
Chapter 454 Perverse gifts

Chapter 454 Perverse gifts

  Xiao Hua raised his hand with the umbrella in his hands and smacked it against the neck of Ke Lixin, knocking him unconscious before he looked around and finally found what he was looking for and then crouched down to hold Ke Lixin's legs and started dragging him to the puddle that was filled with mud and kicked him until his entire behind was soaked in with mud. Once he was done finishing his criminal act, he wiped his hands on his pants before turning around and leaving as calm as you please. 

  " I am back!" Xiao Hua sang as he kicked open the door to his house with a sing-song voice as he took off his shoes and walked inside with a pleasant expression on his face. Now that he was with Yu Dong everything was twice as pleasing. He even smiled at the ugly mug that Little Zimo bought from a fair and strode straight towards the kitchen where he looked for Little Zimo but was surprised when he didn't find his little brother where he should have and blinked his eyes before turning around and walking towards Li Hanjing's room, expecting the two of them to be there but when he pushed opened the door of Li Hanjing's room, he realised that the two of them weren't there either. 

  Frowning Xiao Hua closed the door and then placed both of his hands on his waist. " Where did the two of them go?" 

  He turned around and walked towards the front door, thinking that maybe the two might have gone to see Fang Chi but then there was a loud bang in the backyard and a frown on Xiao Hua's face deepened further before he turned around and changed his direction. He rushed to the backyard worried that someone might have gotten hurt but when he barged into the backyard, he realised that no one was hurt but instead it was Little Zimo was shovelling the ground with a hoe in a hurried manner. " We need to hurry, if Brother Hua sees this then he will blow up like a firecracker." 

  Xiao Hua put a hand to his chest, slightly offended. When has he ever blown up like a firecracker? He was one of the most peaceful mers in the village, what was little Zimo saying? 

  And what was he hiding? Don't tell him that he broke something in his room and was now trying to wipe evidence!

  As he strode closer to the two of them, Xiao Hua then heard Li Hanjing agreeing with little Zimo as he said, " You are right but don't forget to shovel nice and deep we don't want Xiao Hua digging this out or else he will be greatly upset."

  What was this? Little Zimo, he could understand but Brother Hanjing too? He was actually doing something like helping Little Zimo in hiding the evidence? That was simply so wrong! This was something he never expected from his Brother Hanjing! What was his brother even doing supporting that naughty brat?

  Xiao Hua crept behind little Zimo and Li Hanjing and shouted,  " Aha! Now I have caught you! Tell me what you have broken!?" But as his gaze dropped down to the hole that was dug in the ground, he felt like all his blood has left his body, as he yelled,  " What the hell is that?" 


  " Where did you find these things?" He asked pointing at the nasty things that were now resting on the table causing a huge discomfort in her heart. 

  Little Zimo and Li Hanjing squirmed in their seats as they looked at Xiao Hua before Li Hanjing said, " Hua Hua, calm down. I know that you are mad but there is no need for you to be upset like this, you are going to get yourself sick." 

  "That's right, brother Hua." Little Zimo chimed in as he backed Li Hanjing up and spread his hands with a smile on his face. " This is something that's not new, we have been through this so many times, you don't have to worry about it. As long as we ignore these, they will stop sending them as well. Think about it as nothing but a prank." 

  Xiao Hua was in no mood to think of anything as a prank, he narrowed his eyes and slammed his palms flat on the table and glared at his two brothers of his. " I am asking you where did you f——" he was still speaking when the cylindrical shaft rolled down the table and fell on the ground with a loud thunk. With just one fall it shattered into bits causing an awkward silence to fall upon the three mers before Xiao Hua sucked in a breath and continued, " I asked you two a question, where did these things come from?" 

  Li Hanjing sighed knowing that he could no longer hide it from Xiao Hua. He stood up from the table and then waddled to the kitchen while holding his pregnant belly, Xiao Hua watched him go before turning to look at Little Zimo and asked, "Where did he go?" 

  " You will know soon," said Little Zimo. 

  No sooner did he say than Li Hanjing came out of the kitchen and handed Xiao Hua several letters that had a very strong scent. Xiao Hua scrunched up his nose before he opened the letters and started reading them one by one… the more he read the more disgusted he became, he read until he could no longer read them and threw the rest of them back on the table. " What is that? What the hell are these?" 

  It was disgusting. 

  No, it was beyond disgusting. 

  " This is why we didn't want to let you know," said Li Hanjing as he pulled the letters towards him and closed them all in one go. " These gifts started arriving for you three weeks ago and each gift is simply more horrible than the previous one."  He tipped his head to the broken shaft and said,  " That was the first gift and—-" pushing a box filled with every position known to the world added, " This came today morning." 

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