
Chapter 471 - All Beings vs All Things (2)

?Chapter 471: All Beings vs All Things (2)

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

The sky turned into a dark red hue.

It was the realm demon’s body rising up and releasing the red light which illuminated the entire world.

The realm demon had begun to move.


A fleshy tree abruptly sprouted from the ground, shooting straight up to the sky and pierced through a floating island on its way up.

The floating island was easily broken into pieces as it crumbled in the air.

But the Realm Demon Tree kept rising until it reached the very top of the sky.

“Gongzi, no cultivator showed up, but the realm demon is attacking anyways” Shannu commented.

Gu Qing Shan waved his hand and gestured to her to stay silent.

The next instant, a gigantic blood-red shadow rose up right in front of Guang Yang sect’s floating island, slowly reaching towards the sky.

Countless sharp thorns adorned the branches and trunk of the Realm Demon Tree, vibrating as if they were trying to catch any minute presence of spirit energy.

This particular Realm Demon Tree sprouted so close to Guang Yang sect’s floating island that it almost pierced it through.

Without time to be thankful for his luck, Gu Qing Shan saw another Realm Demon Tree sprout from a place not too far from them.

More and more Realm Demon Trees began to sprout one after another.

Because of how rapid growing and numerous the Realm Demon Trees were, many floating islands couldn’t react at all before they were broken down and crumbled into pieces.

And when the floating islands were destroyed, the cultivators of those islands proceeded to escape towards the sky.

They couldn’t do anything but utilize spirit energy to prevent themselves from falling.

This can’t be helped, as falling down meant falling straight towards the realm demon.

But drinking poisoned wine to quench their thirst only served to quicken their deaths.

As soon as the first strand of spirit energy was infused into a cultivator’s hand seal, the realm demon instantly picked up on it.

The Realm Demon Tree nearest to that cultivator sprouted a large bloody fruit.


With a slight pop, the fruit broke open.

A human skin bag as thin as a cicada’s wings came out.

It looked at the cultivator and started to laugh frenziedly: “Good, good!”

This was a conscious offshoot of the realm demon.

Following that, every Realm Demon Tree started to sprout fruits.

Innumerable human skin bags appeared from within.

They were all staring at the cultivators hovering in the air while laughing and cheering: “Good, good, so many delectable souls!!”

Rumble, rumble!

The Realm Demon Trees across the world went into destroying every floating island in the sky, hidden or otherwise.

Every few seconds, another floating island would fall.

More and more cultivators were forced to fly in the air.

They were panicking, but they didn’t know where they could possibly run to.

They were screaming in fear, but couldn’t think of even one solution to survive.

And then, more and more Realm Demon Trees began to sprout more fruits and release more conscious offshoots.

Too many human skin bags to count.

At a certain point, the skin bags started their hunt.

Their speed was so overwhelming that normal cultivators couldn’t even react in time.

A Virtualized realm cultivator and his treasure tool only managed to resist once or twice before he was quickly surrounded by the torrent of skin bags.

This wasn’t just the amount of conscious offshoots released by 1 or 2 Realm Demon Trees.

This was the combined tsunami of monsters released by tens of thousands of Realm Demon Trees!

Within the skin bag’s encirclement, desperate shouts and screams could be heard briefly before it completely disappeared.

The skin bags scattered again.

No sign of the cultivators were left.

Even a Virtualized realm cultivator was completely devoured in mere seconds.

Within the boundless encirclement of the realm demon’s conscious offshoots, even a Virtualized realm cultivator was nothing but a grain of sand in the desert.

After devouring him, the skin bags fluttered their flat bodies to move towards other directions.

The sky was filled with cultivators with nowhere to run.

The skin bags resumed their hunt.

What ensued was a cruel, bloody and despairing massacre.

Moans, screams, cries, yells.

Mists of blood filled the sky.

The skin bags were laughing in an uncontrollable frenzied manner.

The cultivators were quickly being devoured without being able to put up much resistance.

You could see a skin bag eating, everywhere in sight.

They were enjoying their grand gluttonous feast.

These were the last moments of this world.

Guang Yang sect’s floating island.

“Gongzi, what do we do now?” Shannu anxiously asked.

“Turn back into a sword, this time I’ll have to do this alone”

“But why? I can help you” Shannu protested.

Gu Qing Shan sternly spoke: “This time power isn’t the main issue, it’s adaptability, and under such circumstances, the fewer people there are the better”


Shannu body twirled and turned back into the Six Paths Great Mountain sword as Gu Qing Shan grabbed it and stored it into his Thought Sea.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Qing Shan returned his gaze outside the floating island.

It was a forest of fleshy trees out there, and more of them were growing every second.

At this rate, no floating island in the world would be able to escape, they would all eventually crumble to dust.

Gu Qing Shan stared intently at the cultivators in the sky.

A few of them got closer and joined hands, using their spirit energy for powerful spells in an attempt to resist the realm demon conscious offshoots.

But this turned out to be meaningless.

The realm demon conscious offshoots had the absolute number advantage.

The cultivators were quickly defeated, split up and devoured individually.

“This is… an absolute difference in power…”

Gu Qing Shan sighed and muttered.

Against such powers, he was powerless as well.

He could consider himself lucky.

Guang Yang sect’s floating island didn’t get destroyed in the first wave.

Since the island’s quarantine formation is still working perfectly, no conscious offshoots were here at the moment.

But this situation won’t last for long, it was just a matter of time until safety was broken.

Gu Qing Shan seized the time to observe the rest of the world.

He wanted to look for a solution.


The realm demon let out a thunderous roar that rocked the world.

More and more fleshy trees started to sprout, taking up the entire world.

Gu Qing Shan glanced in a certain direction.

Where he was watching, a floating island was slowly falling down.

Gu Qing Shan quickly looked all around.

Every surviving floating island was descending, as if some sort of force was pulling them out of the air.

Out of nowhere, a black vortex manifested in midair.

That area of space disappeared.

The sky itself seems to be lower.

“Space itself… is shrinking”

Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Unlike what he had thought, the world didn’t disappear right away, but rather began to implode on itself.

If that was the case, when the world comes to an end, even if they were somehow lucky enough to survive, the cultivators would still have to face the realm demon directly.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.


With an explosion, Guang Yang sect’s floating island started tilting.

A Realm Demon Tree finally struck Guang Yang sect’s floating island.

Facing the power of the trees, the defensive formations of the floating island stood no chance and were easily destroyed.

The floating island trembled.

Cracks ran across the ground, half of the island broke off and crumbled piece by piece into dust.

As dust filled the sky, the remaining half of the island barely managed to cling on and stay in the sky without falling down.

The light and spirit energy waves that resonated as the formations were broken quickly which attracted countless skin bags.

They were shoving one another out of their way as they made it here.

But even after circling every nook and cranny of the floating island, they found no cultivators.

The skin bags scattered across the entire floating island.

They circled it a few times.

There were indeed a lot of living creatures on this island.

But they were all very common creatures without any spirit energy to their name.

This dwarfed the skin bags’ motivation completely.

After a while, even when the island itself began to crumble and fall, not a single cultivator appeared at all.

Seeing how the floating island was done for, the skin bags all went away impatiently.

There were more delicious prey and more floating islands in the sky.

The skin bags all left to continue their hunt.

Guang Yang sect’s floating island had completely crumbled to dust and fell down towards the realm demon.

The last piece on the island to fall was its mountain peak.

The originally majestic rivers and mountains were destroyed during the collapse as they fell.

The creatures living there all scattered in fear, running for their lives.

Unfortunately, they were only wild beasts still far away from sentient, not enough to know exactly what in the world was going on.

They would eventually fall into the realm demon’s body, becoming an insignificant source of nutrients for it.

On the crumbling mountain and rivers, a Flametail Ape was quickly climbing up the mountain peak.

Using both its arms and feet to utmost efficiency, the ape was utilizing its nimble body to the limit.

The mountain kept crumbling down.

But the Flametail Ape patiently climbed and climbed.

Finally, before the mountain thoroughly fell down to dust, the Flametail Ape reached the apex.

Standing on the peak, it jumped up.

The mountain crumbled.

But the Flametail Ape had jumped.

And it caught the branch of a tree!

This was the branch of a tree on top of another floating island.

In the split second that the two floating islands passed, the Flametail Ape had jumped over!

Nimbly moving its body, the Flametail Ape climbed on top of the tallest, oldest tree here.

Before it could even rest, another thunderous sound of impact arrived.

This island was struck by a Realm Demon Tree as well.

Because of how low this island was to the surface, when struck by the Realm Demon Tree, it crumbled away almost instantly.

The Flametail Ape stared at this.

It jumped again.

But this time, the other islands were too far away for the Flametail Ape to reach.

The island crumbled and fell down in no time at all.

The remains of the island were slowly absorbed into the realm demon’s body and disappeared without a trace.

In the air.

Where the island originally was, a butterfly was lightly fluttering its wings heading to another floating island.

While flying, the butterfly remained cautious.

A bit further away, more and more islands were being forced downward by the shrinking space.

Some of them directly fell down.

A few others barely managed to stay afloat.

But within this collapsing Suspended world, the amount of fortunate floating islands that survived were quickly decreasing.

It definitely cannot touch the realm demon’s body.

Anything that touches it will definitely be devoured without fail.

The butterfly kept flapping its wings, fluttering towards its target.

Weaving through the countless skin bags was supposed to be a very dangerous thing to do.

But the butterfly was nothing but a weak, unassuming creature.

It had no spirit energy.

Despite noticing it, the realm demon’s conscious offshoots ignored it and instead headed for those cultivators still struggling for their lives.

Cultivators were the best and only food for them, so every single one of them wanted a piece.

They had no time to pay attention to a butterfly.

Just like that, the butterfly safely fluttered towards a floating island not too far from there.

It was a floating island with a large scenic countryside.

After a few minutes, the butterfly finally reached the island.

Landing on the ground, the butterfly turned into a Six-eared Flower Deer.

This was a small type of spirit beast whose forte was speed.

Before the realm demon came to this world, this type of spirit beast was highly desirable.

Because its running speed was comparable to that of a flying cultivator.

The Six-eared Flower Deer casually pranced forward.

When it found a shade under a tree, it laid down to rest.

Stamina is also important, every single bit counts so I can’t waste even a little bit.

The Six-eared Flower Deer silently looked to the sky, watching the floating islands fall one by one, their cultivators being devoured and dying without fail.

Its gaze was focused and calm, as if the destruction of the world didn’t even faze it.

There were less and less islands lucky enough to survive.


Not too long later, this island was also struck.

It began to collapse.

The Six-eared Flower Deer instantly stood up and ran outside.

Running on all fours, it turned into a blurred streak of light as it ran across the countryside terrain.

While running, it was still paying attention to every island it could see.

All of a sudden, one of the other islands lost control and crashed into this island.

It was a lake island.

The countryside island was tilted from the impact.

A lot of creatures started to fall off the island.

But it didn’t matter, because the Six-eared Flower Deer was very fast.

It ran and ran, running towards the now-peak of the countryside.

Only the peak would give it a brief chance of survival.

Just as the Six-eared Flower Deer reached the peak of the countryside.

The lake island from before quickly approached, almost slamming vertically at the countryside island.


Countless creatures were flung to the air from the intense impact.

The water in the lake was scattered into countless droplets that bounced around a little before pouring down like the rain.

The lake had literally formed a downpour to the earth.

The two islands crumbled from their impact into two clouds of yellow dust.

Right before the two islands crashed, the Six-eared Flower Deer had reached the end of the countryside island.

It sped up!

When the world-shattering sound of impact rang out, the Six-eared Flower Deer had already jumped.

Using its momentum, it flew across the sky off the island from before.

The skin bags in the air completely ignored it with disdain.

They instead headed towards a few cultivators behind it, devouring them clean in mere seconds.

The Six-eared Flower Deer had naturally left the two destroyed islands behind.

It was falling towards another lake island.

This was the last island lucky enough to survive around this area, as well as the location that it had picked out beforehand.

It would be able to enjoy a few dozen seconds of peace here.


Water bubbles splattered everywhere.

The Six-eared Flower Deer sank into the lake.

A second later, the Six-eared Flower Deer disappeared without a trace, replaced by a bright-colored carp that casually surfaced.

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