
Chapter 511 - Please Use This Responsibly

Chapter 511: Please Use This Responsibly

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The bazaar was located at the city square north of the city gate — several miles away from where the battle was taking place. This was the reason why the soldiers overseeing the evacuation of the city had yet to reach there, and no one at the bazaar knew what had happened. When small groups of demons made it into the city, there were many people still out in the open, unaware of the invasion.

As creatures with an acute sense of smell, the demons quickly picked up the scent of their prey. They turned their heads north, where they perceived the scent of multiple vulnerable and defenseless people. The Cyclops were also able to perceive this irresistible aroma from afar, so, from outside the city, they hurled their payloads in that direction.

Woosh! The sound of the air being torn came before explosions as large boulders pelted the city and claimed lives. Pools of blood, which contained human entrails, stained the pavement. This elicited squeals of delight from the demons coming out of the nets thrown into the city. Some demons had been killed in the onslaught, but the other demons did not spare their corpses a glance; instead, they swiped their claws at the heavily injured that managed to survive the rain of boulders.

The festive atmosphere instantly disappeared as the carnival became a gathering of corpses covered in blood and flames. The paradise had become hell on earth!

Someone could be seen standing amid the carnage, with a pale face — Lulu.

Not even Lulu’s worst nightmare had prepared her, a mundane little village girl, for such a tragedy. She stood as still as a statue, unable to scream or flee. However, tears could be seen streaming down her widened eyes.

A Gog spotted a lady frozen on the spot at the center of the square. The flames around illuminated her legs, which were soft, pink, and as juicy-looking as the most perfect of roasted dinners.

‘Dinner!’ The hungry Gog was unable to contain itself and hurled a fireball at the lady.

Lulu’s eyes flickered as she spotted a fireball streaking towards her. Her legs refused to budge an inch, and she was about to become a demon’s next meal. The instinct to flee had long since deserted her.

Suddenly, a violet streak moving faster than the fireball stopped right in front of Lulu. The violet figure’s small hand, which was covered in fine satin, reached out and caught the fireball.

When the fireball collided with the violet figure’s palm, it fizzled for a bit before dissipating. The Gog, who was standing a few feet away, suddenly fell backward. A glistening icicle had pierced its skull.

It was this time that Lulu finally regained control of her body. She turned towards the violet figure that had just saved her. The violet figure turned around and asked the speechless Lulu, “Are you alright?”

Lulu did not reply. All she could think about was how beautiful this person was.

The lady was wearing a most unusual dress — one that Lulu had never seen before. It was an evening dress, whose design was award-worthy. It was made from smooth satin that had dyed purple, causing it to radiate an air of mystery. Lulu had never seen any dress with as high a slit as this one. It not only left bare the beauty’s supple, round shoulders, but its neckline was so low, an aquamarine gemstone was required to restore a bit of modesty around the beauty’s chest area. Lulu gazed at the glowing gemstone and realized that it was a pendant. It was being strung by a bejeweled sash that was connected to the back of the evening dress.

The best part of the dress was its asymmetrical skirt. The back hemline was so long, it draped over a large swathe of pavement. The front hemline was short; it was above the beauty’s knees. This left her lean legs — which were covered by black silk socks — and the pearly white heels below it visible for all to see.

A butterfly-shaped masquerade mask concealed the beauty’s face and identity. Her smooth black hair had been packed intricately into a perfect bun. Lulu, who had never seen such a style before, had had her breath taken away by the regal aura that radiated from the beauty. The beauty’s head intricate headpiece, which resembled a cross between a lotus and a tiara, made Lulu wonder if she was a foreign princess.

Poor Lulu had just been mentally tormented by all the gore around her, and her imagination took flight the instant this ravishing beauty saved her from the jaws of death.

Lulu’s “foreign princess” did not exude a shred of arrogance; instead, she appeared quite worried about Lulu, who had still not said a thing. The beauty cupped Lulu’s cheek gently with her satin gloved-covered hand and asked, “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Lulu stiffened the moment she was touched, but a second later, she jumped at the beauty and wrapped her arms around her. Suddenly, Lulu jerked back in surprise and cried, “Mia?!”

“Wait, what?!” The violet beauty seemed more surprised than Lulu was. “How did you —”

“There’s certain warmth that’s unique to your embrace, Mia; even if you change your appearance, I’d still recognize it,” Lulu replied. “Mia, please tell me what’s going on! What is happening? Just now, I — Incoming!

Mia turned and found herself face-to-face with a boulder that had been hurtling towards her with unbridled speed. As there was no time to do anything about it, Mia decided to brace for impact; she moved in front of Lulu and puffed her chest out.

In the following second, something unbelievable happened: when the boulder collided with Mia’s chest, it was pulverized, not the other way around! The shower of white sand that followed even dirtied a bystander’s face.

This bystander was the man that had been crushing rocks with his bare chest earlier. His gaze shifted to the small rocks he had used his chest to crush, after which he glanced at another gigantic boulder nearby. He turned around and gawked at Mia’s flat chest.

Unable to contain himself, the man shrieked and fled. It was as though he had lost his sanity.

Mia’s flat chest was not the reason the large boulder crumbled when it struck it. The credit went to her violet evening dress, which was known as the ‘Goddess’ Blessing’. This exquisite sorcerer robe was made by a renowned fashion designer, after which it was enchanted by several professionals from the Sorcerers’ Association. In one of Baiyi’s many auctions, a noble had offered the dress in exchange for a place at Da Xue for his useless son. Baiyi accepted the offer and gave Mia the dress.

Mia fell in love with the dress the moment she laid eyes on it, but she found its enchantments too lackluster. Thus, she asked for Baiyi and the other Voidwalkers for help to improve it. When they were done with it, powerful gemstones had replaced the decorative jewels previously on the dress. These gemstones were created by the Alchemist Walker, using his unique formulae. The other Voidwalkers also added their enchantments to the gemstones.

The spell that had pulverized the boulder when it hit Mia’s chest was an Eight-Grade magic spell called ‘Rupture’. It had been designed to activate the moment anything got close to Mia’s chest — such as a pair of touchy hands. Anything that made contact with the flat chest would have been reduced to a fine powder.

It was easy to guess who made the spell. The part of the body that Rupture protected was a dead giveaway. The inventor did not know that Rupture had just done what it was invented to do. However, it had obliterated a boulder and not the hands of a suicidal person.

The robe was not the only useful tool that Mia had in her arsenal. Her magical staff, which resembled a large lollipop, was also a deadly weapon. Its inventors were the Archmage Walker, the Blacksmith Walker, and several other Voidwalkers. It was named the ‘Inheritance Staff’, an allusion to Mia inheriting the Rohlserlian legacy of magic. It contained a top-of-the-line magic gemstone that contained a dozen Pseudo-Forbidden spells. Although these spells were weaker than their originals, which they had been created to imitate, a skilled wielder could still use the Inheritance Staff to decimate an army of a thousand men.

The headdress Mia had on was called the ‘Padma Tiara’. It was a support tool used to provide various magic buffs and cast high-level theurgical techniques, such as Magic Reflect, Spell Target Negation, and many more. Mia was gifted his headdress by the Cleric Walker and Paladin Walker when she became a Legendary Level sorcerer.

Not even Mia’s sash was an innocent piece of fabric. It could be used to summon, at most, thirty of the Engineer Walker’s state-of-the-art marionettes. The Soul Armature Practitioner and the Engineer Walker had gifted it to Mia on her eighteenth birthday.

Those were not the only enhanced paraphernalia in Mia’s possession, though. Every one of Mia’s fingers had rings around them that contained the Warrior Walker’s Frozen Fire combat chi. Once activated, the store Frozen Fire combat chi would burst forth and form two huge hands, both of which could perform the Warrior Walker’s trademark martial arts moves on their own. With them, Mia could still fight if she was struck by a Silence spell. The combat chi hands possessed fighting skills on par with a master swordsman from Britain and a Krav Maga specialist from Israel.

Finally, Mia’s butterfly-shaped masquerade mask did more than just protect her identity. It had been enchanted with a few of the Charlatan Walker’s best illusion spells.

There were still many more overpowered accessories in Mia’s storage pouches. The only reason she had them stowed away was because they did not match her dress. Amongst these accessories was a strange arrow that could make copies of itself after it had been fired from a crossbow; a sinister-looking veil that could render its wearer invisible; and a whistle that, when blown, would compel every wide animal in the area to rush out to aid the user. There was a lot more that Mia had stored.

Baiyi was right: Mia had fully decked with powerful equipment and accessories that only slightly paled in comparison with real Divine Regalias. These equipment and accessories were so powerful, Mia could afford to let her guard down and do all the cute things she wanted, and she would still outmatch an Abyss Lord. With her own experience as a Legendary-level sorcerer, Mia could basically destroy everyone, except for the most dangerous and powerful of enemies.

If all else failed, there was a weapon in Mia’s storage pouch that she could use. This weapon is nigh-unbeatable in the current timeline; only the Archmage stood a chance against it.

At this point, if someone yelled, “You can’t forcefully upgrade a D-tier to God-tier only by giving them powerful equipment, can you?”

To which Baiyi would reply, “Yes. Yes, you can.”

After preventing herself and Lulu from becoming meat patties, Mia proceeded to take out the demons that had reached the city square, where the bazaar had been held, after which she turned her attention to the injured, who she began to take care of. It was at this point that Mia received a call from Baiyi, who ordered her to decimate every demon that had entered Highland City.

Mia hesitated for a brief moment before deciding to pull out her trump card.

After reciting a two-word activation chant, Highland City was covered by an enormous shadow. It belonged to the phantom of a giant hammerhead shark, whose body was translucent. Everyone in Highland City suddenly looked up in a mixture of awe and fright, watching the behemoth’s ever-expanding, snow-white underbelly cover the sky above.

Suddenly, the invading demons turned tail and fled in all directions. The emergence of this strange giant had probably made them look several thousand years into the future and realize that it was a reaper that specialized in taking lives.

This hammerhead shark plushie did not take kindly to the presence of demons. A faint glow radiated from its jaw, after which its snot-white underbelly began to fire off a variety of spells, which were all so frightening that one could call them ‘divine retributions’. From afar, it was as though someone had punctured the plushie’s previously-expanding belly, causing it to rapidly discharge the air stored within it!

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