
Chapter 451 I like you (part 2)

Chapter 451 I like you (part 2)

  When Xiao Hua woke up the next morning, he was pleasantly surprised by the soft pillow that he was hugging and rubbed his head against it. The more he rubbed the nicer it felt before someone reached his hand and stopped him, " Xiao Hua, you better be awake and aware of what you are doing." 

  Was he out of his mind? No matter how much he wanted her, he shouldn't have done something like that last night, now what will Yu Dong think? Will she take him for someone who was far too easy? What has he done?

  " Are you going to listen to me or not?" His head snapped up when he saw Yu Dong who has gotten to her feet and was standing next to him. 

  He very much wanted to say that he was late and needed to be somewhere else but Xiao Hua also knew that he will have to talk to Yu Dong even if he didn't want to, so he summoned the rest of, what was left of his courage from last night and said, " No, I was thinking about something and couldn't hear what you were saying." 

  Yu Dong stared at his face before running a hand through her hair as she looked away from him and rubbed the back of her nape. " We need to talk, Xiao Hua..some serious talk." 

  " Last night was——" he began but she shot him a cutting glance causing him to shut up at once. 

  " Don't tell me that it was a mistake," she said correctly sensing what he wanted to say. " I heard you confess and that wasn't just it, there was more to it and honestly, I don't think you can walk out of this anyway." 

  He couldn't but he could have tried if Yu Dong gave him a chance.

  Her gaze skimmed over his face and then she looked away before clearing her throat and said, " Your clothes must have been dried by now, go and change … I will prepare something for us to eat." 

  Xiao Hua followed her gaze and almost flushed red in shame, his robe has come undone in the night and now he was showing far more skin than what was proper. He tugged the robe close and nodded his head, " I understand, I will change out of my clothes and there is no need for you to take so much trouble just buy a few meat buns. I am not hungry." With that he scampered to the bathroom like his butt was on fire, he would have moved faster in case his head wasn't throbbing like someone was playing the drum on the top of his head. 

  Yu Dong saw him run before turning her attention to the kitchen, a smile coming on her lips. " Not so daring after the effects of alcohol go down huh?" 

  She chuckled lightly before heading to the kitchen, she needed to brew hangover soup for Xiao Hua. She noticed the wincing sounds that he was making under his breath most probably he was feeling the aftermath of drinking beyond his capacity. 

  When Xiao Hua returned he was surprised to find a table that was laden with not only food but also hangover soup, when Yu Dong heard him, she raised her head and tipped onto the chair that was opposite to her and said, " Sit." 

  Last night when he took the seat opposite Yu Dong he was feeling very confident but now that he was sober and was suffering from the second-hand embarrassment of what he did last night, Xiao Hua was no longer as confident as before, instead, he was silent as a quail, prepared to feel the wrath of Yu Dong. 

  "Are you upset?" He asked after a long pause, he needed to get the answer to his question soon so that he will be able to get his heart to stop jumping like it was on high happy powder. 

  Yu Dong was sipping her hangover soup, though she didn't drink that much it was still better to drink hangover soup and get rid of any intoxicating substance in her body before having the 'talk'. She paused upon listening to his question before setting the bowl down, " I am not mad or upset if that's what you are worried about." She told him after a short pause. " What about you? Do you regret what you did last night?" 

  Xiao Hua carefully raised his head before placing his hands on the table. " I am embarrassed," he replied after a very long breath. " I will not lie, I am indeed very embarrassed about what I did but other than that I am fine and no, I do not regret it." Then he straightened up in his seat and looked at Yu Dong with his lips pursed in a thin line. " My confession stays the same as last night, I do like you a lot and if you can please answer my confession." Then he paused before clasping his hands together and repeating what he already told her last night, " I like you, Yu Dong… I have liked you for a very long time. Please give me my answer, if you can? "

  Yu Dong stared at him before leaning in close and——

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