
Chapter 1236 - Attending class

Chapter 1236: Attending class

The sound of gentle wind chimes faintly resounded within the room.

“Ah—- not enough sleep—–”

Li Qiu Yu yawned and sat up from her bed, then randomly draped herself with a cloak, walking towards her makeup and wardrobe closet.

She then suddenly stopped.

“——huh? What is that smell? It’s so good!”

Li Qiu Yu stormed out from her bed chambers towards the kitchen.

A thin young man was cooking breakfast while wearing an apron.

Meat buns had been braised to perfection, coupled with seven side dishes, a pot of white porridge, two small plates of fresh chili oil, and a plate of peeled fruits.

Li Qiu Yu reached her hand out to take a meat bun.

The juices flowed from every bite.

So good!

She then tried the side dishes.

Crisp, sour, spicy, each of them had its own taste and texture.

Then she couldn’t help but crave a bit of porridge to go with them——-

How can white porridge taste this good?

It tastes like there’s some sort of sea flavor in here, yet it goes down so easily!

Using her chopsticks, she picked out a bit of chili from the chili oil and sipped it with the porridge.

Sure enough, a meal is never complete without this spicy taste!

After that, she cleansed her palate with the various fruits, which brought her tastebuds to ecstasy.

Li Qiu Yu silently put her chopsticks down and sat still for a few moments.

Li Qiu Yu suddenly put her hand out to rub Gu Qing Shan’s head and said: “Li San Lang, if you were just ten years older, I’d probably propose to you right now”

Gu Qing Shan complained: “Just look at yourself right now, running out to eat before you even put your clothes on properly, aren’t you afraid of flashing everything?”

“Do you have the courage to actually take a look though? This lady will just send you flying if you even try!” Li Qiu Yu giggled, then returned to her room to apply her makeup and changed her clothes.

Gu Qing Shan froze, still full of complaints.

You’re right, I don’t dare to take a look.

But I have inner sight...

I didn’t know you’d just run out like that...

A few moments later, when Li Qiu Yu reappeared in front of Gu Qing Shan, she had once again taken the form of a graceful young woman.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan had already served everything onto the table, then started to brew some tea.

One full steamer of meat buns, seven side dishes, two bowls of porridge, two small plates of fresh chili oil, and a large plate of fruit.

As well as a pot of newly brewed tea.

Li Qiu Yu swallowed her saliva, but complained against what she actually thought: “You’re only using these snacks as breakfast?”

“There’s not much time in the morning, don’t count on me to make an entire feast so early in the day” Gu Qing Shan sternly rebuked her.

“Oh well, I usually just have some noodles to fill myself for the morning, eating at home like this is already better” Li Qiu Yu said emotionally.

“Hey, when can I get my own accommodations? It’s a real issue for an unmarried man and woman like us to be staying together like this” Gu Qing Shan reminded her.

“Tsk tsk tsk, young man, you probably haven’t even kissed someone on the lips, don’t go and use that unmarried man and woman excuse in front of his lady” Li Qiu Yu rolled her eyes and scoffed at him.

Kissing on the lips?

You’re bragging about something so simple?

Gu Qing Shan puffed out his chest and proudly said: “Can you stop looking down on people like that? I’ve just been busy with my own things without time to pursue those things”

“Is that so, what an early bloomer you are then—– right, little brother, have you actually been in a relationship before? I heard that taking a bride home at your age is a common occurrence for the countryside like yours, so why I do feel that you’re still——” Li Qiu Yu then took a sip of porridge and stopped herself from saying the rest of the sentence.

Gu Qing Shan froze.

———I really can’t handle this woman.

“I’m going to skip this subject. And I’m just staying here temporarily for a few days, once my personal accommodations are arranged, I’ll be moving out” he sternly said.

Li Qiu Yu glanced at him, took a large bite from a meat bun, and didn’t answer.

You want personal accommodations?

That’s impossible.

—–it’s because of your ridiculous Spirit Linked fist technique, that single strike almost scared the entire upper brass to death.

The spirit of the School’s guardian that was attached to the sect master was struck so hard it’s now traumatized.

If there isn’t anyone to specifically look after you, how do you think everyone is going to sleep properly at night?

Thinking of it from another perspective, when you successfully link your next fist technique, if you happen to draw the attention of a sealed Apocalypse or people from other Schools, do you think you’re going to mature in peace?

—–this lady purposely volunteering to help you is already your blessing of several previous lives combined!

Li Qiu Yu triumphantly enjoyed the fresh chili oil while monologuing in her mind.

She then peeled a few pieces of fruit and chowed down.

—–wait a moment.

“Hey, San Lang, you made so much food; I’m not going to get fat if I ate it all, am I?” she hesitantly asked.

Gu Qing Shan was drinking tea while reorganizing what he learnt from cooking today, then raised his chin up and replied: “They’re all diet ingredients, I specifically did my research for them so you can eat as you please”

“You specifically researched this?” Li Qiu Yu was shocked.

“Hm, there’s a few people who like to eat snacks, but are afraid of getting fat, so I’ve been researching this side of culinary arts” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Saying so, he poured Li Qiu Yu a cup of tea.

“Drink this after you’re done eating. This is beneficial to your skin while also raising your spirit, it takes nothing less than someone of my caliber to brew tea like this” he muttered.

Li Qiu Yu received the cup, lightly sniffed it, then took a small sip before drinking the entire cup at once.

She looked at him from top to bottom, once again evaluating this young man——-

Sighing, Li Qiu Yu muttered: “Li San Lang, I’m going to say it again, if you were ten years older, I would really propose to you right now”

The young man apparently thought of something, his expression became tense, then immediately refused:

“No! Definitely not!”

Li Qiu Yu froze.

What kind of reaction is that?

Aren’t I pretty?

——no that can’t be right, there are too many men courting me among the various Schools of the 8 Grottos to even count.

She suddenly thought of something and smiled: “What, do you think your status is so low that you’re not worthy of me?”

The young man instantly shook his head, and replied with a serious expression: “No, I’m just telling you to give up that thought as soon as possible. A woman like you is nothing but extra work for me, I’ll draw even more trouble than I already do. In short, even if I were ten years older, I would still not put you as part of my considerations”

The room fell to silence.

“Li San Lang! You sure know how to talk, don’t you!”

“Hey! Why did you suddenly act up!?”


Half an hour later.

The Study Lodge.

Li Qiu Yu escorted him to class, snorted, then turned to leave.

Gu Qing Shan had no other choice but to stand in the middle of the room, introducing himself to other students of his age: “Hello everyone, I’m Li Qiu Shan, I came from the Eastern Desolate Grotto, my hobby is studying”


The other students just stared at him.

Everyone was focused on his swollen face.

——-he looks absolutely terrible.

Did he fall from a tree? Got robbed? Or ran into some Apocalypse?

Gu Qing Shan shrugged and looked for a random place to sit.

“Hey guy, you said you were Li Qiu Shan?” a thug-looking male student asked.

“Ah, I am” Gu Qing Shan politely replied.

“And that was her excellency Li Qiu Yu earlier?” another male student whose arms were filled with tattoos asked.

“Yes, that was her” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Those male students then turned away.

A few moments later, a white-haired old teacher walked into the room and stood on the podium.

“Morning, today morning was supposed to be a practical combat class, but your teacher has temporarily gone out for a mission, so now we’re going to study history”


Every student in the room deflated like a balloon and sighed disappointedly.

Some of them simply left the class, others laid sprawled all over the table, some opened their books, while some just straight up started chatting; but overall, no one really expected much from this class.

Gu Qing Shan was also a bit disappointed.

At the start, he heard that they would teach the practical foundational knowledge of the three main Professions, who would’ve thought it would instead become a history class.

The old teacher didn’t care about the reaction of everyone, he simply cleared his throat and began reciting from his book:

“Now then—— last time we were talking about the structure of the School and its branches”

“2700 years ago, the founding sect master of our School of Shan Hai divided the School into several departments in accordance to their authority and responsibilities”

“The Wind Listeners, those who deal with ‘Secrets’ and ‘Mysteries’; they travel the world, acting as scouts during times of war, and are expected to enter the great tomb when researching the Apocalypses”

“Book Researchers, those who research all abnormalities that appear from the great tomb; they travel the world, tasked with the protection and procurement of our School’s books and secrets, during times of war, they belong to the priority protected rank of personnel; during the research of the Apocalypses, only very few with fighting strength are allowed to accompany others onto the field”

“Eliminators, there’s not much to say about them, most of you want to become Eliminators and fight the Apocalypses”

“As for our Study Lodge, we’re tasked with teaching you various knowledge, cultivation, as well as some foundational secrets”

Gu Qing Shan listened for a short while and paid attention, but then realized that it wasn’t any important knowledge, rather they were things that he would find out sooner or later, so he stopped listening.

He just sat there and touched the bruises on his body.

——-I just stated things clearly ahead of time, did she have to react so hysterically?

She really is ruthless, with no consideration for my current young disguise at all.

Now that I think about it, I was a bit panicked at the time so I didn’t think too much about my words.

When I joined Bai Hua sect, Shifu had taught that one cannot offend women that are both beautiful and powerful, I can’t believe I actually forgot that lesson?

While he was silently regretting his choices, the thug-looking student from before loudly shouted: “I think you already taught this twice already, can’t you teach something else?”

All the students loudly agreed.

The old teacher smiled, then flipped over a few pages and said: “Since all of you already know, we’re going to talk about the fusion of the Tomb of Myriad Beasts”

“9000 years ago, our Tomb of Myriad Beasts managed to fuse 90% of the Animal realm fragments, after which neither the Wraith realm nor the Asura’s Era of Eternal War tried to offend us, who can tell me why?”

The students all deflated again, too lazy to even reply.

Only a slightly chubby student was specifically named and had no choice but to stand up and pointed up above: “Isn’t that because we made a huge tomb pop out right above? Old teacher, you already taught this many times as well, can you teach us about what sir Extinguishing Saintly Hand had done recently? Or sir Banishing Sword Saint?”

The students loudly agreed again.

“Good answer, now we’re going to continue from there...”

This time, the old teacher didn’t change the content and simply continued reciting from his book.

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes wide and stopped his hand.


What were you saying just now?

He suddenly sat up straight and became extremely focused.

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