
Chapter 404 - Infernal War

"Come with me," Zatiel said before commanding the NRAI to teleport both of them to the void above the White Sun, right in the core of the Neo-Demon Realm.

No matter how many times he witnessed it, Ezequiel always felt a sense of awe seeing the hundreds of worlds connected to the White Sun.

The stronger he became, the more admiration he felt for the man that created a runic formation the size of a galaxy. If Gods' Tomb was a river, then the Neo-Demon Realm was an unfathomable ocean.

"You wonder if the principle of Might is Right is still correct, considering that I want to create a utopian universe where no one must suffer, and everybody can be happy, regardless of their strength."

Ezequiel's eyes narrowed when he heard that and gave a solemn nod.

The Supreme Neo-Demon hardened his heart and butchered everything in his path, regardless of their nature, all to become stronger. Even if those who fell beneath him were honest people, he never hesitated since the man he trusted more than anything taught him that only strength matters.

However, now the entire race sought to become a force that will eradicate all evil in the universe and bring peace and justice to every life form.

Zatiel could see the uncertainty on Ezequiel's face as he attempted to balance two completely different ideologies.

"Look at our race's realm. In a few years, millions of Neo-Demon children will inhabit every world. They will experience a childhood full of happiness and safety. Only when they are mature enough would we gradually show them the dangers of the universe and groom them into mighty warriors. What do you think about that?"

As he envisioned the scenario that Zatiel described, a kind smile appeared on Ezequiel's face.

The Supreme Neo-Demon was never a child. From the moment he understood what happened around him, he became an assassin. The love and encouragement of a family was not something he could hope to obtain.

"That sounds correct."

Zatiel's smile grew when he heard the word Ezequiel chose.

"The reason I can ensure fairness and safety for our people is that, in this place, I am omnipresent thanks to the NRAI.

Might is Right will always be true, Ezequiel. Even in that utopian universe where the fragile and weak can enjoy safety and love.

Absolute fairness and Might is Right can exist simultaneously in the utopian universe because my might will be the greatest of all.

Every sentient life form will be a Neo-Demon, and what is the Neo-Demon race if not an extension of myself?

Pain, war, sadness, inequality, all of that will vanish the moment we become everything."

Ezequiel understood the meaning behind Zatiel's words, but he still wondered if his past actions were right.

"I know what you have done to harden your will and obtain a mentality capable of challenging the universe. You have done right because, unlike the rest of our kind, you can not remain unsullied." Zatiel's voice carried a sense of sadness when he spoke those words. The Supreme Neo-Demon was surprised and focused on his Master, waiting for him to continue.

Zatiel sighed, but resolution appeared in his face along with coldness.

"The rest of the Neo-Demon race can limit itself to annihilate the dark races, but they will not be the only obstacle in our path to the utopian universe.

There will be innocent people, good people, who will not accept becoming one of us. They will have many reasons for that decision, but it will no matter.

Only a flaw is needed for the utopian universe to crumble into chaos, so those who refuse to become Neo-Demons would have to cease to exist.

Ezequiel, you are the strongest of my people, so you will have to share that responsibility with me.

You and I will become sin-eaters. We will do the horrible things so that the rest of our race can remain clean.

It will be awful and disgusting, but it will be worth it if we achieve our goal.

A universe where no child will have to starve to death while garbage eats until they puke or be sold as a piece of meat to satisfy depraved desires. Families will not be split apart because of the whims of those in a higher position. Boys won't kill each other for reasons they can't even understand. Small ethnicities will not have to fear the madness of the majority.

I AM WILLING TO DO ANYTHING TO ACHIEVE THAT!" Zatiel's eyes shone with golden light full of resolution as he spoke those words.

Ezequiel did not say a word, but his entire existence unleashed absolute resolve. He turned around and was about to leave when he heard Zatiel speak again.

"We will do evil things, but that doesn't mean we have to become evil. Always remember why we do those things, and if it ever comes the day when you question whether your actions are worth the prices, forget everything and follow your heart. If you end up committing a mistake, I will always be by your side to fix it."

Ezequiel froze for a moment when he heard that. He focused on Zatiel and gave a bow before leaving.

Zatiel sighed as he saw the Supreme Neo-Demon disappear. He did not feel happy by burdening the person he trusted more than anyone with such an unpleasant task, but there was no one else whose will could maintain itself righteous despite immersing itself in the darkness.

The next second, Zatiel erased all unnecessary thoughts of his mind and focused on his techniques while the rest of his body gathered Elemental Chaos and Origin Power.

He spent three months with his eyes closed before finally opening them, and his aura became sharper and more dangerous.

'Soul Eradicator, Heart Seal, and Beyond Reality have advanced to the second level. I should be able to fight with strong Devil Marquises and kill the weak ones.'

Advancing the techniques to the next level improved their efficiency. Soul Eradicator could be charged with more Mind Force and do more damage, while Heart Seal could control more people.

Beyond Reality's power was the same, but the requirements to establish the connection diminished.

Zatiel used the NRAI to teleport to the World Gate and immediately traveled to Dis.

The moment he arrived in his castle, his perception covered the entire city. He saw hundreds of lesser devils' squads flying away under the guidance of Rank 4 Devils.

Despite being absent for more than a year, Zatiel knew of the war happening in the Yuru continent.

Duke Krior had declared war against the Darkness Poison Duke a few weeks after Zatiel became a Marquess.

Zatiel being absent at the beginning of the war did not matter since it mainly involved lesser devils and Rank 4 Devils. However, it finally escalated to the point where Devil Marquises appeared on the battlefield.

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