
Chapter 337 - My Son Is Dating Yan Qingsi

Mrs. Yue was boiling with anger since she could not piece together the statement earlier. It was as if Yan Qingsi had plenty of really dark tainted secrets.

However, Mrs. Yue was not aware of Yan Qingsi’s true nature and what she was capable of. Yan Qingsi indeed had quite the handful of secrets she would rather take to her grave. Sins that she had committed. Sins like homicide and arson.

Yan Qingsi found it hilarious as she was repeatedly mentioned or brought up by Mrs. Helan. She thought to herself just how good this lady was at making strong and offensive remarks at people by masquerading her own words in a soft and gentle facade. It was a shame that Mrs. Yue was not having any of it.

As of that very moment, whatever Mrs. Helan said or did was not important to Yan Qingsi. She had all her attention and focus turned to Mrs. Yue, so Mrs. Helan’s personal opinions about her mattered very little.

She felt unnatural around people who would defend her since she did not know what to say or how to react in such situations.

She was used to being the prime target of verbal attacks by people. Being defended by anyone was definitely a first for her. A completely new experience. Thus, making her uncomfortable.

Yan Qingsi just could not wrap her head around Mrs. Yue’s act of selfless defense. All she ever did was help her once. She could not understand why Mrs. Yue decided to defend her to such an extent.

She could not compare herself to Mrs. Yue’s kindness as she felt unworthy of receiving such generosity from her.

The sudden wave of dread overwhelmed Yan Qingsi as she worried about the possibility of regret. What if someday in the near future, Mrs. Yue had learned of her true nature, would she regret treating her so well?

Mrs. Helan was caught off guard as she did not expect Mrs. Yue to have an outburst like that. It was uncharacteristic of her to say something like that.

Mrs. Helan desperately tried to salvage the entire situation by forcing a smile and saying, “I believe you misunderstood what I meant.”

Yan Qingsi never got a chance to respond as Mrs. Yue did not give her that chance to speak. Mrs. Yue simply stated in response, “If that’s not what you meant, then please, do enlighten me with what you had in mind. Unlike you, I never fancied beating around the bush to make my point. There are some things best addressed as straightforward as possible. You see, I happen to be slow with indirect statements so please lay it all out for me.”

“I meant to say, privacy is a luxury a celebrity could never afford and is difficult to maintain. If a celebrity just so happened to be romantically involved with anyone, it would instantly blow up in everyone’s face. My little Xiuxiu’s just not suitable for a job that requires her to constantly keep plenty of things a secret,” Mrs. Helan explained as patiently as she could.

However, the explanation did little to satisfy Mrs. Yue. She simply cursed in her heart, as she could think about how much Mrs. Helan enjoyed starting unnecessary problems with people. This meal became very unappetizing to Mrs. Yue.

Mrs. Yue simply nodded and turned to face Yan Qingsi all while giving her the warmest and the most compassionate smile. She caressed her cheeks and said, “No one ever denied the fact about keeping a lot of things private and the sheer difficulty of doing so. Especially with Qingsi, since her debut was quite recent as well. The only thing that worries me the most would be her love life. Just like my son and Qingsi both, it keeps me on my toes since the paparazzi these days would be relentless if they ever caught wind of the both of them dating. Right, Qingsi?”

Mrs. Yue could be quite witty at times. Just her statement alone could shut Mrs. Helan’s mouth entirely, and on the other hand, she basically announced that Yan Qingsi was, in fact, dating her son, thus indirectly telling them that whatever schemes they were planning could be put to rest as it would be useless!

Yan Qingsi was shocked by what Mrs. Yue had said. Mrs. Yue actually told everyone... that... she was dating Yue Tingfeng. She thought in Mrs. Yue’s eyes, she was always a... nymph. Could this mean that Mrs. Yue did not mind at all?

Filled with newfound surprise, she smiled at Mrs.Yue and said, “Yea, those paparazzi are like actual licensed private investigators.”

“Look at this poor girl. She’s always busy with her movie shoot. I’ve not seen her only for a few days and she became skinnier than the last time I saw her. It hurts me to see her like this. I’ll need to properly nourish her back to full health when we get home,” Mrs. Yue said.

Yan Qingsi lovingly hugged Mrs. Yue’s shoulders and said, “I’ll take your word for it. I miss your famous ribs.”

Even if Yan Qingsi was naive, seeing how selfless Mrs. Yue jumped at her defense, she felt a strong need to play along with her especially at that moment. Even if Mrs. Yue did not mean what she said, she had still selflessly stood up for her. Yan Qingsi really wanted to thank her sincerely.

In these recent years of Yan Qingsi’s life, not a single soul besides them had ever stood up for her.

Yue Tingfeng remained silent as the exchange went on. He thought to himself just how adorable they both were!


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