
Chapter 166 - Remaining

Chapter 166: Remaining

Translated by: La0o9Edited by: VindiFan#1

The giant hand slowly pulled back, having grabbed hold of the black temple.


A voice will of unwillingness and agony was heard from the temple.

The temple was still trying its best to fly out to space, while the giant hand made of earth grabbed hold of it tightly, pulling it down.

While the two forces struggled against each other, the black temple once again manifested countless weapons around it and attacked the giant hand made of earth.

Under the constant attacks of the weapons, the hand was very quickly being eaten away, about to collapse.

Seeing that, Xuanyuan Tianzun infused more spirit energy into the jade flute, the melody became louder, as if it was ringing through space itself.

The ground heaved as more earth and rock slithered up the arm, restoring the broken hand back to normal.

The weapons pressed on their attacks, while the earth continued to repair the hand, as both sides entered a stalemate, unable to decide on a winner.

A layer of sweat started to form on Xuanyuan Tianzun’s forehead, as the sound of the flute started to become slower.

Seeing that, Xie Dao Ling suddenly spoke: “Let me help you”

She lightly tapped the earth with her foot, as her slender figure turned into a streak of light heading towards the sky.

Very quickly, she passed both the hand and the temple, flying even higher.

Standing in the blue sky where fierce wind blows, she stared straight at the black temple below.

“All three of us had to give our all, if you’re still able to get away, wouldn’t that make us a joke then?” she muttered.

Tilting her body downward, Xie Dao Ling descended like a falling meteor.

Her flying speed was already fast, but she was still speeding up more and more until all that could be seen was a green shadow.

The green shadow-like figure was falling at an increasingly rapid speed.

The overflowing power of Thaumaturgy solidified and slowly covered the green figure, manifesting into a certain shape.

It was a giant person-shaped monster.

To be precise, it’s not actually human-shaped, because only its face was barely visible as being human, while its body was a long snake-like body.

This was an ancient mythical creature of legends, who knows what sort of Secret Art Xie Dao Ling used to be able to manifest such a thing.

The monster seemed to carry an endless rage, tightly surrounded the green figure, heading straight toward the black temple.

The temple seems to noticed something wasn’t right, then a figure got out, wanting to escape.

“Where do you think you’re going!?”

The green figure shouted as she sped up again, then suddenly disappeared from where she was.

Divine Skill, [Ground Shrink]!

In a single moment, the green figure had reappeared, directly striking the figure that was trying to escape, pushing it back into the black temple.

There wasn’t any action.

No techniques.

No back and forth.

No attacking weaknesses.

Only overwhelming Martial Thaumaturgy power all turned into an impact.

Martial Divine Skill, [Unbreakable Mountain Range]!


The invisible shockwaves ripple across the sky.

The sound of the impact was like an army of millions, so powerful it blew apart the clouds.

Under this immense impact, the entire black temple as well as the earthen hand was broken into millions of pieces, falling to the ground.

Half of the Formless Tianma Saint King’s body was broken, barely able to keep itself afloat.

In the next moment, it couldn’t do anything but flew down, trying to catch up to the half of its body that was falling down.

『 This can’t be right, how could there possibly be such a powerful Sainted realm!?』 It spat out green blood, shouting in disbelief.

But Xuanyuan Tianzun was already waiting for it to show itself.

The melancholic melody of flute once again echoed.

The ground once again formed into a hand, extended to the sky, grabbing the Formless Tianma Saint King tight.

No matter how much it tried to struggle, the hand was already retreating back into the earth, taking the Formless Tianma Saint King with it.

Xuanyuan Tianzun did not stop playing the flute.

The ground was trembling intensely, as if something was trying its hardest to struggle.

In the intense wind, the once-stifled sound of the flute travelled to both the human and demon’s camps.

Every single creature that hears it couldn’t help but became silent, unable to utter even a single word.

It wasn’t until half an incense stick’s time later that the tremor in the ground stopped.

Xuanyuan Tianzun finally stopped playing.

He spoke with a tired face: “Dead”

Bai Hua Fairy was already standing next to him, nodded: “It’s been hard on you”

She swung her sleeves, releasing the Great Monk of Sorrow.

The three of them stood side-by-side in the air, looking at the ground below.

“We’ve won” Xuanyuan Tianzun breathed out in relief.

“Amitabha, it wasn’t easy, but we finally won” the Great Monk of Sorrow also exclaimed.

“A win is a win” Xie Dao Ling smiled, “both the Demon Lord and numerous strong demons are not here, so our victory is only due to taking the opportune moment, we definitely cannot let our guard down, especially in the next short time period”

Hearing that, both the other Saints also became serious again.

“Let’s go, first we’ll have a talk with the Beast Saints, then we return to humanity’s camp” Xie Dao Ling started descending after saying so.

About an hour later.

The 100 or so spirit beasts that managed to survive were captured.

They were possessed by Tianma for a few dozen years, now that the Tianma were dead, all the spirit beasts seemed to have lost their consciousness, attacking anyone they see as if they were in a frenzy.

After the Great Monk of Sorrow take a look, he concluded.

———if they didn’t volunteer to, the Tianma wouldn’t have been able to possess them so easily.

In order words, for this matter, the spirit beasts were convinced by the Tianma into betraying humans.

Both they and the demon beasts wanted to defeat humans and make humans their slaves, their cattle, while they become this world’s master.

Of course they were also victims, as the longer they let the Tianma possess them, the more their own consciousness got affected.

But they didn’t know that.

Humanity’s camp.

All the great cultivators had gathered under one roof, sitting in the commander’s hall.

Under that, regular cultivators were openly cheerful, congratulating each other for their victory.

Wu Xing Wen stood up and began to calculate their Military Merit.

He didn’t participate in the battle just now, but he looked more exhausted than anyone else here.

A Tianma had snuck into his Thought Sea and controlled his thoughts, he felt goose bumps all over his body as he recalled that.

Luckily the Great Monk of Sorrow is an expert in dealing with Tianma, so he only needed one strike to kill it.

Otherwise, once the Tianma went into a frenzy, his own life would also have been forfeit.

“Zhen Wei Chaplain Li Cha, you contributed to investigating the enemy’s situation, you contributed to killing demons, since your Merits are enough, promoted to Zhao Wu Chaplain”

“Captain Sun Ming, you contributed to killing demons, since your Merits are enough, promoted to Major”

“Soldier Wang Fa, you contributed to rescuing comrades on the battlefield, since your Merits are enough, promoted to Lieutenant”

He continued to read out, not noticing how the gazes of the three Saints looking at him was exceptionally complicated.

“You Ji General Ning Yue Xi” Wu Xing Wen looked at the jade tag in his hand and muttered, “participating in the decisive secret battle plan, contributed to reinforcement on the battlefield, promoted to Ding Yuan General”

Ding Yuan General!

The 4th Ding Yuan General of humanity!

Everyone went silent, pointing their gazes at the beautiful girl donning a set of golden armor.

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