
Chapter 1099 - Status Within The Samsara

Chapter 1099: Status Within The Samsara

It had been a very long time since the War God UI acted so cautiously.

Gu Qing Shan skimmed through the notifications and became cautious as well.

The Giant of Beginning...

I wonder how long it had lived for——-

No, rather than that, it would be more accurate to say that the concept of ‘time’ itself had lost its meaning to him.

Gu Qing Shan shut his mouth and decided not to say anything, simply waiting with him.

After all, the Giant had declared that there was another person in the queue in front of him.

A while later.

The person who was supposed to be first still hadn’t appeared.

The Giant had also gotten a bit bored and complained: 「 Could they be a fearful fellow who doesn’t want to face their fate? I really hate tardy fellows like this one 」

Saying so, he glanced down at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, nodded in agreement, and said nothing else.

The Giant no longer paid any attention to him.

Gu Qing Shan turned his thoughts to recall the declaration of the Giant as he appeared.


「 Be it an insect or a Deity, every being that makes their way here has their own fate to fulfill, and I have prepared your fate 」


‘Fate’ referred to a definite occurrence in the future.

But the fate of living beings and all things as it was normally understood had always been undetermined as well as constantly changing; only one kind of future would truly be considered ‘fate’.

Cause and Effect – Causality.

The Laws of Causality cannot be broken, even through the endlessly distant space and time, a Cause will always end with its Effect.

In other words, the Giant will bring about a certain result – the Effect – to those who make their way here.

Gu Qing Shan continued this train of thought.

——what is ‘result’?

The conclusion of an occurrence is a result.

The end of a life is also a result.

A reminder, a statement, an item.

As long as they represent some sort of result, they would fit.

This isn’t easy to guess...

But Gu Qing Shan slowly calmed down.

Because he had confidence in the Effect that would follow all the Causes that he had ever created.

At this point, a person abruptly appeared next to the Giant.

The man donned a suit of armor with a colorful glow, wielding a greatsword.

The presence he gave off affected even the layer of clouds, causing it to drift away from him, but soon drifted back towards him.

As soon as the person appeared, he saw the Giant.

He glanced at the Giant, then at Gu Qing Shan, then at the boundless sea of clouds around himself.

——–quite obviously, he was the same as Gu Qing Shan, unable to comprehend his current situation.

「 Very well, you have finally made it here 」

The Giant of Beginning spoke in his resounding voice.

His voice was so loud that the void of space itself started to tremble.

The armored man froze, then put his greatsword in front of himself as a guard and cautiously questioned: “Who are you? Why are you here?”

「 Me? I am Giant, hm, the greatest Giant 」the Giant of Beginning introduced himself.

“Giant, huh... I ask you; you seem like you were waiting here for me, is that correct?” the other person asked.

The Giant of Beginning nodded: 「 You are correct. I have been waiting for a while. In truth, all beings who make their way to this place have their own fate to face...」

The Giant took out an incredibly tattered notebook, flipped through it, and searched until he found the marks that he had made.

He scowled, then muttered in a broken manner:

「 Parallel world #998, Infinite World Deific King, hm, you are indeed the correct person 」

「 The day is today, that is correct as well 」

「 The Infinite World Deific King massacred countless worlds and obtained the only opportunity to arrive in the layer of clouds, thus standing in front of me. The fate waiting for him is—– 」

「 Death 」

Before he even finished, Gu Qing Shan felt his vision turning blurred.

Without realizing what was going on, he saw the armored person being grabbed and put into the Giant’s mouth.

Ca-rak ca-rak ca-rak!


Followed by the sound of chewing.

While eating, the Giant muttered to itself: 「 How great, this armor is truly tough, but I’ve always loved eating these crunchy things 」

He then wiped the blood dripping out from his lip with his finger, using that as ink to cross out something from the notebook.

「 Very nice, today’s first transaction is finished——– and I even gained a bit of profit 」

Saying so, the Giant spat out a mass of colorful glowing things.

——–it was the armor that the Infinite World Deific King was wearing just now!

The Giant of Beginning took a look at it, then happily tossed it below the clouds.

After he was done, he turned to face Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression was indifferent.

「 What an interesting one... you had more than enough time to flee, what you didn’t try to? 」the Giant asked with his booming voice.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Since it is fate, there is no harm taking a look”

The Giant paused.

「 Did you see that person’s fate just now? 」he asked.

“I saw” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 Are you not afraid? 」

“I assume that won’t be my fate”

The Giant was surprised: 「 Why not? 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Because fate comes from Causality, and after a bit of thought, I have done nothing that would cause me to die here”

The Giant asked: 「 Are you not afraid of having a nemesis? You should know, I’m a businessman, what if I had taken an order to kill you here? 」

Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied: “I’ve always been a person of kindness and love, never the one to perform any evil deeds, so I’m not afraid”

The Giant appeared unconvinced and asked: 「 Have you never killed anyone? 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I’ve killed a lot of people”

「 Then—– 」

“I’ve always made sure to clean up everything thoroughly, they won’t have the chance to come here and ask you to kill me”

The Giant checked his notebook a bit, then lost interest: 「 Smart people really are so loathsome 」

Gu Qing Shan then recalled something and added: “Right, I forgot to tell you—– those who’ve done business with me have always gotten rich beyond their imagination”

「 Ah? Really now? 」the Giant was interested.

“When it comes to livelihood, how could I make random claims? Not to mention, I normally don’t deceive people” Gu Qing Shan sternly replied.

The Giant sharply asked: 「 So, when do you deceive people? 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “When they don’t want to talk business and insist on killing me”

The Giant thought briefly, then nodded: 「 Those people are truly loathsome 」

His expression relaxed a bit before taking a jade tag from behind, giving it to Gu Qing Shan.

「 This is the ‘fate’ that the you of the past left in my hands, now I shall pass it on to you 」

Me of the past?

Gu Qing Shan looked at the jade tag, his expression became serious: “I don’t really understand, can you please explain it a bit more carefully, I’d be very grateful”

The Giant patiently explained: 「 This piece of jade belonged to another ‘you’, who came from an extremely powerful parallel world. That ‘you’ was around several dozen times stronger than you are, but that parallel world is already destroyed, and that ‘you’ is already dead, my apologies 」

「 As for why he wanted to leave this little piece of jade for you, I didn’t care, I only worked for payment 」

「 Hand this piece of jade to a ‘me’ who could make it here—– these are the original words that ‘you’ said 」

This time, Gu Qing Shan understood.

He immediately asked: “In the infinite parallel worlds, is this place unique?”

The Giant of Beginning looked at him and praised: 「 Indeed, this is the path of clouds that leads into ‘that place’, of course, it is unique 」

He then sighed: 「 He was a very smart man, and very powerful, so why did he have to seek death? I really don’t understand. But that doesn’t matter, we only had a business relationship 」

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say anything.

After all, it was a bit strange to hear about your own death.

He received the jade tag and used his inner sight to activate it.

A voice was projected from the jade tag into his Thought Sea.

It was his own.

“I once left a shadow of myself in the homeworld, so you should already know about the Samsara”

“Overall, I did not make any mistakes from beginning to end”

“The only thing I shouldn’t have done is to give up on the status of Devil King of Huang Quan”

“Absolutely do not give up your status within the Samsara, otherwise, you won’t even live to regret it”

“Other than that, I do not have anything else I can tell you, because if I did, you will die”

“Keep in mind, although the Samsara is broken, you cannot give up on the Samsara...”

Gu Qing Shan silently listened to the end before crushing the jade tag into dust.

“Thank you, I’ve received his ‘fate’” he clasped his fist towards the Giant.

The Giant stared closely at him and asked curiously: 「 Are you not afraid when you hear news of your own death? Or rather, aren’t you sad or scared of the death of the other ‘you? 」

Gu Qing Shan casually replied: “There is no need to do such a thing, as death is only another kind of beginning. He must have taken some other forms, trying his best to strive for his goal. As long as he still draws breath, he would definitely not give up, I believe the other ‘me’ can definitely achieve such a thing”

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