
Chapter 513 - Surprise Attack (II)

Chapter 513: Surprise Attack (II)

Translator: GravityTales


Saminaga didn’t know what kind of thing this was, but he felt that although the pure power concentrated in each ball wasn’t high, their superposition could produce a similar power to a light elemental forbidden spell.

Any forbidden spell would cause irreversible effects upon exploding. Saminaga could at most resist the attack when aimed at him, but relying on his strength to stop it would require him to at least unleash an even stronger forbidden spell.

Even with Saminaga’s strength, completing a forbidden spell would require some time! And this being the demon camp, using yet another forbidden spell would only make the damage even more terrible.

The next instant, the powerful aspect of the demon gods manifested. After Saminaga shrilled in rage, the other six Great Demon Gods immediately joined his side.

Facing this terrible forbidden-spell-powered attack, these seven demon gods held seven positions, letting out brilliant rays with great intensity.

In the midst of the demon camp, the seven demon gods glowed intensely. The seven immense pillars shot up, landing on each of the seven great demon gods, who all did the same movement of extending their hands forward.

One could see that the light emitted from the body and the pillar of Saminaga was grey colored, while from Vassago’s, yellow colored light issued forth.

This didn’t mean that their original attribute was something other than darkness. The difference of color actually displayed their great power.

Different colors meant different paths of strength. Only after breaking through the ninth step would one’s spiritual energy display its natural qualities.Skills that were performed with this energy would far surpass the ones using their originally colored spiritual energy.

The seven demon gods were all surrounded by waves of spiritual energy of different colors. This proved that they were at least at the ninth step in terms of strength. With the addition of the boost provided by their demon god pillars, one may imagine the terror of their joined power.

A radiance of seven different colors burst out, and produced a great effect, to the extent that one could call it terrifying. Litting up at the same time, they restricted the blasting forbidden spell of light element to a certain scale, preventing it from spreading more than that.

Since they couldn’t block it, they decided to at least limit its scale. The damage a light elemental forbidden spell could inflict to demons was just too much of a threa.

Noticeably, the bright light was already covering an area with a radius of about 200 meters, turning the demons gathered in that area into ashes. The powerhouses from the Demon Emperor Legion inside were doing their utmost to resist in the midst of miserable cries, but still crumbled one after another. Even those with powerful defenses such as Demonic Bears suffered the same fate.

And this was under the circumstances that this forbidden spell didn’t spread. If it had really spread beyond a one kilometer radius, its effects would have been really terrible.

The complexions of the seven demon gods were extremely unsightly. The seven of them resisted it together, and could still bear its power. After all, their demon god pillars were present nearby, so as long as they consumed some of their spiritual energy, they could escape harm. But seeing a large amount of elites from the Demon Emperor Legions die against this forbidden spell, and not even on the battlefield, one may well imagine their rage. The worse was that this was all they could do, and now they could only watch this situation unfold before their eyes, without even any way to chase after the fleeing knights.

Right at this time, on another side of the demon camp, where other Demon Emperor Legions remained stationed, a dazzlingly bright light burst out, gathered at this spot.

This time, the seven demon gods really looked concerned. Even Saminaga was already ashen-faced.

Since the start of the Holy War, this was the first time the knights attacked the demon camp. They didn’t expect this attack to be so decisive.

Although they didn’t know how the humans managed to create such a powerful forbidden spell by superposition, they knew that the power of this surprise attack was at its greatest while the demons were huddling in tiredness, cold and hunger in the deep night.

Right when the seven demon gods were handling that light elemental forbidden spell that had just exploded with great power and needed their full power to stop it, another attack occurred on the other side of the camp. This was clearly prepared in advance.

The Holy War had already been going for a year and a half. Just like the demons had a deep understanding of the defenses and strength of the Knight Temple, humans also had a complete understanding of the demon armies.

The superiority of the demon armies was undoubtable, but some of their shortcomings and weaknesses were found out by the powerhouses from the Knight Temple long ago.

All else aside, the crowded aspect of their camp alone was a big issue. If fire was to spread in the camp, burning down the whole camp wasn’t impossible. But of course, given the strength of their powerhouses, by itself fire would at most destroy a part of the tents and would be far from enough to harm the Demon Emperor Legions outside.

Therefore, the Knight Temple had not yet launched such a surprise attack. That’s because a surprise attack would have its greatest impact the first time. Paralysing the enemy requires time, and attacking requires a very strong power. If planned carelesslly, this might only inadvertently alert the enemy. The Knight Temple had been enduring silently until then, but now has come the time of the counterattack.

Five other figures appeared, and didn’t insist on continuing to fight after throwing out those gaudy balls of light, immediately turning back to leave, and flying at great speed in the opposite direction. Once again, that terrifying superposed forbidden spell could be heard, this time from the other direction of the demon camp.

The intense bright light burst into the shape of an immense golden mushroom cloud, originating from the location of Demon Emperor Legion troops in their camp, and spread out at a frightening speed to all four directions.

Although a great amount of powerhouses from the demon armies woke up from dreamland upon sensing the first forbidden spell, this had just happened too fast.

Even those demons at the seventh or eighth step were far from reaching the reaction speed of the seven demon gods. In a state of starvation and freezing, they were deep in slumberland since long ago.

Abruptly sensing the appearance of a massive aura of light, they were at most woken up, but didn’t have the time to rush out from their tents, before the second wave of attacks came. Immediately, the demon powerhouses that were in the range of the light elemental forbidden spell were sorrowfully engulfed, thoroughly disappearing inside the holy flames.

Holy flames is a form of fire, and will, as such, spread. This second forbidden spell didn’t get restricted by the demon gods, and frantically spread out. Even if at a certain point after spreading it lost enough power to become insufficient to kill the demons, burning those tents was no issue! The whole demon camp was put into total chaos due to the surprise attack.

And right at this time came the third wave of attacks from the Knight Temple.

“Operation start!” Long Haochen shouted loudly, both his hands holding into a dark metallic ball of light. Violent surges of spiritual energy were poured into this shining metallic ball, which was then thrown into a set location.

Reacting with the light elemental spiritual energy which was poured inside, it suddenly grew and reached a diameter of one meter. Behind him, five figures belonging to knights acted at the same time, firing a large number of balls of light.

In this third wave, they also appeared in the midst of a Demon Emperor Legion’s area, however, this time, the attack was aimed at the middle of the demon camp. After a series of light balls was thrown, Long Haochen immediately gave out the order of retreat.

“Boss, how about taking advantage of the chaos to rush in and kill the most enemies possible?” Han Yu whispered in Long Haochen’s ear.

Long Haochen firmly rejected his idea, “The forbidden spells won’t last for long. Our objective is to launch a surprise attack, and then to immediately retreat. Otherwise, the seven demon gods will counterattack, and we won’t be able to leave even if we try.” Although he was hurried to complete the mission of gathering ten million contribution points, guaranteeing his personal safety was the most important. In fact, his life could be said to not just be his own anymore, but the whole Alliance’s hope. Therefore, he didn’t zealously continue fighting in the least, but immediately led the fifty knights to retreat, and withdrew back to the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass.

This surprise attack was orchestrated during the military meeting that took place before, with the simple and direct objective of destroying the three Demon Emperor Legions.

Although the three Demon Emperor Legions had yet to join the battlefield until now, the threat they represented for the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass was unquestionable.

Having piled up the reports for over a year of scouting, the Knight Temple had grasped their position since long ago, and even knew clearly where the magical offense specialized Hell Demons were situated.

Actually, a part of the Hell Demons that were carried and defended on the back of the Fiends at daytime was assigned to the Demon Emperor Legion. As mage forces, they represented the greatest threat to the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass. Therefore, today, the main targets were the Demon Emperor Legions as well as the Hell Demons.

The weapon that was launched previously by every knight of the group was a secret weapon belonging to the Knight Temple, which was making its first appearance in the battlefield.

This weapon was called Light Bomb, a powerful weapon purely aimed at blasting light essence to kill and injure the enemies, as well as a good item that was kept concealed by the Knight Temple.

At first, this item was developed to be used through the Magic Cannons, which had undoubtable destructive power. But the cost was phenomenal: a demon crystal of the fifth and the sixth rank each for only one shot. The spiritual energy inside would be drawn out totally, and even a magical crystal of the ninth rank wouldn’t last long after being fired.

Therefore, the Alliance wanted to develop practical artillery shells, and used some metal with good affinity to the light element along with some low ranked demon crystals to experiment. In case of success, it would undoubtedly greatly affect the utility of the magic cannons in the battlefield.

After going through several years of development, several issues appeared, and the final project had yet to be completed. But during the attempts of the Knight Temple the Light Bombs were developed.

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