
Chapter 488: Going for a swim

Chapter 488: Going for a swim

Yu Dong didn\'t know whether Xiao Hua\'s curse worked or not but three days later when she woke up, she found the entire shore of the ocean covered with water, not only was the shore gone after the sudden rise in water level... even the rivers and streams seemed to have flooded to the point that even half of the mountain was submerged into the water. If not for her using her insight and building this tree house at the top of the mountain, she and her family would have been in trouble but as she saw the gushing water and the steady torrential rain, she couldn\'t help but mutter, " I have to make sure to never make Hua Hua angry."          

He cursed the stalker and the disaster that was supposed to come ended up coming four days ago, in case she made him angry who knows how he will curse her.      

" Did you say something?" Fang Chi walked inside the kitchen with a clean pork belly in his hands.     

"It\'s nothing, the village has flooded earlier than I thought," said Yu Dong as she turned the stove off and took the pot with the boiling noodles off the stove. " I thought it will take at least seven days but it\'s only the third day and yet the water is already covering half of the mountain, I don\'t even want to think about what might be happening in the village."      

Fang Chi placed the pork belly down on the kitchen aisle and Yu Dong picked it up after straining the noodles, picking up a butcher knife she started to chop the pork belly into bite-size pieces when she heard Fang Chi worryingly speak behind her, " Will the villagers be okay? The water levels are indeed rather high."      

" Who cares?" Yu Dong took out some radishes, cucumbers and potatoes from the vegetable basket and then started taking care of them. " I already warned them, if they were smart they would have listened to me. It\'s not my fault that they are nothing but headless chickens who can\'t think for themselves."      

She threw the chopped vegetables in a bowl before turning to look at Fang Chi who still looked a bit worried about the villagers. " Don\'t be so worried, nothing is going to happen… if the villagers are smart enough to listen to He Cheung then I think they are smart enough to get out of this mess."      

" I am not worried about the villagers or He Cheung, they might as well slip and fall in the flooding water, I am worried about Grandma Yu and your cousin\'s sister," Fang Chi handed her the mix of sugar and potato starch that Yu Dong made a few weeks ago and then turned to look at her. " The two couldn\'t come with us, I am worried that the two might be having a hard time, right now."      

Just like everyone else Yu Dong told Grandma Yu and Yu Tong about the flood as well, she asked the two to follow her to the hideout but Old man Yu simply refused, he went ahead and said that she was only looking for unnecessary trouble with the village head and they were not going to support her in this matter. After saying this, he lay down on the front porch and loudly exclaimed that if Grandma Yu and Yu Tong dared to follow Yu Dong then he will kill himself right in front of others to see.      

If the two still wanted to leave then they might as well leave over his dead body.      

In the end, even if Grandma Yu fought with Old man Yu nothing changed, the old grandpa Yu remained stubborn and with a cleaver in his hand, he kept shouting \'murder, murder\'. Yu Dong was tired of his antics so she simply turned around and left the old Yu house, she heard a rumour that for the sake of stopping Grandma Yu and Yu Tong from sneaking out Old man Yu actually locked up all the doors and windows of the Yu house.      

In fact, it wasn\'t even a rumour any longer given neither Yu Dong nor anyone else in the village didn\'t see Grandma Yu and Yu Tong\'s faces for days. Now, that Fang Chi brought this matter up, Yu Dong sort of imagined Old man Yu\'s panic-stricken face while opening the doors and windows that he locked.      

Fang Chi touched Yu Dong\'s arm and said,  "It doesn\'t matter whether or not you save the other villagers but at least bring grandma Yu and Yu Tong here, Grandma Yu is already so old and Yu Tong is a bit cosy with brother Hanjing, I don\'t want the two to fall apart so soon."      

" Fine, if that\'s what you want," Yu Dong paused briefly before she untied the apron and washed her hands in a bowl. " But if I save grandma Yu and Yu Tong then surely I will have to save others as well."      

" Just think of it as collecting good karma," Fang Chi stayed silent for a while before speaking this one sentence. "It\'s not as if we can leave grandma Yu and Yu Tong out there?"      

Yu Dong hated when Fang Chi was right, and she hated the rain, the flood and the soaking wet clothes as well.      

" Are we going for a swim?" asked Li Li as she struggled against Aunt Wang who was holding her back by her collar.      

" Do you think that it\'s the sea?" Yu Dong turned to look at Li Li who was struggling under Aunt Wang\'s hold and felt her head throb.      

" Isn\'t it? Look at that the water nymphs are playing in the water!" She pointed to nowhere in particular and Yu Dong pressed her fist against her temple.      

" Why did you have to bring her here, Aunt Wang?" asked Yu Dong a bit tired already, she didn\'t know how many mystical creatures did she already see by now. From wood nymphs to gnomes and even a dragon which turned out to be a snake slithering in the woods.      


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