
Chapter 1542 - Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1542: Apocalypse Summoner

Translator: La0o9

Crow’s arms and legs were shackled.

These shackles were inscribed with strange patterns that gave off a heavy dark light.

“Hey, when can you take these things off?” Crow sent his voice.

When Gu Qing Shan turned to him, he was showing an expression of pain and being near his limit.

“A little bit longer, if we want to fool them, we can’t be careless. Just endure it for now” Gu Qing Shan wasn’t at all concerned.

He then grabbed Crow’s neck and declared in front of all the Apocalypse monsters: 「 I’ve completed the capture 」

A moment later.

A voice resounded from the void of space:

[Completion confirmed. You may choose to receive your rewards right away, or escort this target to the Wraith realm in exchange for more rewards]

The Wraith realm?

Gu Qing Shan answered without hesitation: “I choose to escort”

The voice spoke: [Please remain in place, the flying transport will arrive shortly]

The other Apocalypse monsters had all been assigned other missions and quickly flew away in groups.

Gu Qing Shan stood still and silently waited.

A few moments later.

The void began to part away, revealing a giant greyish brown monster in front of Gu Qing Shan.

——-it was a dragon.

Gu Qing Shan instantly became cautious.

Dragons are troublesome!

Before, there was an Azure Dragon who sided with the Wraith realm, and now there’s a Grey-brown Dragon who sided with the Apocalypse.

「 Are you the Apocalypse Assassin, Broken Bones Shadow? 」the Grey-brown Dragon observed him.

Gu Qing Shan wasn’t in a hurry to reply.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI in front of his eyes:

[As you are a dragon and your personal strength is higher compared to the dragon who cast the Hex, you’ve learnt that it is casting the secret hex: Grey-Brown Dragon Shadow Hex]

[A Dragon Hex had affected you, as soon as you open your mouth to talk, the Dragon Hex will begin to take effect]

[Grey-brown Dragon Shadow Hex – Rob: When you talk to your target, the hex will manifest as the Grey-brown Dragon Thought Stealing technique and will enter the other party’s mind and share their thoughts with you in real time]

Gu Qing Shan skimmed through and completely kept quiet without saying a word.

Seeing how he didn’t answer, the Grey-brown Dragon continued: 「 Do you need some time to rest? 」

Gu Qing Shan shook his head.

「 Are you the one who’s going to escort this human to the Wraith realm? 」

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

The Grey-brown Dragon still hadn’t given up and tried flattering him: 「 So many people weren’t able to take down this guy earlier, only you managed to complete this mission, so you must be quite impressive 」

Gu Qing Shan shrugged with a prideful expression on his face.

The atmosphere became still.

The Grey-brown Dragon stared at him.

——he’s not showing any openings!

Fine, it was just on impulse that I tried to probe this guy anyways.

If he’s so careful, there’s no further need to probe him, otherwise, if I made him angry and the Apocalypse came to mediate, wouldn’t that mean we’d have to fight?

The Grey-brown Dragon briefly made up his mind and nodded: 「 Climb onto my back, we’re going to take off now 」

Gu Qing Shan brought Crow and lightly jumped onto this dragon’s back.

「 Setting off! 」the Grey-brown Dragon loudly declared.

Like a gust of wind, he instantly shot above the clouds and vanished without a trace.

Right after that, explosions resounded throughout this world.

Black clouds rose all the way to the sky, tidal waves that reached hundreds of meters crashed down on the shores, destroying and submerging everything around them.

——-the Apocalypse monsters that stayed behind began to destroy that world.


The Grey-brown Dragon swiftly flew across the dark void.

「 Hold onto your prisoner tightly, don’t let him run——- he’s very dangerous, and so is the path ahead 」

The dragon carefully reminded him.

Gu Qing Shan kept his mouth shut and nodded.

——–if you weren’t a dragon; I’d actually be the one to strike up a conversation.

“Crow” he sent his voice, “Why are you here alone? Where are Xiao Die, Fei Yue, and the others?”

Crow used telepathy to respond to him: “They’re all still on the Heavenly Ark, currently avoiding Reneedol’s pursuit within the dark tunnel as well as instigating the worlds that were born in the tunnel to revolt”

Gu Qing Shan stood on top of the dragon’s back and released his inner sight.

Even after countless years, the walls of the ancient tunnel were still filled with various murals that displayed the glory of the past Age of Myriad Deities.

——-indeed, this place is still the underground tunnel beneath the Pantheon.

“Why aren’t you travelling with them?” Gu Qing Shan asked confusedly.

Crow explained: “It’s a really long story. Actually, in the beginning, I didn’t want to separate from the others, but then—-”

He was suddenly startled.

Gu Qing Shan also looked far ahead in the tunnel.

——-something seemed to have occurred.

Very quickly, the stench of fresh blood was blown into their faces.

The Grey-brown Dragon clearly slowed its flying speed down and muttered with an anxious and irritated voice: 「 Damn it... 」

Crow only paused for a moment before he lightly kicked the Grey-brown Dragon’s back and said: “Seems like something happened up head, I assume it’s the exact situation you’re worried about”

After saying that, his expression appeared a bit confused before he regained his senses: “Huh? What did I say just now?”

Following that, a huge amount of blood rapidly permeated through the walls of the tunnel up ahead, which condensed into a wall of blood that blocked the Grey-brown Dragon’s way.

The Grey-brown Dragon shouted: 「 You damn jinx! 」

He shifted his body to fly down another path in the tunnel.

Behind him, the blood rapidly manifested into proper form, which was another Grey-brown Dragon.

「 Come, your life should be forfeited to the new Apocalypse King! 」

The blood-manifested Grey-brown Dragon uttered a long roar before swiftly giving chase.

Seeing that, Crow loudly laughed: “Ahahaha, an Apocalypse fighting against an Apocalypse, how laughable”

The Grey-brown Dragon didn’t say a word and focused on flying.

Gu Qing Shan glanced back at the blood dragon behind them and asked again: “Crow, you still haven’t said why you were separated from Xiao Die and the rest”

Crow sent his voice: “It was like this, we were initially in the same place, but then I was——-”


A ferocious roar resounded ahead of them, cutting Crow off.

「 Shit! 」

The Grey-brown Dragon quickly changed direction before continuing to fly.

Crow carefully listened to the roar and smiled: “Pitiful one, you don’t need to avoid them any longer, most likely, they’re specifically targeting a dragon”

Right after saying that, his expression became startled again and turned to ask Gu Qing Shan: “Huh? Did I just say something?”

Before Gu Qing Shan answered him, another ferocious roar resounded from within the tunnel: 「 Grey-brown Dragon, no need to flee any further, we’re specifically targeting a dragon! 」

The Grey-brown Dragon: 「 ... 」

Gu Qing Shan: “...”

The Grey-brown Dragon angrily shouted: 「 I’ve heard that you were a jinx, but not that you were a jinx to this degree, no wonder everyone who had escorted you up to now is dead! 」

He shook his body to toss Gu Qing Shan and Crow down, then shouted: 「 I give up on this mission and willingly accept any punishments, please let me leave using return mode! 」

A flash of light appeared from the void of space and enveloped the Grey-brown Dragon’s body.

Instantly, it vanished without a trace.

Gu Qing Shan froze in mid-air.

Crow stood next to him and laughed: “Stupid dragon, this was something that had been predestined to happen to you, how would that be related to me? I merely know a technique to foresee fortune and misfortune”

After laughing, he turned to Gu Qing Shan: “—-Right, where were we earlier?”

Gu Qing Shan glanced at him, then took a deep breath: “No need to say anything else, I think I understand your situation”

Crow’s expression then became startled again and said: “Alright, we probably need to run now, since this place has practically been surrounded...”

Gu Qing Shan’s heart jumped almost to his throat.

——-he hadn’t felt so much panic even when he fought against Reneedol.

Gu Qing Shan’s mind moved like lightning and immediately shouted: “Crow! No matter how they surround us, we’d still be able to escape, right?”

Crow’s blankly turned to him, blinked, then blankly replied: “You’re right, they only wanted to catch a dragon, we’d definitely be able to flee and safely arrive at the Wraith realm”

After saying that, his body shook a bit before he regained his senses.

“Huh? Did I activate my ability again just now?” he asked.

Gu Qing Shan slightly relaxed and answered: “You did, but it’s fine for now. I just want to know why a dragon who had pledged itself to the Apocalypse would suddenly run so resolutely from another monster?”

Crow answered with a serious expression: “It’s very simple, that blood had the ability to devour and destroy, which originated from a giant eyeball inside the Eternal Abyss”

“The eyeball, having gained sentience, wanted to replace all Apocalypses to become the Apocalypse King”

“Currently, it’s heading towards the Wraith realm”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Why is it heading to the Wraith realm?”

“Who knows, perhaps something in the Wraith realm was attracting it?” Crow replied.

Boss suddenly spoke up:

“Gu Qing Shan, we need to hurry up and arrive at the Wraith realm before the giant eyeball”

“Hmm? Why?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss answered seriously: “I suspect that it was Reneedol who was summoning the giant eyeball—– she intends on becoming that eyeball’s summoner”

Gu Qing Shan went silent.

That’s true, Reneedol had the ability to summon Apocalypses.

If she could form a summoner covenant with that eyeball, who else would be able to stop her?

“We won’t be able to deal with that eyeball—– no one would be able to” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Boss told him with a solemn tone: “We don’t need to deal with it, but we must ruin the meeting between that eyeball and Reneedol”

“For what reason?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Because Reneedol has no idea that her ability to summon Apocalypses originated from the Age of Immemorial, an ability that came from the Apocalypse Seeker that I had dissolved”

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and nodded.

The Apocalypse Seeker had always been searching for the frozen corpse.

According to it, the corpse was called the [Eradicator of all things and all living beings], the Unspeakable Hushed Secret Apocalypse.

“Why does that matter?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss replied: “If we leave the Apocalypse to form a covenant with the giant eyeball, the other Apocalypses would immediately sense the existence of the giant eyeball”

“The Reality Gate would open once again, countless Apocalypses would pour in to search for the giant eyeball, and then the [Eradicator of all things and all living beings]”

Gu Qing Shan followed up: “Which is currently your corpse?”

“That’s right. When that happens, everything within the Reality Gate would be done for” Boss replied.

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