
Chapter 301 - A visitor to the tombstone

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader: Arya

[I agree with your conjecture sir, but we are unable to extract the item] Impartial Goddess spoke.

“That’s right, his God’s Chosen Skill only activated for an instant, he’s definitely here with other motives” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

[According to my calculations, to be able to affect the energy pool, it has to be a Nano bomb]

“I’m sure that’s what it is” Gu Qing Shan smiled and continued: “Fortunately, all that is nothing but an illusion that we made, no matter what kind of sabotage he did, it won’t affect your actual energy pool”

[Following this, what should we do?] Impartial Goddess asked.

“What does your procedures say?”

[Contact the three Generals, arrest him in accordance with Confederate laws and have him trialed at the military court]

“I bet you we won’t be able to get any information, and he’ll disappear before we even manage to catch up”

[Then your opinion sir?]

“Use the highest grade of anti-shock material to quarantine this area”

[And then?]

“We’ll wait to see what their motives are” Gu Qing Shan answered.

[Sir Gu Qing Shan’s suggestion has been accepted, currently being carried out] Impartial Goddess replied.

Gu Qing Shan nodded: “It’s already quite late, send me home”

[Yes sir, on the other hand, Zhang Ying Hao, Liao Xing, Ye Fei Li and Anna all left messages for you]

Gu Qing Shan didn’t expect that.

Right, I used a whole day to breakthrough, then took 4-5 hours monitoring that guy.

I had my phone turned off the entire time.

“Alright, let me hear it”

Liao Xing’s loud voice came first: “Boss, I don’t quite understand these scriptures, can you go back and give me a few tips before I categorize and record them into the System?”

Gu Qing Shan skipped to the next message.

Within a commotion, Zhang Ying Hao was shouting at his phone: “What the fuck happened to Ye Fei Li? Killing people without any finesse or method, causing so much commotion right on live national television! I couldn’t help but return early to help cover his tracks”

——-even Zhang Ying Hao didn’t know the exact situation, it seems the Martial Saint and the Confederate covered up the fact that the Murder Clown appeared very well.

This is likely to stop society from going into an uproar.

After the Game of Eternal, the Murder Clown had become a subject of fear for humanity as a whole.

Clowns are no longer able to make anyone laugh.

Numerous clowns of circuses in the world already had to change their jobs.

Gu Qing Shan muses over it a bit: “What did Zhang Ying Hao do?”

[He convinced the Confederate’s secret services as well as several senators to propose an official government resolution]

“What resolution?”

[To avoid wide-spread panic, the government had declared during the morning of the following day that what happened was only a drill for a Man Killer Fiend attack]

“Who would believe that?”

[Many governmental departments jointly announced that, furthermore requesting me, so I had stood witness]

“…With your words, the masses will probably believe”

[Wang family is going mad trying to find Ye Fei Li]

“Do they have any leads?”

[Currently no]

“Then that’s fine”

Gu Qing Shan skipped to the next message again.

Anna’s voice came: “I’m still doing fine over here; the journey is only a bit far. Take care of yourself and wait for my return”

The next message.

Ye Fei Li’s voice: “During the hour, I actually did manage to hear a few other souls’ voices. But I can only hear what they’re saying if I consciously want to hear them”

“It’s quite complicated, we’ll take in details when you return”

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan’s expression became serious.

He definitely cannot ignore anything that might be related to the wandering souls.

Being able to confirm for sure what happens to people after death will be a great milestone in human’s understanding of the world.

One thing keeps coming after another, making Gu Qing Shan unable to leave Reality to go to the foreign other world.

Checking these messages, even the most recent one was sent half a day ago.

After thinking for a bit, Gu Qing Shan decided to put it off.

Since there were so many things happening right now, he might as well take the time before the rain truly stops and deal with all the issues in Reality.

He can only leave without worry after the disaster had struck and he’s dealt with it.

Not to mention, there are a few things he had to prepare before going to the other world anyways.

He contacted Zhang Ying Hao first.

“What is it? If it’s nothing important I need to sleep first, I just got done with work and I’m exhausted right now” Zhang Ying Hao mumbled sleepily.

“I need to go learn something at your hitman association” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“What!? You want to join my association? Are you serious!!?” Zhang Ying Hao was so shocked he was fully awake.

“That’s right, I need to learn a skill or two, Ye Fei Li will also be joining” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Then return first, I’ll be waiting for you in the living room” Zhang Ying Hao said.


He hung up.

“Impartial Goddess, I’ll probably need some genetic-level appearance restructuring” Gu Qing Shan said.

[The same kind as Liao Xing?]

“That’s right, but not permanent, I’d prefer to be able to get back my original look”

[That is simple. What do you want to look like?]

“Like this”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan made a hand seal.

It’s the most basic image projection spell that any cultivator knows how to use, holds no attack power.

A light manifested into the Virtualized realm cultivator Qi Yan.

This was a fully 3-dimensional image, with Qi Yan’s every little detail, almost authentic at first glance.

Impartial Goddess spoke: [I’ve recorded it, beginning calculations of genetic-level appearance restructuring matrix]

“I’ve troubled you”

[Anything for you sir]

Gu Qing Shan returned to the mountaintop mansion.

When he walked in, all three people were there.

Liao Xing was sitting on the sofa, watching the news while drinking beer.

Zhang Ying Hao was scolding Ye Fei Li.

“That was national live TV! They were broadcasting the congressman election speech, yet you just barged in, captured a guy and started rending his flesh off while crying. Do you think everyone in the world is blind!?”

“Do you have any idea how big an issue you’ve caused!?”

Zhang Ying Hao was so angry that his face was red: “Brother, can’t you at least kill him a bit more discreetly? Wait until the broadcast is cut off, or destroy all the cameras on the scene before killing him, is that so hard to do?”

Ye Fei Li lowered his head without saying anything back.

Gu Qing Shan patted Ye Fei Li shoulder then sat down on the sofa.

“Forgot to ask if you felt good” he said.

“Very!” Ye Fei Li smiled in response.

Zhang Ying Hao swallowed back the words he was about to say: “The hell… YOU’RE are the one that encouraged him to do that?”

“Sorry about that, I’ll pay attention in the future” Gu Qing Shan smiled apologetically.

“Stop everything, I need to complain about something first!” Liao Xing raised his hand.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him.

“This guy actually moved an entire tombstone into his room, can you imagine that? I can still feel the chills right now” Liao Xing still had an expression of disbelief and said.

“Not the coffin?” Gu Qing Shan turned and asked.

“She’s only attached to the tombstone, so when I move the tombstone, she moves as well” Ye Fei Li replied.

“Then what about her body?”

“I cremated and saved her ashes, it’s also in my room right now” Ye Fei Li explained.

Zhang Ying Hao opened his mouth wide, still unable to process what these two are talking about.

Liao Xing silently moved further away from them on the sofa.

“That’s good, this place is much more scenic than the graveyard, and since there’ll be people to talk with her, she won’t be feeling lonely” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

Ye Fei Li smiled, looking very satisfied.

The other two were stunned.

This time, even Zhang Ying Hao was slowly moving away.

“I’m gonna go to the bathroom” saying so, Liao Xing stood up, wanting to escape.

“Wait a minute, it’s not quite what you think” Gu Qing Shan hurriedly said.

Liao Xing observed him carefully to see that he still had a very calm expression and tone, not at all possessed.

Gu Qing Shan had always been a trustworthy ally so Liao Xing can still believe him, slowly regained his composure.

Zhang Ying Hao was the same.

“Then what’s going on?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

Before Gu Qing Shan could even speak, Ye Fei Li hurriedly explained: “After she died, I could still hear her cries, so I went and took her tombstone back here together with her soul”

Died… Cries… Soul…

It almost felt like a cold chill just swept through the room.

Ye Fei Li then continued: “Maybe she’s right here with us right now, but since I can’t see her, I can’t confirm. Just wait until I can hear her again, I’ll introduce you to her”

This time, never mind Liao Xing, even Zhang Ying Hao couldn’t sit still anymore.

Zhang Ying Hao lightly coughed: “I just remembered, I still have something that I have to take care of —–“

He was grabbed by Gu Qing Shan.

“You’re a killer, how many people do you kill every day? Why are you scared of some ghost?”

“I have numerous methods to kill a person, but I can’t kill a ghost” Zhang Ying Hao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

“No worries, she’s Ye Fei Li’s girlfriend, nothing to be scared of”


Zhang Ying Hao and Liao Xing shouted at the same time.

They were trembling inside.

A living person and a ghost being together?

——-no wait, in this case, a Man Killer Fiend and a ghost being together.

They both have the word “ghost” in the name, but this still a combination of the living and the dead. (1)

No way, this is too eerie, completely out of the ordinary.

“What exactly happened?” Zhang Ying Hao mustered his courage and asked.

Gu Qing Shan then began to tell the story from start to end.

After knowing about the girl before her death together with the truth, the other two finally calmed down.

Zhang Ying Hao mused: “If that’s the case, then that Wang Ming Ze truly deserved to die”

Liao Xing suddenly shouted excitedly: “So souls are a thing that actually exist! This is the greatest discovery in science, we should form an official scientific team to closely study more about the souls!”

Ye Fei Li glared at him.

He then placed his hand on Liao Xing’s shoulder and asked: “That’s my girlfriend, you sure you want to study her?”

The blood-red glow began to appear, slowly creeping towards Liao Xing’s body.

This type of red glow had killed all the Champions from the Game of Eternal.

Knowing what it is, Liao Xing immediately tried to back off.

But he was held down by Ye Fei Li, unable to run away.

Seeing the glow got closer and closer, Liao Xing repeatedly spoke: “Ahaha, it’s a joke, not serious, not serious, really”

“If there’s a one in a million chance that you ever have that thought again, make sure to not tell me” Ye Fei Li very lightly said.

“Don’t worry, really, I definitely won’t” Liao Xing felt cold sweat all over his body.

After dealing with the old guy, Ye Fei Li clasped his hands together and bowed sincerely: “I just want to be with her, please just give us a chance”

Gu Qing Shan looked at Zhang Ying Hao and saw Zhang Ying Hao was also looking at him.

“I have no problems with it” Gu Qing Shan spoke up first.

“There’s quite a few hitman secrets in my room that I can’t let anyone know about” Zhang Ying Hao crossed his arms.

Ye Fei Li was practically begging with his eyes.

Gu Qing Shan silently winked at Zhang Ying Hao.

Zhang Ying Hao couldn’t help but say: “But it’s fine if she’s a soul, since she won’t be able to reveal anything to people alive”

Ye Fei Li appeared glad, looking at Liao Xing.

Seeing both of the bosses say that, Liao Xing understood this matter was already determined.

He could only advise him seriously: “Tell your girlfriend not to run around wildly at night, otherwise I won’t be responsible if she sees something frightening”

“Don’t worry, your little tools won’t scare anyone” Ye Fei Li said.


(1): the common word that they’re referring to is “鬼”, which means ghost by itself, but can also mean fiend, ghoul and other types of undead creatures when combined with other characters.

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