
Chapter 249 BAANG!

Just like any other day, Jack had taken Celine out for her usual combat practice. They had found that the number of gangsters in the streets had suddenly reduced. Although this was supposed to be something good, the two of them were not that happy about it because they would no longer have anyone that could be used to help Celine improve her combat experience.

"Where are all these people heading to?" Celine questioned with a puzzled look on her face as she looked at the empty alleyways. Normally, there would be one or two gangsters in each and every alley that they came through. But now, they had suddenly disappeared.

This was something that had never happened before even when the police had introduced the night patrols aimed at the gangsters. Celine was getting somehow frustrated at the fact that shew was no longer getting her sparring partners. Although Jack would have been the best sparring partner for her considering their relationship and his skills, there was no way that he could give her the best combat experience that she was looking for.

She wanted to have a fight where her life would be at risk. Although Jack could as well try ignoring the fact that she was his girlfriend and attack her with the intention if decapacitating her, there would always be the times that he would subconsciously hold back. This was just what she didn\'t want.

Jack who was walking beside her looked at her with raised brows. When Celine noticed that Jack was looking at her, she turned around to face him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Could there be something on my face?" Celine looked at Jack as she questioned with a puzzled gaze. She wasn\'t in the know of why Jack was looking at her in such a manner.

Celine\'s questioned made Jack nearly roll his eyes at her. In the end, he could only reply, "My lovely Celine is so bright when it comes at grasping the fighting techniques that I\'m teaching her. Burt in the end, she has suddenly become dumb that she can no longer analyze the situation normally again."

Reaching that point, Jack shook his head with slight dejection. He completely ignored the ferocious faze that he was receiving from Celine who seemed angered by his words. He simply continued with what he was saying, "I don\'t want my lovely future wife to be a brute barbarian."

Seeing that Celine was about to jump on him, Jack chuckled as he hurried to explain what was actually going on. "Alright, alright, I\'ll say what is going on here. You should know that, during the past month that you have been training, you have injured a lot of the gangsters that were present in the streets. As a result, unless they are healed from their broken bones, they would surely not come back here."

"And, every day, you will send more to the hospital. As a result, the number of gangsters on the streets is reducing while the number of those that are injured in the hospital is increasing with each passing day."

Jack didn\'t need to say more than that because Celine could already tell what he was trying to imply. Normally, she should have already realized this. But due to the frustration that came with the fact that she had been walking around without finding a single gangster, she didn\'t even think twice before she complained.

"Since there are no more gangsters in the streets as some are in the hospital and others are obviously hiding, then, you have got no choice but to be my sparring partner for tonight. And, let me warn you, if you hold back too much during the sparring, then I\'ll ignore you for the whole week!" Celine stated resolutely.

In the next moment, she attacked Jack with all her might. She knew that even if she went all out when she was attacking Jack, there was no way that she could beat him. As such, she didn\'t have to hold back as she always did when she was attacking the gangsters. This time, she had no fear that she might accidentally kill Jack as that was just impossible with her current abilities.

She threw a ferocious punch towards Jack\'s face. The power behind the fair hand that was clenched into a fist was one that could break several bones when a normal man received that punch.

But, Jack was no normal man as he easily evaded the punch that wanted to disfigure his face. He wasn\'t ready to have his face in a baa condition even before he married. After that, he didn\'t attack Celine as he took a step back.

Seeing Jack\'s action, Celine frowned. Though, she didn\'t stop attacking as she sent a kick towards Jack\'s chest. At the same time, she shouted with anger clear in her voice. "That\'s the last warning Jack! You better fight me seriously or I\'m going to ignore you for the whole month!"

Jack\'s expression changed when he heard Celine\'s words. He then asked, "Wasn\'t it a week before?" Even as he spoke, he used his forearms to block the kick that was thrown his way. It wasn\'t that he couldn\'t take the fight seriously. It was just that he was messing around with Celine.

"Humph! Dare to ask again and it will be for the whole year that I will be ignoring you." Although her two attacks were deemed useless in front of Jack, she didn\'t give up as she continued attacking. And this time, instead of evading her attacks, Jack had resorted to blocking her attacks instead. 

Seeing that his plans were not working, then Jack decided that he would be serious. This was the time that Celine was training and there was no way that he was going to hinder her. As such, he limited his strength to the same level as Celine\'s and attacked as well.

Although the two of them were having the same level of strength, Jack\'s skills and experience were on another whole level. He had managed to render all attacks that were coming from Celine useless by either dodging, blocking or parrying them.

"Make sure that you change the angle that you are using when you send a kick. Bend three degrees lower than the way that you are." Jack instructed as the fight went on. He was also attacking, giving Celine a very hard time for her to retaliate. But the moment that she made a mistake, then, Jack would correct her.

Jack\'s punches and kicks were nothing but light. He had managed to land several attacks on Celine, thus injuring her in the process. But all the same, he didn\'t stop simply because he had injured her or something like that. Instead, his momentum continued to increase as the fight went on.

As such, Celine was getting fewer and fewer chances of attacking Jack. But all the same, she didn\'t give up at all. The determination that she had to learn was so great that she completely closed off the thoughts that she was injured or she was at a disadvantage. She continued fighting as if her life depended on it.

It was also during this moment that Olivia and Brandon arrived at the scene. They had witnessed how brutal the fight between the two was in that, they even failed to know what they were supposed to do at that moment. For Brandon, he was stunned by how beautiful Celine was, although she was injured.

The expression on her face as she attacked or blocked Jack\'s attacks relentlessly would make any sane man fall into insanity. This was the vibe that Brandon got when he looked at the way that Celine was when she was fighting.

She was a beauty that was at a slightly higher level than that of Olivia. Furthermore, he could tell that she was strong, even stronger than Olivia was. But, what made him furious was the fact that she was being beaten up by someone, and a man at that.

On the other hand, Olivia was paying full attention on the duo that were fighting against each other. At this moment, there was only a single thought that was repeating itself in her mind. \'It\'s them! The demonic couple! They are stronger than those gangsters claimed! If they wished, they could have killed them all the moment that they faced off against each other!\'

Jack had already stopped instructing Celine as he continued giving her a lot of pressure so that she could make the necessary changes according to what he had taught her. She was a genius. As a result, it was better to let her adapt to the changes that she was supposed to make when they were fighting.

She had to improve her own fighting style so that she could be completely comfortable when she was fighting. And, it was due to this that Jack had thought that it was enough pointers that he had given, and it was thus a chance for her to evolve her fighting style to make up for the areas that she was lacking.

Although she was far stronger than a normal adult, that didn\'t mean that she was going to be so good at fighting. No! This all depended on her fighting style that then determined her area of focus, high attacking power, high speed or better defensive capabilities. 

At this moment, Olivia\'s mind was running at an overdrive speed as she looked at the display of skills of the two that were fighting. At this moment, her fighting spirit was ignited as she had found someone that showed that he was stronger than her. She really wanted to fight him although she knew that she would lose at the end of it all.

Just then, at the corner of her eye, she noticed something that shocked her to the core. She saw that Brandon had actually taken out his gun and was already aiming at the duo that were fighting. The way that his finger was, it was clear that he had the intention of shooting.

"Brandon, stop it right now!" She wanted to stop him but she was a second late. Even before her voice fell, Brandon had already pulled the trigger. And in the next moment, the bullet charged out of the gun\'s muzzle.


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