
Chapter 1470 - Fallen object

Chapter 1470: Fallen object

The four young people stood in the barren wilderness; a bit bewildered.

In the void of space around them, the Spatial seal that the Law Behemoths had set up continued to remain.

“This should be a calamity that the Law Behemoths brought—– but all of them no longer exist” Shroud spoke with a heavy tone.

Reneedol calmly said: “Then as far as we know, you are the only person in this entire world who could directly utilize the power of Law?”

“I can as well” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He opened his palm to display the skull for everyone to see.

“The Law of Radiance manifests as the Book of Prophesized Destinies, the Law of Death manifests as the Skull of Death, other than that, the other Overlords had all disappeared”

“Strange, did they truly all die?” Scarlet asked.

“They should, otherwise, I would definitely be able to sense them” Shroud replied.

“But then, why were all of our memories missing a little bit?”

“I have no idea about that at all”

Everyone exchanged glances, clearly worried and confused.

Scarlet sighed and said: “Regardless, the two most powerful people from now on should be Shroud and Rhode, after all, only the two of you would be able to control the power of Laws”

“Let me try” Gu Qing Shan said.

He held the black skull in one hand and opened the palm of his other hand.

A cluster of black flames suddenly appeared, silently burning on top of his palm.

“Hm... from what I can tell... as long as death occurs, my strength would grow stronger”

Gu Qing Shan pondered and turned his gaze towards the faraway barren wilderness.

All insects and animals had been killed by [Siming].

The Law Behemoth are all dead.

Most of the other sentient life forms would have most likely died en masse as well.

If that’s the case, the Law of Death wouldn’t be able to grow stronger...

Gu Qing Shan silently contemplated.

Next to him, Scarlet also opened her palm, attempting to summon something.

Unfortunately, nothing happened at all.

Scarlet shook her head in disappointment.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at her and thought about something.

After that, the four of them made some quick preparations before heading towards the nearest human settlement.

—–after all, constantly remaining within the wilderness wasn’t a good idea, there should be food, supplies, and most importantly, information, in a human settlement.

The sun had risen.

The intense sun hung above the clear blue sky, scorching the barren ground below even more thoroughly.

The wilderness felt as silent as a graveyard.

The four young people only ran for half an hour before they began swearing incessantly.

Suddenly, Shroud loudly called out: “Look, what’s that in the sky?”

Everyone looked up.

In the sky, a streak of light was falling from far above, rapidly descending towards the barren wilderness.

Reneedol’s expression changed a bit and said: “Let’s take a look!”

After saying so, she disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan also felt tense and loudly called out:

“Come on, let’s catch up to her!”

The Samsara had entered the Reality Gate.

It had broken into numerous pieces.

In that case, other than Impartial Goddess, there should also be numerous other items that are slowly falling into this world.

——-we need to take a look!

The three of them ran at full speed towards the site of the fallen object.

Not too long later, intense trembling could be felt on the ground.

Evidently, it was the collision of that streak of light with the ground.

The three of them sped up even more and quickly reached Reneedol.

Reneedol was standing in front of a large crater, blankly staring into it.

Gu Qing Shan steadily slowed down, then walked up to her with Shroud and Scarlet to take a look into the crater.

Only to see a teardrop-shaped metallic object about 15 meters in size sitting in the middle of the crater.

“It looks like a Cultivation-type artifact” Shroud commented.

Reneedol scowled: “I’m not too familiar with Cultivation-type objects”

Gu Qing Shan leapt down the crater and slid until he reached the metallic object and carefully observed it.

Over half of the object’s outermost layer had already been ripped open, it was also sunken quite deeply into the ground, occasionally letting out a chaotic electronic sizzle.

“It should be Technological”

He commented, then began searching the outer layer to find some hidden buttons of sensors.

Regretfully, he found nothing.

Even the ripped portion of the object was slowly reforming to become closed-off.

“What great material” Gu Qing Shan praised.

Scarlet looked at Gu Qing Shan’s excited expression, felt a bit, worried, then spoke up:

“The Elder told us during our lesson that normal people wouldn’t be able to access Technological artifacts, if you experiment with it carelessly, there would usually be problems”

“If I don’t at least try it out, I won’t be able to live with myself” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He then placed his hand on top of the repaired portion.

A gentle electronic voice resounded:

[Unregistered personnel cannot access this device]

Gu Qing Shan said: “Please register me”

The electronic voice responded: [Scanning your personal brain waves. Your data isn’t present within the retro racing circuit’s database, you cannot register]


You’re telling me this 15-meter-long teardrop-shaped metal device is a race car?

Shroud spoke up: “Alright, let it go. Technological items place very emphasis on the user’s authority, without authority, you wouldn’t be able to use it even if you broke it”

“That’s right” Scarlet agreed.

Gu Qing Shan nodded.

—–of course, I know that, but this is a Technological product from the Human realm of the Samsara!

Not to mention, a race car.

If I don’t at least try it out, how could I feel satisfied?

Gu Qing Shan thought for a few moments, then suddenly said: “We’re currently stranded in the wilderness without access to food, I request emergency rescue”

The electronic voice responded right away: [Begin environmental scan and analysis]

A beam of light appeared from the metallic device and quickly scanned through the wilderness.

[No life signs detected in a radius of 7,965 units]

[This environment recognized as fatal to normal humans]

[Contacting emergency rescue department]

[No response]

[Initiating emergency measures]

[Autopilot engaged]

[In accordance with the requester’s plea, currently disassembling into vehicles numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4]

[Transformation begin——]

The 15-meter teardrop-shaped metal device began disassembling itself in a mere 1 second, turning into four motorbikes.

A electronic voice sounded from the motorbikes:

[Everyone, the retro racing circuit has a professional wilderness escape plan, please take your seats on the race motorbikes, we will now escape this dangerous wilderness]

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief, then sat on one of the motorbikes ahead of everyone else.

He looked at the other three.

“Come on, this will save our stamina, and it should be fast too” Gu Qing Shan called out to the other three in the crater.

The three of them exchanged glances.

“I don’t know how to ride” Shroud nervously said.

“It’ll be fine” Gu Qing Shan loudly replied, “Technological artifacts are made to serve humans, it’ll be very safe!”

After that, he patted the bike: “Hey buddy, we’ll be on a long ride, give us some music!”

[What kind would you like?] the electronic voice asked.

“Rock and roll” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[I only have classic rock and roll installed!] the electronic voice stated.


Tang tang tang tsh!

The beat of the drum rang out.


At another location.

Three human males stood at the border of the wilderness.

——-Foresight Deity, Poison Deity, and Shadow Deity.

They had been revived in this world by Reneedol, preparing to search for any visitors from outside the Reality Gate.

But now, they’ve forgotten everything that was related to the previous night.

“Strange, what exactly was it that could erase my memories so thoroughly?” Foresight Deity pondered.

“Who cares what it was, we first need to find Reneedol” Poison Deity refuted.

“That’s true, we’ve finally returned to the Realm of Life after so long, but we’ve forgotten everything that happened last night. The only way we can find the truth now is to reach her” Foresight Deity agreed.

He closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

A few moments later.

“She didn’t answer my incantation” Foresight Deity opened his eyes and said.

“Perhaps something is blocking her, I have a second set of secret words here, let me try and contact her” Shadow Deity said.

He then began to mutter the secret words.

——-still on answer.

The three Deities’ expressions all became solemn.

Reneedol didn’t answer our communication.

What’s going on with her?

“That’s it, we need to go out and find her” Poison Deity resolutely stated.

“I don’t agree” Foresight Deity refuted.

“Why not?” Poison Deity glared at him with sharp eyes.

Foresight Deity said: “She’s stronger than any of us here, so if there was anything that could trap her so that she can’t even contact us, then us coming to her wouldn’t do any good either”

Shadow Deity also said: “That’s true, if we die in the Realm of Life, we will really lose our lives, we can’t arbitrarily risk it”

Poison Deity was hesitant.

Foresight Deity said: “Let’s wait for contact from her side. If she’s truly facing something dangerous, as long as she sends us a distress message using the secret words, we’ll go and save her”

“Hah, I guess that’s the only choice” Poison Deity sighed and relented.

As they were speaking, some noise could be heard from afar.

The three Deities turned towards that direction of the wilderness.

Only to see sand and dirt being blown into the air from that direction.


The sound of engines with very high horsepower roared loudly in the silent wilderness.

Among the loud noises, a faint sound of rock and roll could be heard, causing one’s mind and spirit to stay awake and excited.

Four motorbikes were moving at extremely fast speeds, jetting across the three Deities in an instant before disappearing into the other side of the horizon.

The three Deities were completely coated in the dust and dirt kicked up by the bikes. They stood completely still while being stunned.

“That was...” Poison Deity hesitantly said.

“Motorbikes, I don’t remember her knowing how to ride those...” Shadow Deity hesitantly replied.

Foresight Deity practically jumped and loudly said:

“No, that was her! It was Reneedol! Hurry and pursue!”

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