
Chapter 63 - A Heart Warming Hug

" I -" she wanted to say something more but then Chen Mi who was being patted by her suddenly reached out and hugged her, suddenly shocking her. Yu Dong wasn't used to getting close to anyone even in the modern world she hardly ever hugged her brothers or parents. Thus, she was a bit uncomfortable when Chen Mi hugged her, she wanted to unconsciously push him away but then she felt the front of her shirt suddenly becoming wet and she stopped her actions. Instead, she stretched out her hands and hugged Chen Mi back " it's alright, nothing would happen to you anymore, you don't need to fear anyone anymore"

" thank you, thank you so much for coming here" Chen Mi didn't know what to say anymore, now that he knew that his wife was different and seemed to have some superpowers, he was really relieved. For two years he was abused by Yu Dong, even though he didn't want to sleep with her, she forcefully dragged him to bed under the context that he was her husband and he ought to do his duties as her husband.

Chen Mi didn't like Yu Dong and didn't want to marry her but his circumstances didn't allow him to say ' no'. He was so aggrieved after marrying Yu Dong but could only shut his mouth and let her do what she wanted to do, now that he knew that his tormentor was dead, he didn't feel upset at all about losing his wife instead he felt relieved. Yes, relieved like he finally got a taste of freedom.

Yu Dong continued to pat his back, softly consoling him. Chen Mi was after all just a sixteen to seventeen-year-old boy, if he was in the modern World he would be treated like a child who didn't know the ways of the world. But here he was already married and even gave birth to a child, and even after suffering so much, he was tortured by his wife.

Thus, Yu Dong didn't reject his touch and kept hugging him until he stopped crying. And when she looked down after Chen Mi's sobs paused, she realised that Chen Mi didn't stop crying but he fell asleep after crying for so long.

Yu Dong sighed then she wiped the tears hanging on Chen Mi's fan-like lashes and brushed the sneaky locks of hair that escaped from his neatly tied ponytail. Once she tucked his hair back, Yu Dong doubled down and picked Chen Mi up in a princess carry before walking towards his room.

When she entered Chen Mi's room the first thing she saw was Little bun, he was clapping his hands and muttering something incoherently. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this son of her was really too silent. He hardly ever cried, she was afraid that if this goes on Little bun could easily be kidnapped by someone.

Yu Dong laid Chen Mi on his bed then covered him up with his blanket. Then she picked up Little bun who was muttering ' dah dah dah' and checked his diaper. Sure enough, this naughty baby dirtied his clothes yet still didn't cry! Yu Dong really didn't understand this son of hers anymore, he would cry when she or Chen Mi wouldn't pay him attention. But wouldn't even make an ' uff' when he was hungry or dirtied his clothes.

Wasn't it weird?

" at least make a noise if you want to get changed" Yu Dong lightly reprimanded Little bun, not only because she didn't want to scare Little bun but also because she was afraid of waking Little bun up " if this goes on, one day you will have to sleep in wet and gooey clothes"

" Da buh" was the only thing little bun said with a serious expression, as if telling Yu Dong not to worry about him. He knows when to cry and when not to cry.

Of course, that was what Yu Dong imagined no one knows what exactly Little bun was saying, Yu Dong, sighed and then laid Little bun on the tea table before she started to untie his pants and homemade diapers. How she wished, she had diapers in her space, maybe she should try making some. But then again how can she make diapers?

Yu Dong didn't know how to make diapers but luckily she had some wet wipes in her space, they were made from an A quality material and were super soft to use. So even when she cleaned Little bun with those wet wipes, his skin didn't even turn the slightest bit red, thus, Yu Dong didn't have to bother about boiling the water and filling up the dirty crock in which they usually dip the cloth used to clean Little bun.

Yu Dong wanted to bring out these earlier but she was afraid of Chen Mi's reaction, now that she knew he wouldn't be scared of her no matter what and was even thankful towards her, she immediately pulled out the wet wipes and left the entire box on the table before cleaning Little bun.

After she cleaned him up, Yu Dong picked Little bun up and dressed him in one of the nappies that Chen Mi's sewed.

Because she didn't want Little bun to wake Chen Mi up she started rocking him in her arms, singing a lullaby " Sleep, sleep, sleep, I go to the field to pick flowers, The sweet basil's flower -"

With Yu Dong's lullaby and the gentle warmth that always seem to emanate from her body because of her spiritual energy, Little bun fell asleep quickly.

Yu Dong sighed in relief before laying Little bun next to Chen Mi, she dipped closer and kissed little bun, Yu Mai and Chen Mi on their foreheads just like she did for her brothers. Then taking one last look at Chen Mi and her little boys she turned around and walked out of the room. She still needed to make that jam for making more money!

While Yu Dong was busy making jam, Chen Mi was having a really good dream. In his dream, Chen Mi was leaning against Yu Dong's shoulder while the latter kept uttering soft and sweet words.. Promising him that she will protect him forever.

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