
Chapter 899: Cannot stay

Chapter 899: Cannot stay

While Yu Dong suffered in silence on the side, Yu Tong looked at the weak-looking Li Hanjing and felt her heart ache for him. She was filled with regrets at the moment, if she had known that those people from the Big Stone Village would come attacking the bunker as well, she would have not left Li Hanjing alone.          

"It's all right, you will be fine," Yu Tong told Li Hanjing as she clutched his hands and repeatedly spoke to him about how he will get better with time. Li Hanjing who saw nothing but great care in Yu Tong's eyes did not know what to say or do anymore, she was indeed in love with him this was something he knew but Li Hanjing felt like this love was something that he was unworthy of, after all, how can he even be close to someone like Yu Tong.     

He might have treated her well in the past but that was his job, as long as women were willing to pay him, he would have treated them nicely. Truthfully speaking, he felt like he did not deserve Yu Tong at all but under Yu Tong's care, he thought that as long as they were together he would treat her well and give birth to a few more children for her this way he will somewhat make up to her for his incapability, which was he was willing to accept her love and affection but now that his body was harmed like this …was he still going to accept her?     

Li Hanjing was not sure.     

" Miss Yu," Li Hanjing began but was interrupted by Yu Tong.     

" Tong Tong, call me Tong Tong like always."      

" Miss Yu,"      

" Tong Tong,"      

" Miss Yu!"     

" Tong Tong!"      

Li Hanjing was speechless this was the first time he realized that Yu Tong could be this stubborn, he heaved a sigh of frustration before he rolled his eyes and then said, " I am not going to fight with you but I think we should—-" just as he was going to speak, Yu Tong found a frozen bunch of blueberries and pushed them all inside Li Hanjing's mouth causing the latter to be stunned as he looked up and stared at Yu Tong who stubbornly said, " If you dare say this then I will run away with my daughter and never look for you."      

Excuse me? Who is whose daughter? Li Hanjing was speechless, this was the first time he saw a woman using such a threat, he looked at Yu Tong and then rolled his eyes a few more times. He wanted to say that he did not want to stay with her but his heart was unwilling, like Xiao Hua, his heart was clean as well. He knew and swore to heaven that he was forcefully dragged and pushed onto the bed, he never wished to do anything like that but that woman did not give him a way out and forced him.      

The owner of the inn did not let him out either even when he screamed and shouted in pain, even his wails were ignored. He was clearly a victim of the forceful power and brute strength of a woman so why was it that he was the one who was not allowed to have a happy family but she could marry and have children with her husbands?     

Li Hanjing had blamed, questioned and cried but later on he came to face his reality and accepted that this was how he was going to live. He wanted this child because he thought that she was going to stay with him till the end, she did not have to be extra capable. As long as she was willing to work hard and was filial, it was enough for him —— it's just that in his small plan Yu Tong made a small glitch causing him to fall her harder and harder, now as he looked at Yu Tong he did not know what to do.     

  He wanted to stay with her but he did not dare to stay too close lest he brought bad publicity for her.      

" Yu Tong!" Second Aunt Yu had been trying to hold her reigns but seeing how the daughter whom she painstakingly raised was actually paying more attention to a meagre mer who used to sell his body, she could not help but burst out.     

It was fine if Yu Tong did not wish to talk with her but she shouldn't at least wave her affections regarding Li Hanjing in front of her like this!      

Second Aunt Yu strode towards Yu Tong whose face was sullen and then said in a low voice, " I need you to come out of the bunker right now, and this time it's an order, not a question."      

Earlier Yu Tong dodged her by saying that she was hurt but if she had enough energy to care about this low-life mer then she had enough amount of energy to listen to what she has to say as well.      

Yu Tong knew that she will not be able to fend off her mother anymore which was why she asked Xiao Hua to take care of Li Hanjing before following her mother out of the bunker again.      

After the fight, she was able to escape from her mother's grasp but what was going to come was going to come there was no stopping it.      

Yu Dong who had finished her meal looked up and saw Yu Tong trailing after Second Aunt Yu, her eyes flickered as she glanced at the haughty-looking woman and then turned her gaze to look at Yu Tong whose face was stiff as a board and chuckled softly.      

Second Aunt Yu still thought that she would be able to control Yu Tong did she not? She was really naive if that was what she believed in because the Yu Tong of the past and the one of the present were considerably very different.      


On the outside of the bunker, Second Aunt Yu turned to look at Yu Tong who was looking anywhere but her and scoffed, " Are you feeling ashamed finally? I thought that you have given up every ounce of shame."      

Yu Tong frowned when she heard the words of her mother, she turned to look at Second Aunt Yu and then said in a low voice," Why should I be feeling guilty? I have nothing wrong at all.  If anything I have been minding my own business without doing anything too out of the norm."          

"Do you think that staying together with that mer and frolicking with him is something a good woman would do?" Second Aunt Yu was furious when she saw that Yu Tong was not only unbothered by what she was doing but instead, she did not seem to have realised that staying together with that mer called Li Hanjing was equivalent to making a joke out of them.     

" I don't see how it's any of your business," Yu Tong's voice grew cold as she looked at the woman in front of her. " You and I have separated and we have broken all ties, do I need you to care about my business?"     

" You… Yu Tong, don't forget that I am your biological mother," Second Aunt Yu was furious and angry when she saw how Yu Tong was treating her, she wanted to say something more but the latter simply rolled her eyes and then glared at her as she said,     

" That is something that I do know and there is no need for you to raise your voice and tell me, if you respect my choices and the way I live then I will respect your choices as well. As an elder and my mother as well but if you were to push me to a corner then don't blame me for not paying any attention to our blood relations."      

Yu Tong was no longer the same after living with Yu Dong, she knew that if there was something that she wanted then she needed to fight for it. No one would come and place it on her plate, if she wanted to marry Li Hanjing then not only did she need to win him over but he also needed to fight against her mother and make sure that she will not come in between the two of them.      

After she finished speaking, Yu Tong headed down the bunker without paying attention to the ugly expression on her mother's face. She did not care what was going on in the head of her mother but she was not going to foolishly believe that her mother will suddenly start handing her, the Yu family's blessings and then ask her to live a happy life together with Li Hanjing.      

But as long as she did not bother her and Li Hanjing, she will still take care of her.      

Second Aunt Yu looked at Yu Tong who left without turning back and kicked the snow which was piling on the ground, she seemed to have underestimated that mer. To think that he enchanted her daughter to the point she no longer wished to care about anyone else!     

No this won't do, that mer cannot stay!     

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