
Chapter 851 - Earthen Dual Body

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised as he looked down at the device.

How did I take this out of my Inventory Bag?

Is this a hint from the world’s will?

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan tried releasing his inner sight.

Unfortunately, his inner sight still couldn’t be released, it could still only linger in his Thought Sea.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t feel disappointed and changed his line of thought.

Since I got this hint, does that mean I would be able to take out more things from my Thought Sea?

He tried using his inner sight to take out other things.

After trying every supernatural item, they were still stuck inside.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at his Holo-Brain.

From the Earth World’s rules, this technological-type item doesn’t count as supernatural.

The Holo-Brain doesn’t contain any special powers, it perfectly fits the development cycle of this world’s technology, if only a lot more advanced.

Do I have other technological-type items?

Gu Qing Shan searched his Thought Sea again.

After a while, he gave up.

As a high-realm cultivator, besides his personal Holo-Brain, he did not carry anything that a normal person would be able to get their hands on.

He couldn’t even take out cultivation pills of the lowest level.

Not even the seafood he caught from the Chaos Demonic Sea.

Calming back down, Gu Qing Shan turned his Holo-Brain on.


The Holo-Brain suddenly broke into pieces.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the remains of the Holo-Brain in shock.

So I can’t even use a Holo-Brain.

But if that’s the case, why was I able to take it out?

He was stunned briefly before he realized what happened.

“What is that?” old Li asked.

“My personal processor” Gu Qing Shan carefully collected the pieces of the Holo-Brain and put it on the table.

He picked out the various things from the broken device, like the memory unit, the AI system module, the information reserve center and various other intact components.


Gu Qing Shan muttered.

The only things that broke were the chassis and other unimportant components.

The true core of the device was still all here.

These components didn’t contain any supernatural power, and they were already broken once, so they were allowed to remain on the Earth World.

From this, it can be seen that the Earth World’s will was purposefully not doing its best.

On the premise that it doesn’t break its own rules, the world’s will was helping him.

Or rather, it was helping itself.

Gu Qing Shan quickly operated the repair interface to pick out a few more components from the reserve.

He was building a new Holo-Brain.

Built with components that came from this world, the new Holo-Brain shouldn’t be broken by the Earth World’s rules.

A few moments later, the new Holo-Brain finished being assembled.

“Turn on” Gu Qing Shan gave the order.

The Holo-Brain lit up.


Gu Qing Shan now thoroughly understood.

The Earth World’s will placed such strict Laws on this world in order to protect itself.

Right now, I’m technically breaking its rules, but since my goal was to help it, it’s helping me avoid those Laws.


Sure enough, to get to that level, there’s no way someone would be dumb or inflexible.

Gu Qing Shan discarded those thoughts and quickly resumed his work.

“Record new language” Gu Qing Shan told the Holo-Brain.

[Preparing to record] the Holo-Brain answered.

Gu Qing Shan first pronounced the 36 core phonetic syllables, then moved on to character, words, then phrases, taking a total of 10 minutes of reading aloud.

[Analyzing new language, reconstructing user interface]

“Very good. Now I’m going to connect you to the Mech’s information network and recharging cord. You need to decipher the code and attempt to connect to this world’s network”

[Holo-Brain has been prepared, please connect to network port]

[Connection successful, begin deciphering password]

[Password encryption is relatively primitive, decryption successful in 20 seconds]

[Connected to network, please state the next order of business]

Gu Qing Shan turned towards the blond man: “I remember you said that the Mech research center is in the outskirts of the capital?”

“Yeah, not too far from here” the blond man replied.

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit and muttered: “Time is precious, let’s just finish the plan first”

He ordered the Holo-Brain: “Invade and take over the Mech research center’s network. Use the 21 Mech schematics I stored in the system, select a close-ranged Mech and look for the appropriate materials to construct them”


[Selected suitable schematic]

[Taking over the Mech research center. Concealing all traces. Turning off all security cameras. Constructing assault-type Mech]

[Construction has begun, please wait for 7 minutes]

[Construction complete]

[Assault-type Mech has been created]

Gu Qing Shan then ordered: “Perform specifications test”

[Sir, which test should we run?]

“Real combat”


Around 7-8 minutes later.

[Reporting sir, combat is over]

“What are the results?”

[All undead eliminated]

“Hm, that’s normal”

Please, in my homeworld, technology is several dozen times more advanced than this world, I’m a world-class expert in this field, AND I have this world’s Creator behind me. If I still couldn’t make a usable Mech this way, I might have had to commit suicide to say sorry to myself.

Now, for the most important matter.

“Take over the entire world’s network, begin mass-production of Assault-type Mechs in all research centers all over the world”

“To prevent chaos, prepare a world-wide live broadcast to be aired in 1 minute, I’m going to tell them what’s going to happen”


Gu Qing Shan paused, then turned towards the blond man and old Li: “Prepare to go on TV”

Old Li pulled a comb out of somewhere and hurriedly fixed his hair.

The blond man was also nervous: “We don’t have to go on TV, right?”

“You do, because machines cannot escape from human control, otherwise an issue will arise, and this world’s technology isn’t well-equipped enough to deal with such an issue. So from now on, this world’s Mechs will fall under your control” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“But we didn’t do anything” the blond man said.

“You helped me. Consider this a token of my appreciation” Gu Qing Shan replied.

One minute later.

In front of every screen in the world.

Gu Qing Shan appeared and made his statement.

[Everyone, please remember today]

[The darkness had passed, and the age of Mechs have arrived]

After Gu Qing Shan finished his world-wide TV statement, he found himself no longer on the Earth World, instead standing in front of a boundless surging flow of grey liquid.

“I’ve only been in there for 2 days, right?”

Gu Qing Shan was a bit confused.

The giant’s chuckle could be heard from the grey flow of liquid.

「 Or did you want to crown yourself king in my world? 」he asked.

“No, I only came to face my Tribulation” Gu Qing Shan replied.

A giant face appeared from the grey flow of liquid right in front of Gu Qing Shan.

「 How did you come up with creating machines to resolve the threat? 」the giant asked with an echoing voice.

“Knowledge can change one’s fate and future, the technology can change one’s life. This is my expertise” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 You seem to have a lot of expertise 」the giant commented.

“Only Mechs and cooking, there is nothing else” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 Very well, cultivator, I will consider you to have passed the Earth Tribulation because most likely, no one would be able to kill you from this point onwards 」

“Thank you, venerable one”

「 Since you already helped me, in accordance with our agreement, I shall bestow you a gift. But since you are much too weak, I can only grant you something in the manner that you can accept 」

“I thank you again”

「 You may leave, when you return to where you belong, you will find that little gift of mine 」

“Wait a minute, I have something I want to ask”


The intense surging grey flow of liquid and enveloped Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan lost consciousness.

When he abruptly awoke again, he found himself standing in the middle of the wilderness.

Luo Bing Li, the figure of light and the God of Frost and Chill were still standing guard for him.

“How regretful, I still wanted to ask about the Soul Shrieker” Gu Qing Shan muttered dejectedly.

In front of his eyes, lines of blood-red text quickly scrolled past.

[You’ve passed the Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Quad Tribulation]

[You have become a Three Thousand Worlds realm cultivator]

[Your Quest: ‘Advance, young man!’ has been completed]

[You obtained the following reward: the Order’s continual evolution]

[The Demon King Order will soon evolve, the next stage shall be: Revolution]

[Before that, please draw another Card for your Condemnation deck]

[As you gave up on drawing the Card for Void Revolution realm, you may choose one of five randomly drawn cards and obtain it]

[Special reminder:]

[World-class Entity: the Earth Creator has bestowed a gift upon you]

[Its gift will participate in this drawing together with other Cards]

Cards began to appear on the [Origin] UI one after another.

Gu Qing Shan glanced over all the Cards before finally setting his eyes on one that was giving off a golden glow.

The Card depicted a pair of intertwining snakes that were descending upwards.

A few lines of description were written below the card:

[Gold Card: Earthen Dual Body]

[When you use this Card, you will take control over the body of another entity, regardless, if the other party is a living being, a non-living being or an Eternal being]

[Note: This is the Earth Creator’s gift to you, it is the powerful guardian of the Law of the Earth]

[Considering that using this power too frequently will draw the attention of the Earth Creator’s enemies, the Earth Creator only granted you one use of this power]

[The power of the Earth Saint Pillar shall protect you]

After reading through, Gu Qing Shan didn’t even bother looking at the other cards and said without hesitation: “I choose this Card!”

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