
Chapter 2593: It's far worse than Master Su Lang

"That person didn't do anything to you, he wanted to come up with another plan."

"According to what he did, he wanted us to have a suspicion against Daoist Su Lang and build a good relationship with us."

"Hmph, it's really a dream to want to provoke our relationship with Master Su Lang!"

Xie Xuan backed his hands, narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of irony, and immediately waved his hand, "Xu Hu, you said he gave you the remnants of the six inheritance?"

"Yes, the elder!"

"The remnants of the inheritance of the six paths are on the subordinates, and the subordinates will be released."

Xu Hu nodded, and immediately cast a spell to release the remaining heritage, forming six translucent twisted smoke.

He himself is just a carrier.

Yu Yangli did not incorporate the legacy of the legacy into his body.

"Is it the six ways of inheriting the leftovers?"

"Don't say anything else, just the three inheritance of the pill formation, I want to see if it can compare with Master Su Lang's attainments!"

As Xie Xuan said, he carefully checked the remaining six inheritances, and after confirming that there were no problems, he waved his hand and took it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness.


The inheritance of the six paths remained in Xie Xuan's sea of ​​knowledge, forming a torrent of upright and spreading.


Xie Xuan's face moved, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but a trace of disdain soon appeared.

"My elder, how is this inheritance?"

Xu Hu asked cautiously. In his opinion, the inheritance was naturally extremely terrifying, but his pattern was too low, his knowledge was not deep, and he did not dare to judge himself.

"Inheritance is indeed excellent."

"Even better than the inheritance left by our Majesty Dou Xiu."

"However, the three inheritance of the pill formation is far worse than Master Su Lang!"

Xie Xuan nodded slightly, then shook his head and smiled.


"The little one dares to ask, that person's three-path inheritance of the pill formation should be the Nine Eternal Realm."

"But even so, it cannot be compared with Master Su Lang, so what level of inheritance should Master Su Lang be!?"

Xu Hu raised his head in horror and asked in disbelief.

He has personally experienced the remnants of inheritance, and he has an extremely deep impression in his heart.

Even if his **** is on Su Lang's side, the fact that the three ways of the pill formation are very powerful is a fact of iron.

"I don't know the level of Master Su Lang's inheritance."

"But I can be sure that these three inheritances are completely inferior to Master Su Lang's inheritance of the pill formation."

"Do you know why I was so happy before that I was a little gaffe?"

Xie Xuan looked straight, showing a touch of reverence, and asked Xu Hu faintly.

"This, the little one doesn't know!"

Xu Hu was very shocked. Xie Xuan was so sure that the three inheritances were inferior to Su Lang. Then this must be a fact!

"Master Su Lang has been promoted to Eternal Zhou Bing for me!"

"Promote from the Five Eternal Level to the Six Eternal Level!"

Xie Xuan said, showing excitement, took out his long knife and stroked it.

The long knife came out.

The feeling of invincibility immediately filled all of Xu Hu's senses, making him dumbfounded.

"It's really the Six Eternal Realm!"

"When your subordinates went to investigate the grassroots universe, you just set off, elder."

"When your subordinates return in such a short time, your weapon, Elder Su Lang, has been promoted to the Six Eternal Realm!"

"This, this, this is too unbelievable!"

Xu Hu stared his eyes and shouted in shock, his eyes protruding.


"Master Su Lang was promoted to my weapon in an instant!"

Xie Xuan could not help but show his shock again when he thought of the shaking moment.

"In an instant!?"

"In an instant the promotion of the Five Eternal Emperor Soldiers to the Six Eternal Realm!?"

Xu Hu exclaimed in amazement, his voice was extremely sharp, and the sound was broken.

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