
Chapter 669 - Test of the Gods

Chapter 669: Test of the Gods

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:? Arya

The Stone Book had given them an unprecedented warning!

The expressions on the seven follower’s faces changed.

As elites of their respective churches, everyone here was able to decode the terrifying truth hidden among the Stone Book’s words.

“This is serious, should we stop for now and report to our Church first?” the girl whose eyes were closed removed her hand from the Stone Book and suggested.

She was the youngest one among everyone here, so her voice contained a clear sense of unease.

“I agree!” Anna immediately replied.

The others also took their hands of the Stone Book and stopped pouring power in.

The Stone Book quickly returned to silence.

The blond man spoke seriously: “The Stone Book has appeared, which means that the power of the Gods has completely sealed off this world, we won’t be able to leave”

“Indeed, this is quite troublesome; only after all seven of us have failed would the gate to leave this world manifest again” the green-robed woman added.

“Can’t we just purposefully fail then?” the girl with closed eyes spoke.

Anna happily followed up: “That is indeed a solution”

——-as long as everyone here fails, I’ll be able to return to the Church right away.

This will save the most amount of my time!

Anna expectantly glanced at the rest of them, hoping that they would agree with her.

But everyone shook their heads.

The blond man said: “Misses, I think you’ve forgotten an important key detail”

Anna asked: “What key detail?”

The blond man slowly clenched his fist together and spoke in a low voice: “The prophecy of the Gods have reached its end. If we are able to bring the final prophecy back to our Church at this crucial point in time, we will definitely be rewarded even more so than ever before”

The man with the trident added: “Please think about this carefully, this will be the very last prophecy of the Gods, if we are able to obtain it, our names will be left in the history books!”

“Not only that” the green-robed woman continued: “The final prophecy would also likely contain the deepest, most unimaginable secrets. When we return, the upper echelons of the Church will personally receive us, giving us to chance to show ourselves and form relations with those truly in power”

Saying so, everyone’s expressions were filled with excitement.

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This is an unprecedented chance.

Most likely, even the people in power of the Church who sent us here didn’t know about this before!

Seeing their expressions, Anna understood that she was unable to convince them and sighed in disappointment.

——-why are these people still so concerned with their merits and appearance?

Don’t they know that the single true deciding factor of everything is their own strength?

Instead of training themselves as much as possible, they chose to go through hoops and bounds, using various methods to gain fame and authority. They have completely lost sight of the most basic need to become stronger, they have become mediocre.

If they obtain the strength of a God, then the benefits of authority that they’re so desperate to earn right now will be served to them on a platter.

Strength is the basis for everything!

Unfortunately, at this point, the opinion of a single person couldn’t change the decision of many.

The girl with closed eyes turned to Anna and smiled apologetically.

Anna lightly shook her head, signaling her not to mind it.

This girl was the only person that Anna had met before this, so it could be said that they were acquainted.

The girl was a nun of the Church of Fate, an amiable and polite girl that treated everyone the same.

Anna had quite a good impression of her.

But at this point, the two of them couldn’t change everyone’s minds.

Under such a situation, the only thing to do was to cooperate with the other followers and hope that they would be able to complete the test a bit quicker.

The seven people once again placed their hands on the Stone Book and poured in their power.

A stern and majestic voice arrived from the Stone Book.

[Strength is the basis for everything]

Anna raised her eyebrows in surprise, as these words were exactly the same as what she had thought.

The voice continued:

[The final test of the Gods is a test of strength]

[Your average strength has been estimated, the appropriate test shall soon begin!]

[Win against the creation of the Old Gods and open the final prophecy]


The hall trembled again.

[Challengers, enter the dark cave and accept your test] the Stone Book told them.

“Look!” the blond man exclaimed.

At another corner of the hall, a deep, dark cave entrance had manifested from nothing.

This dark cave felt like the mouth of a beast, filled with a fearsome, indescribable air.

Their vision was limited, only allowing them enough to faintly see that something huge was moving around inside the cave.

Chill ran down everyone’s spines.

This is a creation of the Old Gods!

Everyone thought at the same time.

The blond man fell into thought briefly before speaking: “Among us, the one who is most suited to go against the unknown are followers of the God of Fate, how about you try it first?”

He looked at the girl with closed eyes.

Everyone followed up with him in agreement.

“Ah? Me?” the girl hesitated a bit and mustered her courage: “Very well, then I will take a look”

Anna stopped her.

She glared at the blond man: “Her expertise is divination and clairvoyance, she’s not suited for sudden combat. As close-ranged Professionists, it should be you lot to enter first”

The blond man raised his eyebrow, about to refute.

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The girl with the closed eyes smiled and lightly pushed Anna’s hand down: “It’s fine, if there is any danger, I will give up right away and leave to tell everyone the situation inside”

She grasped the necklace she was wearing and lightly hovered into the dark cave.

Anna was anxious.

She then looked at the rest of them and angrily asked: “We were the ones who suggested leaving while you lot are the ones who insisted on continuing, and yet you intend to hide behind us, is that fair?”

“That’s not the case” the man with the trident answered her: “She’s only scouting, the real fighting would still be left to us”

The blond man also explained: “She’s actually the one with the strongest fighting abilities among us, so we left the scouting to her while we’re taking up other crucial tasks”


“That is the case”

“Everyone has their own job to do, it’s simple”

The green-robed woman, the man with the frost gauntlets as well as the tall man with the pair of wings all agreed.

Seeing their unanimous agreement, Anna couldn’t quite find the words to refute them.

She was never a person who was good with words in the first place.

All of a sudden, a desperate scream came out from the dark cave.


Immediately following the intense scream was an intense wind that carried a thick stench of blood.

The wind carried with it a fierce presence that blew past the group.

“This is…”

The man with the wings muttered as he couldn’t help but take a step backwards.

Everyone could tell right away with that formidable aura.

Whatever was in there right now was already more than one step stronger than they were.

Inside the dark cave, the faint sound of sobbing and struggling could be heard.

Everyone’s expressions changed.

The blond man spoke: “Not good, that monster is too strong, with my power, the most I can do is commit a double suicide”

“That’s not beneficial at all, I won’t exchange my own life for a single prophecy”

He shook his head.

The man with the trident also took a step back: “It seems the situation this time is much more dangerous than we expected, I suggest we all give up and return to ask for reinforcement!”

“This is a smart choice, I agree!” the green-robed woman quickly concurred.

Suddenly, a roar of anger and killing intent echoed across the entire hall.


The shout came from Anna.

She glanced towards the Stone Book and quickly asked: “Is she alive?”

[Alive, but barely] the Stone Book replied.

Anna’s expression turned pale and worriedly asked: “Which means she was already disqualified! Can I go in right away?”

[You may!]

As soon as the Stone Book said ‘you may’, Anna had already appeared in front of the dark cave.

While in mid-air, she had already chanted her incantation:

“Death, I am your servant! I am the judge of living beings’ life and death!”

Due to the worry and anxiousness in her voice, it sounded almost like a scream.

The spell of Death had been cast!


Her black hair fluttered wildly, intense black light that felt like a vast ocean poured out from Anna’s body and filled the entire hall.

The scythe in her hand gave off a thick fog of darkness as a black flame silently burned on the tip of the scythe.

Anna had used all her powers without hesitation!

A second later, all the paranormal phenomenon disappeared———-

She had gone into the dark cave!

The hall fell back into silence.

The remaining five exchanged glances without saying anything.

After a while, the green-robed woman finally couldn’t take it anymore and spoke: “I suggest that we cooperate without holding anything back”

“What do you mean?” the blond man asked.

“Don’t even try to say that you didn’t notice. That woman from the Church of Death held killing intent towards us just now”

She shook her head: “I can tell, she isn’t someone who’s bound by rules and laws, and the power she showed just now was terrifying if she really did attack——- I don’t think any of you might have been able to stop her”


A few moments later, the rest expressed their opinions.

“We aren’t scared of her, but there is strength in numbers” the man with the trident declared.

“Indeed, let us join hands” the man with the pair of wings followed up.

The blond man thought briefly and concluded: “Then we should form a cooperative relationship, whether it is to deal with other troublesome situations, or against the betrayal of the other Holy Churches”

“That’s how it should be” the green-robed woman agreed.

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