
Chapter 422 - Demon Lords came again

Several hundred quadrillion dead were all looking up in anticipation.

At a certain spot in the Confederate desert, the situation changed.

The world barrier was broken for only a split second.

A few dozen demons immediately dropped down.

The dead that filled the desert have been waiting for this.

As soon as they noticed the change in the sky, the dead stepped over each other, piling on to become a mountain of flesh as they tried to overtake the next person to get their food.

Before the demons even fell to the ground, they’ve already been eaten to bare bones by the dead.

Those dead that didn’t manage to get a scrap of meat all appeared regretful.

But they looked back up to the sky.

And kept waiting.

The dead continued to wait.

But then, a few dog-type Beast King shook off the other dead and came to where the bones of those demons fell.

“What are you doing?” a dead couldn’t help but ask.

The dog-type Beast Kings smirked coldly: “You peasants, true deliciousness ——comes from the marrow of the bones!!”

They quickly crunched and devoured even the bones of the demons.

The sound of satisfied chewing and sucking of the bones could be heard.

A few moments later.

The weak world barrier once again opened up, letting a few hundred demons inside.

The dead continued their joyful frenzy.

In mere seconds, the hundreds of demons were eaten clean.

This time, not even bone scraps were left behind.

Within the sea of dead, a few appeared very irritated.

The demon that they managed to wrestle away couldn’t be eaten.

The Confederate.

The capital.

The empty ground in front of the mountain.

The male Asura has already left, so there were only 6 leaders left here.

They all exchanged looks, seeing the same thoughts in each other’s eyes.

“Devil King, before reincarnating, we’re going to fight for a bit as well”

“Go ahead” Gu Qing Shan told them.

The 6 leaders scattered in different directions.

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the changes in the sky.

——the world barrier wasn’t going to collapse all at once.

To the very moments before its inevitable collapse, it was still doing its job to stop the demon’s invasion.

This was a miraculous sight to behold.

The current state of the world barrier was like that of a faulty light bulb, it might be bright one second, but flicker and lose its effect the next.

At least for the next hour, the world barrier will not completely disappear.

In the next hour, the demons can only drip into the human realm through the occasional cracks, a few at a time.

A few hundred, thousand, at most a few ten thousand demons were breaking through the world barrier to enter the human realm.

——-but right below, waiting for them were several hundred quadrillion dead people.

The dead were waiting for them like death row inmates waiting for their last meal.

As their last meal in the Huang Quan Path, the dead were all looking forward to the most savory and memorable dishes offered.

At various places around the world, you could occasionally hear the dead’s cries of excitement as more demons fell down where they were.

The countless dead were like frenzied, hungry flesh-eating ants!

This meal of theirs lasted for about half an hour.

It was now that the smarter Demon Lords among the demons realized what was happening.

They ordered retreat without hesitation.

Against unkillable targets, war was a futile and meaningless act.

No matter how strong they were, no matter how many dead they killed, if they entered the world below, they would only become the dead’s food.

Even if they can avoid being eaten, the only thing waiting for them was a drawn-out battle.

The kind of battle where not a single enemy can be killed.

It was so meaningless it was funny.

The Demon Lords retreated without a hint of hesitation.

A few giant demons followed them.

Next was a few strong and smart demons.

Then finally the imps and spawns that only know to follow the strong.

Less and less demons were waiting in the sky.

The only demons that remained were non-sentient ones that only knew to kill and kill until they were dead.

Another 20 minutes passed.

The world barrier was finally completely gone.

The few demons that remained started dropping down from above.

The dead resumed their joyous roars.

A gluttonous banquet began.

Gu Qing Shan looked below from the mountain.

The dead’s banquet was still ongoing.

“Impartial Goddess, how are the various places in the world?”

[A few demons manage to harm some living people, but they were quickly defeated by the dead, the majority of demons have already been killed]

Gu Qing Shan checked the time.

There was still 5 more hours until the world barrier reformed.

Gu Qing Shan took hold of the Devil King Warden Rod and asked: 「 How long do you have left? 」

“From what we can sense, there should be about 5 hours left” the female Asura answered.

Gu Qing Shan felt tense.

If the dead are forced to reincarnate early when the world barrier still hasn’t reformed yet then the world will be defenseless.

He called everyone and told them the situation.

The President spoke: “The most crucial thing now is to see whether or not the dead can keep it up until the world barrier completely reforms”

“That’s right, if the dead disappear before the barrier reforms, those Demon Lords will probably return without hesitation” Gu Qing Shan said.

Anna clasped her hands together and prayed: “O’ God above, please let the barrier fully reform before the dead have to reincarnate”

Black Hound whispered: “Your God has just been snatched away to another world”

Anna immediately fixed her worlds: “I’m praying to the Death God”

Black Hound was satisfied: “That’s the way it should be”

“—-then all we can do now is wait” Ye Fei Li spoke with an irritated expression, “having to rely on those villains to save the world makes me feel a little annoyed”

Gu Qing Shan patted him on the shoulder, saying: “Keep cultivating, we have no one but ourselves to rely on in the future”

Ye Fei Li nodded.

Time slowly, but quickly passed.

These were the longest few hours of Gu Qing Shan’s life.

The President and Monarch Varona had contacted the world leaders, notifying all humans to go into hiding and not show themselves.

Impartial Goddess had taken over all the machines in the world, helping transport the dead to where a lot of demons gathered.

Everything was quickly being carried out.

But none of this could decide the ultimate fate of the world at all.

The ultimate fate of the world rests on when the dead will have to reincarnate, and when the world barrier reforms.

The only way for everything to work out was if the dead reincarnated after the barrier reforms, or if their times weren’t too far apart.

Otherwise, if and when the Demon Lords noticed and return, the world would still head to its end without question.

They were anxiously waiting.

Time slowly passed.

The final hour.

This were the most crucial moments

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell onto the War God UI.

A glowing line of text was floating there.

[The fusion of two worlds will cause the world barrier to reform. Estimated time until the world barrier automatically reforms 00:37:29]

There’s only 37 minutes left until the barrier reforms!

Gu Qing Shan looked at the time, then at the plains outside.

The dead are can still be seen outside.

You have to keep up.

Suddenly —-

A giant string of light descended from above.

This light was like a waterfall, sweeping through the sky and kept expanding outwards.

The dead who bathe within this light all had an expression of understanding.

It’s time for their reincarnation.

Now was their time to be reborn anew.

According to the words of the Merit Accountant Machine, if they keep staying here, their Merit will rapidly be deducted until it reaches negative and they’re forced back into the suffering of hell once again.

But! But!

There’s still 37 minutes more until the world barrier can reform!

Why did the dead have to reincarnate at such a crucial moment!

The previous barrier is gone, the dead are gone as well, the world is about to be completely defenseless.


Far above the sky, a few terrifying Demon Lords have already returned.

They were screaming, screeching, anxiously waiting for the dead to leave.

36 minutes, 59 seconds.

A despairing amount of time.

Once the dead all reincarnates, the Demon Lords won’t waste even a minute to swoop in and invade.

Suddenly, a loud laughter erupted from within the dead.

“Ahahahaha, Devil King, I’ve been waiting for this very moment!”

“You’re finished!”

Sensing through the telepathic link, they noticed it was the female Fiendkind of the 10 opposing leaders of hell who laughed.

She was laughing triumphantly: “Good bye, Devil King, I wish you and your world a happy destruction”

Saying so, the female Fiendkind disappeared within the screen of light.

She had reincarnated.

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