his palms, breaking the Specter of Revenge in half.

Unfortunately for the Knight, he had just shattered that amalgamation of broken souls when Venganza appeared in front of him.

The Revenge Thearch\'s body was blazing with dark red flames as he punched the Echo of Doom\'s body with all his power.

It was only the impact of two fists, but Ravakir felt as if two suns were exploding in his chest, and that was just the beginning.

"¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!"

Venganza unleashed a barrage of strikes against Ravakir, with every punch and kick bathed in the Eternal Flame of Revenge and the Annihilation Truth.

Ravakir could only defend against that overwhelming onslaught since he could not break Venganza\'s momentum. It was not just the power of the Revenge Thearch\'s attacks, but the nature of his movements was constantly changing due to the samsara wheel behind his back, making it impossible to find a pattern.

The Samsara of Sin and Man kept rotating as the energy emerging from Venganza\'s body increased.

One hundred thousand years ago, during the Ultimate Multiversal War, the Revenge Thearch needed to fuse with the other members of Sundering Night to use the full power of his Samsara of Sin and Man, but things had changed.

Every member of the Depravita Race that mastered a Concept related to one of the Seven Original Sins had deposited a small piece of their souls in the Samsara of Sin and Man, allowing the phenomenon\'s power to evolve to the next level!

Venganza and Zatiel were the same person at a point in their lives. However, upon the split, while the True Name remained with the Samsara Thearch, the Revenge Thearch kept some of that essence, giving birth to the Samsara of Sin and Man.

Understanding all that, it was no wonder Venganza could unleash such an overwhelming power. It might not be enough to face Nihilak, but it could dominate the arrogant Knight.

"Sinful Nexus Eternal Combat!"

Venganza shouted as he burned all the energy in his body and set his life force ablaze, triggering his most powerful battle state as he channeled all the power of the Samsara of Sin and Man.

Venganza unleashed a symphony of sin-infused combat styles, each connected to the original seven sins and amplified by the blazing power of the Eternal Flame of Revenge. As he faced Ravakir, the Echo of Doom, his movements were a fluid dance that seamlessly transitioned from one style to another, leaving no room for his opponent to predict his actions.

First came the Lustful Tempest Style, a sultry and entrancing display that pulled Ravakir\'s focus. Venganza\'s lithe figure moved with mesmerizing grace, his every step a provocative invitation to distraction. Ephemeral tendrils of dark energy laced with the Eternal Flame of Revenge reached out, their touch searing into Ravakir\'s senses. Caught between desire and discomfort, the Echo of Doom momentarily faltered, and that was all Venganza needed.

Swiftly, he shifted into the Wrathful Inferno Style, a torrent of anger-fueled strikes that erupted like a volcanic eruption. His fists became blurs as they rained down upon Ravakir, the power of vengeance enhancing every blow. Each impact left trails of smoldering darkness, searing into the Echo of Doom\'s flesh and soul. But Venganza was not finished.

Transitioning into the Greed\'s Avarice Technique, Venganza\'s eyes gleamed with a cunning light as he manipulated space around Ravakir. Illusory images of wealth and power shimmered around them, enticing the Echo of Doom to grasp at false promises. In his greed, Ravakir exposed vulnerabilities that Venganza exploited with precision strikes. The darkness of the Eternal Flame of Revenge twisted around each hit, ensuring the damage went beyond the physical.

As Ravakir\'s defenses weakened, Venganza adopted the Sloth\'s Lethargy Form, his movements becoming lethally deliberate and minimal. He lured his opponent into believing he had grown fatigued, only to strike with sudden, blinding speed. The Eternal Flame of Revenge roared to life, imbuing his attacks with a destructive force that shattered Ravakir\'s focus and defenses alike.

Yet, Venganza was not satisfied. He shifted into the Envious Mirage Discipline, casting illusory shadows that danced around Ravakir. The Echo of Doom swung at phantoms, leaving himself open to Venganza\'s true assault. The strikes were a symphony of envy, weaving through the spaces between realities to find their mark. Each hit resonated with the sensation of stolen power, sapping Ravakir\'s strength with every blow.

Venganza\'s body trembled at this moment as the energy demand and pressure the spell put over his body was overwhelming, but he clenched his teeth and carried on. He had to take full advantage of this chance, even if it meant burning his soul.

Urging his energy and life to give even more, Venganza tapped into the Gluttonous Devourer Stance, a style that harnessed the insatiable hunger of gluttony. His movements became voracious, each strike infused with the relentless craving for more. The Eternal Flame of Revenge enveloped his blows, its fiery hunger consuming Ravakir\'s defenses with each impact.

With a final, devastating transition, Venganza invoked the Prideful Dominion Art, asserting his dominance over Ravakir. His every movement radiated authority, and his attacks were executed with a regal command that shattered Ravakir\'s will to resist. The Eternal Flame of Revenge surged to its pinnacle, its flames devouring everything in its path as Venganza\'s strikes bore down on the Echo of Doom.

Everything started with a single flaw by the Echo of Doom, trying to trick Venganza into facing the specter and being poisoned by the Eternal Flame of Fear. It was like a domino effect, with every attack of Venganza pushing the next piece down, and it was finally time for the culmination.

"Samsara of Sin and Man: Avenger\'s Sundering Cannon!"

Ravakir felt how Venganza put both hands over his chest, and the next second, a blast of dark red flames burst point-blank, sending him hurling through the parallel dimension. The Echo of Doom puked mouthfuls of blood as a huge hole appeared in the center of his body.

The wound was so bad that it almost split Ravakir\'s body in half!

Venganza showed a cold smile, and just as he was about to flash torward Ravakir, he felt intense pain all over his body.

Sinful Nexus Eternal Combat\'s power could not be denied, but it was a skill that only someone at the Peak of the Middle Stage should be able to deploy. Venganza managed to use it thanks to the power of Samsara of Sin and Man, but there was a potent backlash.

Ravakir was able to use the time to regain control over his body, but his condition was truly dire. There was rage and indignation as he saw his wounds and understood he was the first to experience a loss on this battlefield.

Of course, there was still a lot of energy left in the Echo of Doom, but he could not win a battle against Venganza in this condition.


Just as Venganza and Ravakir exchanged glances, they heard the sound of breaking armor. Both turned their eyes toward the fight between Ezequiel and Tormentras.

The Emptiness Thearch\'s Entropy Cosmic Freedom Fist and Bringer of Exitincion\'s Cosmic Enslavement Slash had collided hundreds of times.

Now, the armor of Tormentras had finally given up, breaking to pieces and showing the Knight\'s body.

The loss of the Knight\'s armor should be a good thing, but Venganza immediately felt that something was wrong when he saw the smile on Ravakir\'s face.

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