
Chapter 376: Beginning of the Dark Age

Now, he was unprecedently scared.

He felt like he saw the shadow of that man whose name was a taboo in the Jax Empire.

“Another terrifying figure appeared in the Zenit Empire!” he thought to himself.

When Fei saw the changing expressions on the face of this Seven-Star Warrior, he knew that he couldn’t convince this man using only his words. He stepped forward, and the terrifying aura on him exploded; for the first time, the murderous spirits that he accumulated in Diablo World was revealed in this world.

For the moment, everyone around Fei felt like even the air became thick and red.

“Why aren’t you kneeling down right now?!”

Even though Kerman unleashed all of his strength and the orange warrior energy flame flashed around him, he still couldn’t support his body. As a result, he kneeled down as if it was a direct response to Fei’s shout.

Crack! The huge pressure instantly crushed his knees.

When Kerman was forced to kneel down, his prideful head lowered as he fainted.

Looking from the behind, it seemed like Kerman voluntarily kneeled and surrendered to Fei.

All of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers that were far away behind him were shocked.

Some of these cavaliers felt blank as they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. “The great and honorable third disciple of the Martial Saint kneeled to a king of a little affiliated kingdom of Zenit?” they thought.

All of their honors and all of their beliefs were dismantled by this kneel.

Even some of the Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were willing to fight until death and didn’t want to surrender lost their courage. What they saw shocked their minds and numbed their limbs; they no longer could hold onto their weapons. Even blood couldn’t prove their bravery anymore!

“Haha, since you chose to surrender, I will keep my promise and let go of these brave men behind you!” Fei laughed.

This scene was recorded by a mage of Zenit using a Divy Crystal; it had an important use in the future.

Fei did keep his words.

He let go of these Sand Tiger Cavaliers.

However, the king also kept his fragile and thrifty style. He stripped away all of the valuables on these cavaliers such as weapons and armors and kept most of the Sand Tigers that were too terrified to move. After he left about 40 weakest and thinnest Sand Tiger to these cavaliers who only had light clothes on them, he kicked all of them out.

The ferociousness of this race was demonstrated.

133 Sand Tiger Cavaliers couldn’t bear the shame and decided to suicide; their blood stained the sand.

The rest of them disappeared into the darkness under the lead of the few captains......

“Go on and spread around what you saw! Haha!”

As he looked at these Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were leaving the area, Fei stood in front of the central tent and let out a series of “evil” laughter. These soldiers of Jax who lost their mounts and their winter jackets might not even survive in this coldness in the desert, and only about half of them could be able to make it back to the campsite of Jax.

Fei believed that the news about Kerman, the third disciple of the Martial Saint of Jax, kneeling and surrendering would be known across the region.

To the soldiers of Jax who looked up to warriors who had power and were unyielding, this would be a massive blow to their heads.

Although the raid of the enemies was taken care of, Shevchenko and others still sweated a whole bunch and were scared when they thought back to what happened.

“If the Legion Commander wasn’t here with us today and didn’t discover the enemies, we would suffer some casualties. After all, that man named Kerman has impressive strength. Except for the Legion Commander, I can’t even handle him head-on,” Shevchenko thought to himself.

Of course, Cech, Drogba, and Pierce might be able to defend against Kerman after they summon their Star Saint Sets, but Shevchenko didn’t know about it.

“Your Majesty! You are here with us all along?” Fei’s appearance was shocking to the soldiers, and Drogba and Pierce all walked up and greeted him happily.

“Of course I need to come and see if you two are behaving. I need to make sure that you two are following orders and listening to Shevchenko.” Fei kicked them in the butt and said, “Not bad. You guys are doing good. Keep it up and don’t disappoint me!”

Fei was worried in the beginning.

He was worried that both of them would act haughty since they were leaders of Chambord and were close to him and won’t listen to Shevchenko who was the brigade commander; if that happened, it would have a bad influence on the legion as a whole.

Fei was glad that everything was alright.

These two strongmen who were straightforward were within reason, and they listened and followed Shevchenko’s orders wholeheartedly. This made Fei a little surprised.

“It seems like they knew the boundaries and didn’t shame Chambord,” he thought.

There was a reason why Fei was a little worried.

Not sure what the officials at the Military Quarter were thinking, but they didn’t leave time for [Wolf Teeth Legion] to go through regular practice and get to know each other. After all, 80% of the legion was made up of soldiers and warriors from various affiliated kingdoms. They were used to their way of doing things, and frictions could potentially rise.

Frictions did appear in [Wolf Teeth Legion], and they significantly decreased the efficiency and speed of the legion. Although old Aryang was experienced and was prepared for this, it was impossible to get rid of such frictions in a short time.

Majority of the legion was still not close to the border yet, and Fei had the help from the experienced strategist old Aryang as well as the master warriors such as Magic Princess Cindy, Silver Armored Vicious Sword, Lampard, and Elena. Since no significant issues could arise in this situation, Fei ordered the legion to travel slower and scheduled daily practices for them; he wanted the legion to be battle-ready when they get close to Dual-Flags City.

Fei was more worried about this herald brigade since they underwent no training.

Therefore, he hid his identity and traveled with them; only Shevchenko and Cech who were the two men in charge knew about this. Fei had identified all the issues with this brigade, and he was trying to find an excellent opportunity to address them. This raid from the Sand Tiger Cavaliers wasn’t even something on Fei’s radar, and Kerman got defeated this badly due to his own bad luck.

Since Fei revealed himself already, it was no longer a secret to the soldiers.

Fei wasn’t just the No.1 Master Warrior among affiliated kingdoms in their minds. After the news about how he captured the three Moon-Class Elites got around secretly in the military, he was seen as the God of Battle. After seeing the performance of Fei tonight, the soldiers worshipped him even more.

All the soldiers in the brigade cheered for Fei as they were hyped.

All the people who had the title of Team Commander and higher met up in the central tent to party, and they all flattered Fei one after another. After about one hour, they were all kicked out by Fei; however, they still wanted to praise him more.

There were a lot of officials who never met Fei in person before. They used to think that this Legion Commander was cold and haughty; after they spent this time together, they realized that he was very chill and friendly.

Of course, that was only one side of Fei.

If they got to spend more time with Fei in front of the enemies, they would realize that they were wrong!

This was an unforgettable night.

To the soldiers and officials in this herald brigade of [Wolf Teeth Legion], being raided by the famous [Black Torrent] of Jax was only a small episode. Instead, seeing the power and presence of the Legion Commander excited them and increased their morale!

However, it was the complete opposite for the people of Jax who had been waiting to redeem themselves.

The shame they experienced tonight was only the beginning of the dark age.

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