
Chapter 323 - Deal

No blood appeared as the chains penetrated the body of the being Zatiel called Hades. However, if your vision could detect events that occur at a molecular level, then you could see how billions of minute white runes were invading the creature\'s body along with the Underworld Forge.

The wolf skull\'s eye sockets glowed with an even brighter light when the creature detected the purpose of the white runes.

"OWOOOOOOOO!" The furious howl of a wolf was heard as the creature opened his jaws, and a domain full of death force was released from him and fought against the black hole.

Zatiel\'s eyes narrowed as he felt the domain fighting him. His black hole was strong enough to completely seal the body, energy, and soul of a Rank 6 life form without this one being able to put up any form of resistance, but the death force of his enemy was fighting back.

Although he could use the NRAI to annihilate his enemy with a single thought, that was not what he wanted.

He did, however, give the order to form a white cocoon around them. The collateral damage of a fight between Rank 7 life forms could erase life in the Beta Heavenly World.

More and more runes were entering the body of the creature and the Underworld Forge. Hades howled with even more strength, and the death force around him would have contaminated a third of the world if it had not been contained.

The Neo-Demon felt the bones in his arm shattering and being regenerated every second, as he used all his force to maintain his enemy incapacitated, allowing the white runes to invade every part of him.

Finally, after more than ten minutes of struggling, the creature calmed down, and the domain of death force around him faded. The white chains disappeared inside his body and the Underworld Forge.

Zatiel did not stop using his power to seal the creature until he heard the voice of the NRAI in his mind.


Sealing and surveillance runes have invaded every part of the target\'s existence. The NRAI can now maintain a level of vigilance over the target that not even a Being of Law with his own Omega Law could hide from.

If the Ruler commands it or if certain events were to occur, the NRAI can seal or erase the target\'s existence in an instant."

Once he obtained what he wanted, the Neo-Demon pulled his hand away from the creature\'s head and saw how this one turned to look at him.

The creature\'s eyes were filled with ancient viciousness, one that could bring terror even in the heart of Beings of Laws, but Zatiel\'s eyes only showed emptiness. If the eyes were the portal to the soul, then that of the Neo-Demon was void of all emotion, and only darkness resided in it.

Even though they did not speak a single word, just looking at each other\'s eyes was enough for the duo to understand the nature of the person in front of them.

Eventually, the monster with the wolf skull head clasped his hands and nodded to Zatiel, and the Ancestor of the Neo-Demon race did the same.

"Hades, The True Meaning of Death, greets you," Hades spoke in an ancient dialect, but to individuals of his power, it was a simple matter of putting a trace of consciousness in his voice to carry the meaning in his words.

"Zatiel Daybreak, Ancestor of the Strongest Race of the Universe, greets you."

Regardless of their personal feelings, by speaking their names and titles, the duo was demonstrating respect. It was a custom between Rank 8 life form and above.

Existence at that level had lived long enough to understand that it is rare for enmity to last forever, especially if they limit their attacks to each other.

Zatiel waved his hand, and the duo found themselves back on the surface of the Fornes content.

"I am sure I would have remembered meeting someone like you, so this must be the first time we have seen each other. Can you tell me how you recognize me and my forge?" Hades\' voice was calm, and there was not even a shred of anger in it. Despite the fact he hated what those white runes did to him, he was not a child who let his emotions control him. As a monster who had lived eons, he knew that the best path is to maintain a cool and pragmatic mindset.

"I broke the shackles of lifespan and rose to might billions of years after the Golden Age of Olympus and your downfall. I learned about you and the forge through historical records left by Olympians and during my journey in the plane you once dominated."

Hades stared at Zatiel for a moment and nodded since he found his story credible.

"I want to know what I have to do to regain my freedom. If you want me to be your slave forever, then I will kill myself and permanently harm the forge, as I will not accept that kind of destiny." Hades spoke with calmness, but unshakeable determination burned in his eyes. He would not accept a life of servitude only to avoid death.

Zatiel could feel the will of the ancient Being of Laws in front of him, and approval appeared on his face.

"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."

The Neo-Demon thought for a long time about his next words.

"According to my knowledge, you attempted to take control over Olympus during the battle between the Olympian Gods and the Titan race. Unfortunately, you were not fast enough, and your scheme failed when your brothers returned from the war. Zeus is known for many things, but forgiving is not one of them. He not only annihilated your soul but also sacrificed a substantial part of his worshipers, in order to erase your Omega Law from the universe.

Your existence should have been erased, but you are still here. If I am not wrong, the Underworld Forge acted as a beacon to the pieces of your existence spread throughout the universe. You have been hiding all this time, cloaking your aura so your brothers cannot find out that you are still alive until you become powerful enough to ensure your safety.

Originally the Underworld Forge was just a powerful item that could have helped me and my kind, but now after some problems with my realm, I needed it more than ever. I was going to manipulate the Law Artifact Spirit, but now that you have consumed it, things became more difficult.

You are currently bound to the Underworld Forge. I can see that leaving it would harm you and make recovering the pieces of your existence still left in the universe hundreds of times harder.

The forge must remain with me. You must fulfill the job of the Law Spirit Artifact until I find a way to obtain a new one, and I also want your assistance since, after all, you were once The Greatest Magic Creator of the Universe."

Hades stared at Zatiel for a long time. Although he showed nothing, he was astounded by the deductive abilities of the Neo-Demon.

Of course, someone like him was able to calm himself in less than a second and he began to analyze Zatiel\'s words.

"I obtained that title in the early ages of the universe. I am sure that people with even higher skills than me have risen to power by now, so I would prefer if you don\'t call me like that anymore."

Titles have a special meaning for beings who have reached some of the highest levels of the universe. Hades disdained to bask in his former glory when he was sure the universe had changed greatly during his slumber.

Zatiel offered no commentary and merely nodded after hearing the words of the ancient Being of Laws.

"After having used the forge to regain my strength, I am willing to leave peacefully and even help let a piece of my consciousness as the new Law Artifact Spirit, if I can obtain my freedom. What do you offer in exchange for my assistance during the time I remain in this place." Just like all ancient monsters, Hades followed the doctrine of equivalent exchange during his deals.

Making him submit was impossible since he would rather die, so leaving his greatest creation along with a piece of his consciousness for this one to operate at full capacity should be enough to earn his freedom.

Of course, Zatiel could pressure him to work for him in exchange for nothing, but that would generate many problems and enmity in the future.

"I will help you regain your former plane once my strength has reached a level that allows me to participate in that type of war. I will take all the resources of the lands I help to conquer."

Hades\' interest was drawn to Zatiel\'s words, and he took a moment to analyze the state of the Beta Heavenly World.

"This type of Runemaster Skills can only be possible in someone who once had his own Omega Law. I accept your conditions. We will make an oath under the watch of the Universe Will once you have reached Rank 7. Until then, I will trust your word."

Both ancient beings looked at each other and nodded. Just like that, the deal was settled.

Zatiel and Hades were monsters that have lived millions of years. They had experienced things a mortal could not even comprehend. Things like the whimsical routine of walking away in the hope that the other party would speak first can only invoke derision on them.

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