
Chapter 983 Nork And Zork

The force fields were golden and dark, like day and night, and it was not just their age, the one that was shocking since their combined size was not much less than the Daybreak Universe!

A vacuum arose around the force fields since the forces that were unleashed did not simply push away the waves of chaotic energy but disintegrated them. 

Even Peak Initial Stage that reached this place did not usually dare to get anywhere near the force fields since not only was the destructive power in them overwhelming, but it could affect the mind of anyone near it. 

Zatiel\'s eyes glowed as he focused on the force fields, slowly seeing beyond the simple clash of energy and witnessing their true essence. 

What appeared in the sight of the Samsara Thearch were no longer force fields but massive humanoid life forms with bodies full of muscles and large fangs emerging from their mouths. 

They were in the midst of a ferocious battle, attacking the other with all they had. The one that generated the dark force field applied distraction and attacked as soon as the enemy looked away, while the other simply hit when you were looking at him.

While the battle between two humanoids as large as universes was impressive, the way in which they did it was also extremely simplistic.

"Nork, smash!"

"Zork, shatter!"

After being able to see their humanoid figures, Zatiel was also able to hear their voices. 

"Nork, kick!"

"Zork, block!"

However, despite showing the ability to speak, the only thing that each of them said was their name, followed by whatever action they would take next. 

The Samsara Thearch could not help but frown since the way Nork and Zork behaved and fought belonged to children, not gargantuan and ancient entities with the power to level universes. 

After pushing his third eye to the limit and also using the forces of the Eros Eye and Thanatos Eye, the Samsara Thearch was able to find the reason behind Nork and Zork\'s simple-minded nature.

"They are dead."

Despite fighting with ferocity and shouting in rage, both humanoids were actually dead. What Zatiel saw was a remnant left behind after their demise.

Nork and Zork were so powerful that even after dying, the energy and forces left in their remains altered space-time, generating dark and golden force fields that have existed since time immemorial.

"Late Stage?"

Zatiel could not believe that anyone beneath the Late Stage could generate this type of event, and it made him approach things with much more caution. 

Late Stage Fourth Realm life forms were entities capable of Reality Override, capable of influencing reality with their minds to the point that the time flow meant nothing to them. Their souls were so powerful that they should be able to see into the future and deduce every possible outcome of their decisions.

It was hard to believe that an entity with such an overwhelming power had just perished, much less two.

From what Zatiel was seeing, the most likely cause for Nork and Zork\'s death were each other. They must have fought with such an intense desire to kill the other that, in the end, both perished, leaving the remains of their consciousness behind to continue the battle until the end of times.

Of course, that could be wrong, but Zatiel did not really care what left them in this state. What he needed was a way to capture both of them, so he could refine them and use them as a prime matter for two new weapons. 

The first thing that Zatiel did was send his consciousness toward the force fields, trying to encompass them. If he could do that, sealing them would be much easier.

Unfortunately for Zatiel, problems started from the beginning. His consciousness was strong enough to resist the destructive energy the clash between the golden and dark force field unleashed, but that was not the real problem.

As soon as his consciousness made contact with the force field, a force began to invade his mind, rapidly diminishing his cognitive abilities and making all his wisdom and intelligence rust. 

The Samsara Thearch\'s eyes began to lose their sharpness, and an expression of utter ignorance appeared on his face as if he did not know where he was or what he was doing, only watching the pretty light in front of him without a care in the world.

A burst of force emerged from the Eternal Flame Pupil and Samsara Pupil, allowing Zatiel to regain his cognitive abilities momentarily, fighting off the powers of the force fields. 

It would not last long, so Zatiel acted fast, retracting his consciousness and sealing off every path to his mind, ensuring the powers of the Nork and Zork could not affect his intellect again.I think you should take a look at

The Samsara Thearch\'s apprehension toward the force fields grew after that experience. Any other Middle Stage life form would have lost their mind facing the powers of Nork and Zork, and he only managed to endure due to the core of his soul being his True Name.

\'I can not interact with the force fields using my soul force or any type of spells or technique that will grant them a path to my mind.\'

After ensuring he blocked every path to his mind, Zatiel focused again on the golden and dark force fields, figuring out another approach.

Zatiel took a deep breath and raised both arms as he channeled the powers of the Samsara Pupil and Thanatos Eye. 

"Infinite Destroyer!"

The power of a Fourth Realm Omnipotent Spell emerged from Zatiel as a giant sun formed above his hands. It grew larger and larger until becoming so massive that it could act as the core of a super universe, giving it energy for an entire Epoch, but that was not the goal of this spell.

Zatiel\'s Thanatos Eye glowed, burning the massive sun\'s fuel so it could no longer support its mass and collapse, essentially pushing it to its death. 


The sun\'s death brought a massive supernova that extended for billions of light years, incinerating every stream of chaotic energy in its path.

Despite being right next to the blast and taking it head-on, the golden and dark force field managed to endure the supernova blast with relatively little damage, which began to heal immediately. 

Zatiel noticed how little effect the supernova had on the remnants of Nork and Zork but did not care since he never intended to harm them. The supernova was just a means to an end since now his Fourth Realm Omnipotent Spell was showing its true form!

"Samsara Devourer."

Now that the sun was gone, what appeared above the Samsara Thearch\'s hands was something completely new. It was an immense vortex of swirling energies, surrounded by a veil of shimmering lights that danced with the colors of the multiverse.

It was not just a black hole since the powers in the phenomena Zatiel was currently holding above his palms were a celestial marvel of immense gravity and awe-inspiring power that defied the boundaries of existence and non-existence. 

The event horizon of the heavenly body was dark purple with golden runes but also a small stream of white fire revolving around it. 

Zatiel knew that the White Sun Pupil\'s power was needed if he wanted to trap the phenomenon born out of the remains of two Late Stage Fourth Realm life forms. Using it directly would lead to a severe backlash, so he just drew a little of its power into the spell, not directly using it. 

Now that the Fourth Realm Omnipotent Spell was ready and at full power, Zatiel could take the next step and seal the dark and golden force fields.


A shock wave spread across the Emptiness as the black hole unleashed its power, generating a devouring force capable of affecting more than just the material plane but also ideas and thoughts. Nothing that fell in it could escape, falling under the absolute control of the spell\'s caster.

The vacuum left after the supernova filled again immediately as the black hole\'s range extended even farther, and soon oceans of chaotic energy were devoured by it.

Zatiel felt the incredible amount of energy the spell was consuming, but he did not care about it since his sole focus was the dark and golden force field.

A smile appeared on the Samsara Thearch\'s face as he saw how the black hole\'s power began to draw the force fields, but before he could get too happy, Nork and Zork stopped fighting.

Zatiel\'s eyes widened as his instincts screamed danger since the giant humanoids turned toward him, focusing their eyes on the black hole. 

Without hesitation, the Samsara Thearch cut his connection with the black hole and teleported as fast as possible.



Two bestial roars echoed across the Emptiness as Nork and Zork stopped their eternal fight to face the force that sought to seal it. 

Despite the black hole being a spell capable of swallowing an entire universe, it did not last even a second under the might of those roars, shattering to pieces. 

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