
Chapter 22 - Get Attention

"I have finished my runes, I already have them in my body and they work perfectly, so I brought some of them to transfer them into yours."

"Master you have already finished!" Ezequiel was surprised by Zatiel's news.

Although he was certain that his master will be able to craft the runes, according to what he has learned, even to someone extremely talented it takes at least a week just to finish a rune, but now he finds out that Zatiel has made runes for the both of them in just four days.

Of course, this could be explained if the runes were the weaker and simpler there are, but knowing him, Ezequiel knows that they must be very powerful.

"Of course, who do you think your master is?" Zatiel was having fun as he saw the boy only keep nodding like a bird at his bragging.

"The runes are called 'Aerial Walk' and 'Secondary Consciousness', as for the functions, the names are already self-explanatory. You will find out how they work more easily as you use them. The first one will go in your legs and the last in the upper section of your spine. Get ready"

"Yes, master!" Ezequiel uncovers the part where the runes will go and starts to focus so he doesn't make a mistake.

Although he doesn't know much about runes, he has learned that when it is put in the body of a person it is accompanied for great pain, after all, the runes not only have to be on the surface of the person's body, but also connect with the energy inside them.

Zatiel starts with 'Aerial Walk'. He takes the rune parchment made of animal skin and keeps it against the legs of Ezequiel, once there, he starts to send his energy to it, the moment the parchment is charged, the rune starts to leave the skin and begins engraving itself in Ezequiel's legs.

Ezequiel immediately felt immense pain, as if his legs were being burned, but he didn't move a single muscle and maintained his concentration the entire time.

After a couple of minutes, the process was done and in the boy's legs, there was a tattoo pulsing with energy.

"You should give the rune a try before we start with the next one."

The next rune will be even harder to transfer because of the place it will reside, so Zatiel wants Ezequiel to relax himself a little before they begin.

The boy nodded and started to direct his abyssal aura at his legs; the rune started to glow as the energy charged them, and he immediately felt the effect it had.

He started to walk and his footstep landed in the air as if he was on an invisible stair. As he moves through the air, he remembers the birds he liked to watch and how free they looked as they moved through the wind, and now he was able to do the same making his heart beat full of emotion.

"Hahaha, this feels great!"

Ezequiel got excited and began to jump in the air displacing through the entire room without touching a solid surface the entire time.

Zatiel was smiling as he saw the always quiet boy laughing as he moved through the air and chose to let him have fun.

After a couple of minutes, Ezequiel finally stops and stands before Zatiel. Although he didn't look different from before, something about him had changed.

"Thanks, Master!," says Ezequiel with a relaxed smile in his face and an expression like if he had done something that his heart desires for as long as he could remember.

"Hahaha, little brat there is no need to get so emotional, now that you are ready, let's start with the next rune," Zatiel says as he patted the boy.

"Yes." Ezequiel uncovers his back and regains his focus.

"I will start, this one will be much more painful due to his proximity with your nerves, get ready."

Zatiel put the parchment in the spine of the boys and started the process.

Ezequiel clenched his teeth as he withstands the great pain. Although the feeling was torturous, he didn't move during the entire transfer. Only when the process was done he was finally able to relax.

"Give it a try and let me know how it feels"

Ezequiel nodded and put his energy in the rune, as he did he started to feel like there were two of him, although the other one was more 'simple', it was able to think in an entirely different way.

It felt weird at the beginning, but as he continues using it he realizes how useful it is.

"Thanks, master, this will be very useful with my experiments," He chooses to maintain this secondary consciousness reviewing his knowledge about magical crafting as he continues to talk to Zatiel.

"Good, you understood the right way of using it. That rune it's not only helpful in battle but in all aspects of life, now that you are ready, let's go to the first floor. It's time to get a little attention."


Old Hal was resting on his desk. His job was pretty simple so most of the time he was just sleeping, waiting for the next apprentice to show up. He already knows that without a miracle, it will be impossible for him to advance to rank 1 so he prefers to spend his time relaxing instead of boring himself with constant meditation.

As he was resting in his chair, Zatiel and Ezequiel showed up in front of him.

"Hey old man, I need to talk with you about something."

"It is you two, what can I help you?"

Although he was a lazy person, Old Hal knows that there are people that you should never offend, so he responds to Zatiel with a professional tone.

"I was wondering if you could spread information about some items I am selling to the people in the tower."

"Oh, I'm sorry but I am not interested in being the middleman in a transaction"

"Are you sure?, this stuff has a very high price and you can get a percentage of it," as Zatiel spoke, he took two runes and handed them over to the old man.

At first, Old Han was not interested in the runes, after all, there have been a lot of times when apprentices show some of their creations, but almost always they are so inferior that no one wants them, but when he assesses these, he becomes greatly surprised.

"These are peak rank 0 runes! But how? It wasn't even a week ago when you ask for the equipment to craft runes and now you have created such a precious thing."

"What can I tell you, I am very good at crafting," Zatiel says with a carefree expression as if it was nothing important.

Old Hal was staring at Zatiel as if he was a monster.

'Can someone like this exist? According to the news that is going around, Arthur and his team were after him in the forest, but he came back like nothing and now he is showing such talent like a runemaster.'

"I don't want to offend you, but I am not proficient in runes, so how can I know how good these runes are?"

Although Old Hal doubts that someone of the bearing of Zatiel were to try such a dumb scam, he still could not completely believe that he could do something so amazing in such a small amount of time.

"Don't worry, I came prepared, Little EZ"

As if he was waiting for the signal, Ezequiel activates 'Aerial Walk' and moves through the air on the entire first floor. His body was very strong, so he was able to move incredibly fast making all the disciples that were there surprised.

After a moment and seeing that his job was done, the boy gets back to Zatiel's side.

"So are you satisfied?"

"Yes, yes! Sorry for doubting you," Old Hal almost jumped from his chair from the shock.

Seeing his surroundings and the expression on the faces of the apprentices, Zatiel knows that everything's going according to his plan.

The reason he was trying to make old Hal the person who will promote his runes, is because he is the person with the most information about his short time in the tower. So when the really important people get interested in his runes, they can use the old man for information.

"Keep the runes, remember, I care more for the information about the runes being spread, than the price at which they are sold," Zatiel left the runes and started to leave.

As for the possibility of the old man robbing him, he knows that he would not dare, and even if he does, it will only mean a couple of days of lost work.

Just when Zatiel and Ezequiel were ready to leave the first floor, someone shouts at them.


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