
Chapter 425 Path to the Divine

"Cinty will definitely succeed. After all, that means she can finally go see Kiirion."

Cinty\'s face immediately got a little red.

"Cough, cough. Anyway, what are you planning to do now that the Heavenly Fragments issue is over here in Dalin?"

Krune and Feifei nodded and then said.

"We will basically cultivate and practice for the time being. We will also take some missions outside in case we need to test our strength and things like that. I guess it will be quite a leisure time for the next few years. We are also planning to travel to a few different places with Fie and Liriu so that they can see and experience more things. That should help then to select what kind of Foundation they wish to build."

Cinty agreed that was indeed the best plan for the moment.

"Very well. Now you all can leave. I need to prepare for the Heavenly Tribulation."

Krune and the others nodded, leaving right after.

A few days later, everyone gathered once more in the Tribulation Field. Present at that moment were they and a few trustworthy wisps which were part of the management of the Wisp Worlds. Other than them, the field was completely empty. After all, Cinty is entering the Divine Path Realm, so it has to be kept a secret.

In the middle of the Field, Cinty took thousands of high-rank Spirit Stones. After preparing herself mentally for a few minutes, Cinty attacked the barrier of the Divine Path Realm. Striking the barrier could be said to be the right way to describe this Breakthrough. This is a moment when the Cultivator or Demon Beast forcefully opens a path leading to the Divine.

Each Stage of the Divine Path Realm is one step closer to take a View of the Divine. That is also why the next Realm is called Divine View Realm. After entering the Divine Path Realm, the Cultivator or Demon Beast\'s Divine Soul will be connected to this Path. The Divine Soul will then benefit from the Power of the Divine, become stronger with each stage.

What Cinty was doing was to break the barrier between her Divine Soul and that Path. That is also the moment that Xiun told her to be careful. One must not be complacent when stepping on the Divine Path for the first time. After all, the power of the Divine is not to be trifled with. Even though a Divine Path and View Realms can\'t use that power, they will still be in contact with it.

Once her Divine Soul touches the Path, it will be assaulted by that power. She has to defend her Divine Soul with everything she has to prevent it from being damaged or even destroyed. Once she gets comfortable repealing that power, she can then slowly release the protection. After all, that same power that is attacking her Divine Soul is also the power that she needs to walk in the Path of to the Divine.

Her Divine Soul has to get used to used and use its power to strengthen itself. Without enough strength, the Divine Soul won\'t be able to take the next step, which means that one can\'t advance the Stages of the Divine Path Realm.

Only someone at the peak of the Void Breaking Realm can connect oneself with the Divine Path. Before that, they can\'t even feel its existence, even if they know that it is there somewhere. Cinty was no different. The day that she reached the Peak of the Void Breaking Realm, she immediately felt that faint connection with this Path, it was also proof that she was ready to try.

Cinty Gathered an enormous amount of Spiritual Energy, converting it into Elemental Source, and then Chaos Energy. Once enough conversion was made, and she gathered the energy needed, she would strike that barrier between her Divine Soul and the Divine Path. Only the Divine Soul is able to step on that Path, which is also the reason why the Soul is called Divine.

Time passed, and Cinty had been striking the barrier for half a day. Still, she wasn\'t in a hurry. There isn\'t a time limit for the Breakthrough to start with. Not to mention that Heavenly Tribulations only happen once a breakthrough is finished.

It wasn\'t after an entire day that Cinty finally Broke the Barrier, and the Path appeared under her Divine Soul. Cinty Slowly stepped on it and prepared all her energy. Sure enough, the moment her Divine Soul touched the Path, it was assaulted by some kind of Energy that Cinty never felt before.

Obviously, that was the Divine Energy! Cinty could finally understand why one had to be careful once stepping on it. Even though she was ready, her Chaos Energy Protection was almost instantly shattered. If not because she made sure to save a lot of Chaos Energy just for this moment, she might have been expelled from the Path with severe injuries to the Divine Soul.

Still, Cinty was calm. She kept using Chaos Energy to protect against the Divine Energy while trying to get used to it. Slowly, Cinty started to let the Divine Energy pass through her protection. When the Divine Soul and Divine Energy touched each other, Cinty was able to feel some kind of connection between them.

Unfortunately, that connection is not enough for her to make use of that. Only when one enters the Semi-Divinity Realm will they be able to use Divine Energy. Before that, it is all preparation for that moment.

"Go through the Divine Path Realm so that you can see the Divine."

"Go through the Divine View Realm so that you can comprehend the Divine."

"Only at the Semi-Divinity Realm shall you be able to use the Divine."

"Only at the Divinity Realm shall you become Divine yourself."

Slowly, Cinty\'s Divine Soul started to get used to the foreign and, at the same time, familiar energy. That energy also helped Cinty\'s Divine Soul to get stronger as time passed. Finally, Cinty dispelled all the Chaos Energy protecting her Divine Soul and basked it on the Divine.

Between the time Cinty\'s Divine Soul touched the Divine Energy and the time it got used to it, another 5 hours had already passed. It was then that Cinty noticed that she didn\'t have to protect her Divine Soul anymore. It had more than enough resilience to stand in the Path by itself. She also noticed that her Divine Soul strengthened a lot now. She could use a lot more Chaos Energy than when she was in the Void Breaking Realm. Not only that, but it was also as if she could comprehend this energy better as well.

"I\'m finally in the Divine Path Realm."

Cinty also understood why one becomes immortal at the Divine Path Realm. It is a gift from the Divine, a gift from being able to accept its power.

Suddenly, clouds started to gather in the skies. Seeing that, Krune and everyone else felt happy. If the clouds are here, that means that Cinty had successfully entered the Divine Path Realm. However, Krune could see the difference in power in the Tribulation. It wasn\'t just an increase in power due to a Different Realm. Those clouds\' ability was fundamentally different from those from the previous ones.

Still, Krune snorted.

"With Cinty\'s Elemental and Chaos Meridians, I want to see what you will be able to do against her."

Not long after, the Tribulation Fire descended and assaulted Cinty\'s Wisp body. The raging flame was really powerful. Everything in an entire kilometer radius was being incinerated to nothing. That was a lot of power, and no one in Krune\'s group would be able to fend it at their current level.

However, Cinty was not at the same level as them. In the middle of everyone looking at that Tribulation, Cinty is definitely the strongest one. Especially now that her Divine Soul entered the Divine Path and got Strengthened. Her control over the Chaos Energy and the speed with each she can gather it can\'t be compared to what it was before. It was an utterly qualitative change!

Sure enough, with the Realm of the Myriad Energies Technique, even a Tribulation with power matched for a Major Divine Soul was far from being able to Breakthrough Cinty\'s Chaos Energy Protection.

The raging Tribulation Flames continued for another half a day. But Cinty didn\'t feel like being in the least bit of danger. Her Chaos Energy Barrier kept sturdy as a metal wall until the very end.

In the Skies, the Tribulation Clouds started to reduce in size. The Flames around Cinty\'s Wisp body also began to disappear. What before expanded for an entire kilometer, was now getting smaller and smaller. Finally, the Tribulation Fire dissipated, and the Tribulation Clouds were gone.

After thousands of chaos cycles, the wisp race now has one more Wisp at the Divine Path Realm.

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