
Chapter 693: What if she kills them

Chapter 693: What if she kills them

  Chen Mi saw that the two children were smart enough to understand the situation and thus he too chased after his wife and Shen Li but as he was leaving, he heard Yue Hua stop him.          

" Mi, are you sure that you want to go after Yu Dong right now?" Yue Hua did not mean any harm but Yu Dong at this moment did not look like she was holding any sense of reason or understanding. He was worried that if Chen Mi and Shen Li followed her, they would be the ones who will have to bear the brunt of her anger first-hand.     

Chen Mi would still be fine since he gave birth to a mer at least but what about Shen Li and Ye Liu? They have been married to Yu Dong for a long time and not once did they get pregnant, there was a possibility that they will suffer at the hands of Yu Dong now that the latter was not in her sane mind.     

In such situations the ones who suffered the most were mers, what was more Fang Chi was poisoned. It was clear that he did not eat anything from the outside but only ate home-cooked meals, if he was being honest, the one who was the most suspicious, in this case, was none other than Yu Dong\'s husbands.      

What if they followed her and she went berserk on them? What if she suspected them of harming Fang Chi?     

As Yue Hua thought about this, memories from the past came to hover in front of his eyes. He remembered seeing something similar when he was young and lived in his village which was called Big mountain village. The village was calm and peaceful with hardly any changes in the daily life of a person, it was a rainy season just like this one that was going on and everyone in the village was busy trying to take care of their fields having sown new seeds for the harvest before the winter.     

Back then he was still young and did not know any better, he was working in his fields when he suddenly started to feel hungry and decided to go back home and find some coarse pancakes to eat. Instead of returning to his house, Yue Hua ended up getting lost and went deeper into the village where he found five to six mers lying on the ground with blood seeping from their mouths. One of the mers was being held by a woman who was beating him with a heavy stick that was enough to break the bones of a grown woman much less a mer.     

Yue Hua was struck dumb by the sight and what scared him, even more, was that the woman who was beating her husbands was none other than the most honest woman in the village.      

The mer who was being held and beaten cried to his wife again and again saying that he did not kill the child in the belly of the little fourth, another husband of his wife who was pregnant at that time but when the child was born, the child came out as a daughter but a stillborn. It was later found out that the mer was fed something poisonous which led to the death of the child as well as the father.     

The woman who lost a daughter after having tons of mers lost her head and killed her husbands in anger one by one. To kill a mer in anger without even finding out any solid evidence was far too common in the village and even though everyone saw something so horrid happening in front of them, they did not say anything.     

He saw the mers who were innocent being beaten to death one of them actually had his head broken when someone said something, they were hushed down by the other women who said that it was the fault of the mers who could not keep a good eye on the mer who was pregnant and his meals and thus deserved to die for making their wife lose an heir when they failed to give birth to one.     

What if something similar happened to Chen Mi and the others?     

" I once saw a woman beating her husbands to death upon losing her girl child, why don\'t you three stay away from Yu Dong at this moment? She does not look like she is in a sane mind at the moment, you will get hurt if you go after her."     

" Thank you for worrying about us, Brother Yue Hua," Chen Mi said to Yue Hua but he shook his head and refused to stay behind silently. " Wife has done a lot for us and even though she is really angry at the moment. I think she will not hurt any of us, this is something that I can trust her with."     

Yue Hua knew that Yu Dong treated her husbands well and they loved her a lot too but he still couldn\'t help but say, " But what if she loses her head and hurt you?"     

" If she does hit me or my brothers, then I am sure it will be because we deserved it and not because she lost her head." As much as Chen Mi distrusted Yu Dong when she first came to this world, he trusted her just as much now, which was why he was willing to place all his trust in her and believed that she will not harm him or either of them.     

With that, he chased after Yu Dong after telling Yue Hua to take care of the kids. When Yue Hua saw the young mers chasing after Yu Dong, his face was covered with worry lines as he turned to look at his wife and asked, " Will they be fine?"     

Wu Junfen smiled at her husband and patted him on the shoulder as she said with a soft gaze in her eyes. " Yu Dong might be a crazy dog at the moment but she will not bite those whom she loves."      

Wasn\'t it because of this reason, she did not punch her even when she wanted to?     

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