
Chapter 564 Another Agreement

Chapter 564 Another Agreement

If she actually possessed resources that were capable of affecting superhumans, of course, completely ignoring the ones that were available in the small strongholds, then, she herself would have definitely been way stronger than she currently was.

In actuality, if she was back in her family, then, perhaps she would have already reached the 9th stage of the superhuman level. But, because of the lack of resources, she was only able to reach the second stage of the superhuman level.

"Of course I know that. But, who said that I wanted them right now? But still, what I\'m trying to say here is that, once you go back to your family, you will have to give me resources. Of course, they cannot be too shabby, right?" Jack responded.

Sylvia thought about it for a moment before she nodded her head in agreement. Currently, Jack could as well decide not to assist her in gaining the ability that was present within the ability crystal bead.

And since she was the one that was currently desperate, Jack could go ahead and increase the price drastically, and there was nothing that she could do. After all, there was nobody that she could depend on in order to be able to process the ability crystal bead.

But, it seemed that Jack was not a profiteer. At least, he had offered her a choice of deciding on what she was going to give him as payment for his service. But still, there was something that caught her attention, and that was the fact that Jack had said that the better offer she gave, the better the chances of him assisting her in the future would be.

Of course, had it been just anybody, she would have dismissed them. After all, if they were not from a family that was way above the one that she was from, what was it that they could help her with if she went back to the family?

But, it was completely different when it came to Jack. This guy was surrounded by mystery. And, right now, not only was he above her when it came to the power level despite the fact that he was younger than she was, but he was also in possession of a special ability.

"Okay. I have already accepted that. So, can you activate the ability crystal bead for me?" Sylvia asked. She was getting a little impatient with the chat considering that the ability crystal bead was just in front of her.

For the past 5 years, she had been silently watching this ability crystal bead within the box. But, there was nothing that she could do about it considering that Jack\'s mother, Anne was not present to activate it for her.

But now, there was a chance of it being activated. So, she was looking forward to gaining the ability. After that, the goal that she was having in her mind was going to be completed soon. At that time, it would not be much of a problem even if her brother got her back to the stronghold where her family was located.

"Before we do that, we will have to sign another contract. After all, how can I be assured that you will not go against your word?" Jack stated simply. After that, he put his hand inside the pocket and took out a contract. Of course, this contract was retrieved from the system.

Sylvia looked at Jack speechlessly. She had not expected that this guy was not trusting her, although they had already gotten familiar with each other. At the same time, wasn\'t there already a contract that was binding them together?

That contract was enough for him to be assured that there was no way that she was going to betray him. After all, if she did something like that, then, that was going to be against the clause that stated that her family had to support Jack and his organization.

And, who was it that stated that she was not part of the family? So, since she was a member of the family, she had to support Jack and his organization. So, why would she go ahead and betray him?

In any case, knowing that no matter what she said Jack was not going to change his mind, she decided to go along with what he was doing.

After Jack wrote on the contract form, he handed it over to Sylvia. After Sylvia read through everything, she took a hair pin from hair and used it too make a small wound on her finger. After that, she dropped blood on the contract form.

Jack did the same thing. With the utility knife that he was carrying around with him, he cut a small wound before dropping the blood on the contract form.

The moment that his blood touched the contract form, the contract form floated in the air before it disintegrated into pieces that divided into two and lodged themselves into the heads of the two people.

With the contract finally in place, Jack went ahead and dropped another drop of blood from the same wound that he had made previously on top of the ability crystal bead.

The moment that his blood touched the ability crystal bead, a golden light suddenly erupted from it. The light was so blinding that Sylvia and Jack were forced to close their eyes.


Suddenly, the table where the ability crystal bead was placed on suddenly began trembling. The intensity of the trembling of the table increased as time moved on, and after about 10 seconds, it suddenly stopped.

Together with the stopping of the trembling, the golden light that had a completely enveloped the entire living room of the villa suddenly dimmed down.

Ask Jack and Sylvia opened their eyes, they looked at the ability crystal bead that was currently shining with a golden light. The intensity of the golden light on the ability crystal bead was as high as it could be.

"To processes it, we will have to go back to my building. There, I have the required equipment that I can use to process it for you into a serum." Jack stated as he closed the box that possessed the ability crystal bead.

Sylvia did not object that. Instead, she was actually anticipating the result of taking the serum. So, she did not say anything else and just picked up the box and followed Jack out of the villa.

Along the way, Sylvia was driving the car maniacally. The speed at which the car was moving was almost two times the one that she had been using previously to go to her villa.

After they arrived at the building that Jack and the group were living in, Sylvia was the first one to alight from the car. And, looking at Jack who was moving around as if he was not in a hurry, she could not help but ask, "Why are you so slow? Or are you trying to make sure that I die from anticipation?"

Jack looked at Sylvia speechlessly. Then, he asked, "What are you so anticipating of? Isn\'t it just gaining an ability? It is not as if you are going to be capable of controlling the moon and the sun, right?"

Sylvia: "…"

Sylvia did not really know what she was supposed to respond to that. But after a moment, she came up with a reason to why Jack had spoken to her in such a way.

"You know, you actually possess a special ability. And not only you, but even your girlfriend actually possesses a special ability as well. For that reason, to you, a special ability is nothing special.

But still, you will have to know that it is called a special ability because it is special. Only a small percentage of people within the stronghold domain are capable of activating the special ability.

As you can see, in the entire Stronghold number 17, the only people that possess a special ability is you, and your fiancée Celine." Sylvia stated as she looked at Jack with some envy in her eyes.

"Anyway, that is what you think. But I do believe that the number of people that do possess a special ability is kind of enumerable in the entire stronghold domain. It is just that many of them are kept as a secret from the public." Jack responded nonchalantly as he entered the ground floor of the building.

The moment that Jack entered the building, Celine and the rest of the group came downstairs. Of course, if there was a person that was going to come into the building, they would definitely want to know who it was.

But after noticing that it was Jack, they relaxed. But still, Celine felt that there was something wrong with this Sylvia. After all, she had been coming over again and again, although they did not have anything in common that they needed to discuss or do.

Nevertheless, she did not say anything. In any case, it was not as if Sylvia was affecting the way that they were living. So, she could just ignore her presence here as long as she did not do anything that irritated her.

After greeting Celine and the group, Jack went ahead and took his position on his workbench. Looking at Sylvia who was standing some distance away from him with the box, he looked at her with raised brows as he asked, "Now, can you tell me who it was that was so anticipating of something not long ago?"

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