
Chapter 413 - Charge

Holding the Devil King Warden Rod in hand, he whispered: “[Breaking Cells]”

[Rod Secret Art: Breaking Cells, you can use this Secret Art while holding the Devil King rod, opens all 18 layers of hell, releasing the dead inside]

The ground began to shake uncontrollably.

Without anyone noticing, the barrier cells of the 18 layers of hell all disappeared.

Time slowly passed.

A while later, a giant appeared at the foot of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, where the Forgetting River was shallow.

Without any Hellspawn or Divinities to restrain or punish him, he made his way through the Forgetting River and step by step climbed onto the Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

He came from the Skinning Hell.

The Forgetting River welcomed him with a warm embrace.

That’s right, he was dead, as a dead, the Forgetting River will not kill him, and was incapable of killing him.

The second giant appeared.

Then a third.

Then came a human.

The Asura swung his weapon.

The Beast King realm bunch roared.

The Fiendkinds took to the air.

Followed by a strange creature with a chaotic appearance.

Dozens of dead stood in the water of the river.

Behind those dozen dead, an unbelievable amount of dead that filled the entire Forgetting River came from below the water.

There was over a quintillion dead counting all 18 layers of hell, and they were coming out one after another without pause.

Inside the Blood River Hell, Gu Qing Shan softly ordered.


The dead moved.

They were charging towards the Shrine of Reincarnation.

After only just a few steps, a colorful shadow descended from above and decimated the dead who just crawled out from the river to ash.

The 7-colored spear attacked.

But to both sides, this was only just the beginning.

A literally unending tide of dead came out from the river towards the Shrine of Reincarnation.


Another colorful phantom spear.

Thousands were killed in a single hit.

But it didn’t matter!

The very second they died, more dead came from below to replace them.

The dead were charging in a frenzy towards the Shrine.

They weren’t afraid.

The pain of their bodies being ripped to shreds was nothing but one of many tortures in hell.

And death was no different from being forced to sleep to them.

The dead weren’t afraid of dying!

No matter how powerful the spear attacks were, it couldn’t shake their determination.

A particularly fast giant was hit, the phantom spear ripped through his body and even through a few more giants who were behind him.

But before his death, the giant had grabbed and threw another dead flying towards the Shrine.

He merrily yelled out: “Trash, so what if you kill me!”

Perhaps it understood this as the 7-colored spear erupted.

Unending phantom spears that formed a dome appeared, covering the entire world of Huang Quan.

Around the Great Mountain, millions, billions of dead died in large troves.

Gu Qing Shan put his hand above the Devil King Warden Rod, muttering: “Again”

He had activated another Rod Secret Art: [Dead Essence]

All the sleeping dead were woken up again.

All the dead in the 18 layers of hell instantly got back up from their slumber and once again quickly went to the Forgetting River.

The Forgetting River that surrounded the Grand Tie Wei Mountain was now a river of dead.

At the top, the 7-colored spear had increased its attack frequency.

The phantom spears were being shot out quicker and quicker.

Large patches of dead were being killed, but more trampled over their bodies and moved forward.

Looking from above, it was like an army of unrelenting ants slowly closing in on their targets.

Seeing this, Shannu sighed: “Who would’ve thought these villains of hell would be so motivated”

Gu Qing Shan answered: “In any war, a willing soldier and a soldier forced to fight express vastly different levels of fighting abilities”

“Is this why you had chosen to give them an equivalent exchange?”

Gu Qing Shan smiled and muttered: “Forcing them to risk their lives but not giving them any rewards, who would be willing to give their all? Not to mention this is hell, those vile bastards aren’t noble enough to sacrifice themselves for the greater good”

Shannu agreed: “If such a thing of fantasy were to happen, it would require some sort of fantastic main character to motivate someone for nothing”

The foot of the Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

The dead were still charging forward like mad.

As time passed, the dead finally started to use their heads to think of a way to get closer to the Shrine of Reincarnation.

No longer moving in a straight line, they were constantly changing their movement patterns as they moved forward.

They tried running, rolling aside, jumping up and down, crawling on the ground, even moving in a zig-zagging pattern.

They scattered, some on the ground, some flying above, approaching the Shrine in varying directions.

This time, the 7-colored spear was unable to keep up.

Even if it was powerful, it was unable to keep firing off phantom spears without pause.

And it definitely wasn’t able to make sure that the spears covered every angle without any gaps.

It is true that it’s powerful enough to kill Demon Lords and Divinities.

But this type of unimaginable power when used on undying dead people wasn’t only wasteful, it was also meaningless.

It was like using an interstellar laser cannon to shoot at a mosquito, a total waste of effort.

Time slowly passed.

The dead were still unrelentingly charging towards the Shrine of Reincarnation.

The 7-colored spear also unrelentingly attacked them.

Back in hell.

“I’m surprised, the 7-colored spear has been using so much power to kill the dead, does it not get tired?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook answered: “A Divine Armament’s origin power is Soul Points, no matter how powerful it is, using those phantom spears will cost Soul Points”

The Earth sword added: “Even if the cost is pathetically miniscule to it, there is still a cost”

Gu Qing Shan held the Devil King Warden Rod and closed his eyes to sense the situation in hell.

After a few hours, not even 1/1000 of the dead in the 18 layers of hell have fell into slumber.

It seems he doesn’t even need to use [Dead Essence] again yet.

“I’m relieved to hear you say that” Gu Qing Shan said

Another few hours later.

The dead were still tirelessly charging towards the Shrine.

They cheered, scattered and pushed each other aside, rushing to their deaths.

The dead were even competing to see who goes furthest.

A few hells were pooling up prizes and making bets.

These villains were literally betting on their own deaths, wanting to get as much benefit as possible.

They were enjoying it.

Sometimes, they were checking their own Merits.

The Merit of all the dead were slowly increasing.

The harder they worked and more effort they put in, the quicker it increased.

Since this was technically work to save the 6 worlds, as long as they really were trying, they would get Merit for it.

The Merit Accountant Machine told them that if they succeeded, they would all receive an astronomical number of Merit.

The more Merit they accumulate, the better their reincarnated lives will be.

Including appearance, opportunities, status, wealth, everything from their birth is going to be given according to their Merit.

The quintillion dead people were shouting in joy, running to their deaths.

Even after a few hours more of killing, the number of dead didn’t decrease at all, it had instead increased.

From above, you can see that more and more dead were surrounding the Grand Tie Wei Mountain, closing in on the foot of the mountain.

At a certain point, Gu Qing Shan stood up and spoke into the rod: “Charge”

The quintillion dead gathered here all roared in fury.

They were sprinting towards the Shrine of Reincarnation with all their might.

——it turns out that the dead were slowly accumulating their numbers, and the constant rushes of dead before was nothing but them toying with the 7-colored spear.

The encirclement quickly closed in.

Like frenzied wild horses, the dead ignored everything and only charged forward, be it the phantom spears, the other deads, or even their lives.


The 7-colored spear vibrated in annoyance.

It stopped attacking.

Not because it was suddenly empathetic, but because the amount of dead attacking was too great and too intense, they finally broke through its protection and reached the Shrine of Reincarnation.

The phantom spear dome in the sky disappeared completely.

The 7-colored spear gave up on the meaningless effort.

It lost.

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