
Chapter 1001 - Giving Chase!

Chapter 1001: Giving Chase!

Laura took out a bronze monocular from her backpack and muttered: “Monocular, please show me who’s chasing after us”

She raised her monocular and looked towards a random direction.

Ye Fei Li asked in confusion: “Your majesty, the direction you’re looking——-”


Laura signaled him to stay put.

After looking for a while into her monocular, she quickly spoke: “The person at the helm of the ship is the chairman of the 900 million World Layers Airship Association—— his ship was recognized publicly as the fastest”

“There are several dozen expert sailors on the ship, constantly taking turns using their abilities to help the ship increase its speed further”

“If we continue with our normal speed, we’ll be caught up in about half a day’s time”

After she finished, Laura put the monocular away and looked up at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan nodded: “Got it, do we have a relatively fast ship?”

Laura explained: “Because I’m the empress, most of the airships I own are actually very beautiful, and even filled to the brim with safety features——– unfortunately, none of them would be useful against this monster we’re facing”

“Because they were focused on safety, the Bramble Bird Empress’ airships aren’t very fast, is that right?” Gu Qing Shan smiled and said.

Laura revealed a mischievous smile as she reached her hand into her backpack.

“A ship bought by the royal family would naturally need to focus on safety above all else, but as for things that I personally bought...”

She pulled out a piece of spatial sealing paper and threw it to the sky.

The sealing paper exploded.

A teardrop-shaped red shuttle appeared in front of them.

Zhang Ying Hao whistled.

This shuttle had a very good sense of aesthetic.

Laura explained: “There are no safety features attached, this ship was designed solely focused on the aspect of speed. A joint product of the top 5 shipwrights from the 900 million World Layers Airship Association, it took an entire year for them to finish”

Zhang Ying Hao asked: “How’s the speed?”

Laura shrugged: “It’s twice as fast as their ship——– I would occasionally race against some guys my age, but I always win”

“If that’s the case, every time you use it to race, your safety wasn’t guaranteed at all?” Gu Qing Shan mused.

Laura said without care: “At the time, monsters like the Soul Shrieker didn’t exist in the 900 million World Layers, and I could call upon the Bramble Great Tree at any time, so there was nothing that could threaten me”

“Do you like playing with airships?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“I do, both collecting them and racing with them—— they help me release stress”

As she talked about airship racing, Laura happily recounted: “When that ship was created, I immediately got news of it and summoned many expert shipwrights to help me craft a personal ship”

“I am THE Bramble Bird Empress, so there’s no way I would allow anyone to win against me in a race”

“I have a total of 5 airships that are faster than that ship of theirs, each cost as much as several worlds”

Laura was very naturally stating that as if showing off some of her precious toys.

She wasn’t boasting about them at all.

For her, this was just a hobby, a way for her to relax.

There was no need to boast or compare with anyone else.

——because there was no such thing as a person that could actually compare to her when it came to this.

Gu Qing Shan said: “Good, then the only worry we have right now is that they have too many people that could increase the speed of their airship, this is the only threat to us”

Ye Fei Li patted his own chest: “Don’t worry, just leave that to us”

“Hm, let’s hurry up then and be on our way” Zhang Ying Hao also said.

At this point, Boss had recovered a bit and was able to move again, so the four of them boarded the airship.

The ship’s interior wasn’t too big, only a space of several dozen meters squared for everyone, which paled in comparison to [The Empress].

It could be seen that this airship had given up on a lot of its original functions for the sake of speed.

Laura sat behind the controls and skillfully piloted the ship.

With a sonic boom, the airship shot from the tattered [The Empress] ship to the sky and swiftly entered the space vortex, quickly proceeding on its way.

Time passed.

Laura once again pulled out her monocular and looked behind her, then said: “There are two real experts among them, whenever it was their turn to pilot, they would quickly shorten the distance between our ships”

Zhang Ying Hao spoke up first: “Then it’s time for us to act”

He reached his hand out and started drawing Cards from the void of space.

Very quickly, he had drawn a total of five Cards.

“Ah... Let me see, here”

He drew one Card out and placed it against the floor.

This was a Card with a shadowy rune on its back that depicted a pair of floating wings on its front.

Ye Fei Li curiously asked: “Are you going to use Cards to help the ship fly faster?”

Zhang Ying Hao told him: “This is the Assassin deck’s Wings of Takeoff, capable of increasing the speed for any implement”

He pressed his hand against the Card and poured power into it.

The Card vanished into the floor.

The airship began to speed up!

Laura continued to pilot the airship and glanced at the speedometer.

“The speed went up by 50%, nice!”

She happily praised him.

“But it won’t last for very long, this Card can only take effect continuously for 10 minutes, after which it will need some time to cool down” Zhang Ying Hao explained.

“10 minutes? That’s quite decent, enough to help us widen the gap” Laura told him.

Ye Fei Li crossed his arms: “How impressive, and here I thought I’d be the one to actually help us out”

Gu Qing Shan smiled: “Cards usually contain certain unique combinations of Laws. Fei Li, you’ll see a lot of strange and unusual things within the 900 million World Layers, so don’t always judge things the same way you’re used to”

“Noted” Ye Fei Li nodded.

10 minutes quickly went by.

The airship gradually returned to its original speed.

Ye Fei Li declared: “Now it’s my turn”

He pulled the Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook out and muttered: “My followers, I need your power”

A faint light began to drift from the khopesh, detached from it, and manifested as faint figures.

“These are... wandering souls?” Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

“That’s right, they’re all recently deceased from the incident earlier. After borrowing my power to accomplish their dying wishes, they weren’t willing to forget everything and reincarnate, so they willingly followed me” Ye Fei Li explained.

Several dozen wandering souls turned more solid and tangible.

They all bowed respectfully towards Ye Fei Li.

“Because all of these souls had unique characteristics or abilities, I was also willing to take them with me, having a helping hand or two is always better than not” Ye Fei Li continued.

Ye Fei Li pointed at one of the souls

“Jim, I remember that you had an ability to make anything lighter, you’ll be responsible for lightening this ship’s load”

“Everyone else stick to the outside of the ship and do what you can to help the ship fly faster”

After Ye Fei Li finished, the souls scattered and acted as Ye Fei Li ordered.

The ship began to speed up again.

Laura checked the speedometer and asked: “The speed was increased by 20%—– my Duke, how long will this ability of yours last?”

Ye Fei Li replied: “Half an hour”

“That’s very decent, although it’s not quite as much as Zhang Ying Hao’s ability, half an hour is quite the long duration, at least, it would guarantee that our distance with the Soul Shrieker wouldn’t be shortened”

At this point, Boss’ book hovered in the air and drew everyone’s attention.

The book flipped open to display several lines of text:

[Gu Qing Shan, you must understand something clearly——– the greater our distance with the Soul Shrieker is, the more time you would have to look for that Card as we make it to our destination]

[We need to speed up as much as we can and leave the Soul Shrieker far behind to give you ample time to search for that Card]

After reading that, Gu Qing Shan nodded: “I think so as well, that’s why it’ll be my turn to speed up the ship next”

Saying so, he walked to the entrance of the ship, opened the cabin door, and went outside.

The cabin door was then closed behind him.

Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li exchanged glances.

“What is he planning to do?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

“How would I know” Ye Fei Li replied.

Laura opened the ship’s outer surveillance camera, closely focused her attention on it, and chimed in: “Usually, things that big bro Qing Shan does never make sense to others until the very last moment”

Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li nodded sympathetically.

Outside the ship.

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight.

He found somewhere to hold onto and grabbed it tightly with his hands.

The airship was traveling so fast that he needed to use spirit energy to guard himself in order to not be affected by the strong winds within the space vortex.

Gu Qing Shan stuck close to the hull of the ship, then looked closely at the War God UI, reading the description of a certain Skill:

[Shadow Shift: Divine Skill, instant cast. You can switch positions with any object or entity within the range of your inner sight]

[Note: This Skill is a Law-grade Divine Skill, no living being can resist it, no barrier or sealing techniques can hinder it]

Reading this, Gu Qing Shan recalled his past battles.

—–back on my homeworld, when we ambushed the Pope, I used [Shadow Shift] to switch places with Empress Varona while also taking Zhang Ying Hao and Ye Fei Li with me.

In other words, this Divine Skill isn’t limited to me alone, as long as I’m in contact with something, I’d be able to teleport together with it.

Which means...

Gu Qing Shan fully released his inner sight.

With his cultivation at Paragon realm, his inner sight could easily cover the distance of over 10,000km.


Gu Qing Shan muttered.

About 9,000km in front of the airship, a skeleton was silently drifting through the space vortex, being randomly swept along with the winds of the space vortex.

Gu Qing Shan enveloped it with his inner sight and activated [Shadow Shift].


A skeleton appeared where he originally was.

9,000km away, Gu Qing Shan appeared together with the ship!!!

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