
Chapter 1009: That's right, it's us

Perhaps, this was influenced by the notion that good people were not rewarded in his previous life. With a flexible moral bottom line, he instinctively rejected these things.

After solving the problems left by Umbridge, Albert did not return to the activity room, which is now the home of the Savior Potter, and he only stole the limelight from Harry Potter in the past.

This kind of thankless thing, let Potter take it!

Although there were some disturbances during the wizarding game, the game still ended successfully. After everyone shared the happy time of the game, they dispersed.

Lee Jordan took the "Book of Origins" and relocated to avoid the toad running over again and looking for trouble.

As for Fred and George, who stayed in the activity room, they greeted the last students and began to help clean the activity room.

Their purpose was not to help with cleaning, but to hear what Hermione and Harry were going to say.

It didn\'t take everyone\'s time to completely restore the messy activity room due to the banquet, and there were a lot of students who stayed to help clean it up.

After everyone cleaned up the **** left over from the banquet, they sat down and waited for the next follow-up.

Hermione pulled the stiff-faced Harry onto the stage. She cleared her throat and said, "Cough, I think everyone knows why they stayed."

"That pink toad—I mean Umbridge taught us a bunch of crap—we just can\'t learn anything really useful from Defence Against the Dark Arts." Hermione was a little nervous at first, but she took a deep breath After that, the tone became firmer.

"Well said, Toad and "Defense Theory of Magic" should both be swept into the trash." Ernie McMillan echoed loudly.

After one solitary confinement, McMillan became disgusted with Umbridge.

In the activity room, people echoed intermittently, and the people who stayed behind were informed that they were all members of the Anti-Toad Alliance.

"So, I was thinking that we might as well solve the problem by ourselves and re-form the Defense Association." Hermione looked around the remaining students and said seriously and firmly, "I want to pass the Ls exam of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Honestly, I really don\'t understand what the Ministry of Magic is trying to do to send us such a professor who does everything possible to prevent us from using defensive spells." Ernie McMillan exclaimed, "Those so-called theories , obviously can\'t help us pass these important exams better."

"According to the latest inside information I got from the Ministry of Magic, there are two reasons why Umbridge uses Defense Theory to teach us. She herself is not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, and her teaching level is also seen by everyone. In the eyes. As for the other reason, which is even more ridiculous, she thought Dumbledore would encourage us to fight the Ministry of Magic, worried that after we learned these Defence Against the Dark Arts spells, we would turn against the Ministry of Magic. Fudge even absurdly thought that Dumbledore was planning to use the school students to train a secret army."

"Where did you get the inside information?"

It was Ginny Weasley\'s boyfriend Michael Corner who spoke.

"If you listen to the Wizard\'s Watch Station, you can get the news." Hermione hinted: "That was never a joke station, you will find out later."

"I have a question, who will teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts, Mr. Anderson?" asked the girl with a long braid behind her.

Everyone looked around, but did not see Albert.

"No, unfortunately, Albert is not available!" Hermione shook her head.

If it\'s not Albert\'s words, who will teach them?

Who is qualified to teach them.

Everyone is paying attention to this.

"Albert\'s Guide to Self-Defense has what we need." Hermione held up the book and said to everyone, "There are many practical spells in it, and we will focus on the content of this book. Fortunately, , Harry has mastered most of the spells in it, and the other part needs to be studied together."

After noticing the expressions on the other people\'s faces, Hermione refused to give them a chance to speak, and continued: "I know you want to learn some more advanced magic, but the reality is that after reading this book, I realize that I Even the most basic knowledge of Defense Against the Dark Arts is not fully grasped, and we still have a lot to learn."

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone was very curious about what the book was about.

"Harry Potter has the ability to teach us Defence Against the Dark Arts?" There are still doubts about Harry\'s ability.

"Harry received formal training last semester, and it\'s not a problem to teach you some of the most basic defensive spells. The most difficult spell in the Self-Defense Guide is the Patronus Charm against Dementors, and Harry has mastered it. The spell." Hermione began to steer the conversation in Harry\'s favor.

"You can really make a stag patron saint." The girl with long braids asked curiously.

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"My name is Susan Burns." The girl with long braids introduced herself. "My aunt told me about your trial."

"Harry, you should show your hand to everyone, this can solve a lot of problems." George sent his own assist to Harry on the stage.

Most of the people here have experienced the time when Dementors were stationed at Hogwarts, and they are very interested in the Patronus Charm that can drive away Dementors.

"Harry." Hermione reached out and poked Harry, motioning him to demonstrate to everyone.

This matter was actually negotiated by Hermione and George in advance. If you want everyone to agree with Harry, you have to show some strength.

If Harry had mastered even the hardest Patronus Charm in The Self-Defense Guide, people wouldn\'t have jumped out and questioned whether Harry was qualified to teach them.

"Call God Guard!"

Harry hesitated for a moment, but drew his wand, and a silvery gas spewed from the tip of the wand, forming a silver stag. With graceful steps, the Patronus walked around the activity room and disappeared.

Having been baptized by the Dementors, Harry has been able to summon the Patronus with ease in a bright room.

"Will we also learn the Patronus Charm?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"I think it\'s necessary to formally learn something useful." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Harry summon the Patronus. "In the near future, everyone will face more challenges."

"The challenge you\'re referring to is..." Cedric Diggory asked.

"Voldemort is back." Hermione summoned the courage to say the name.

When Hermione said Voldemort\'s name, there was an eerie silence in the activity room, and a gasping voice could even be heard.

However, since the candidates for the party had been selected in advance, everyone\'s reaction was not too intense, but they all looked at Harry Potter with curiosity.

"I see Voldemort is back," said Harry blankly. "Whether you want to believe it or not, it is what it is."

"Certainly, you can go and believe what Fudge said in the report, to believe Umbridge, that Dumbledore has Alzheimer\'s, is an old lunatic, you can even leave now and tell Umbridge we\'re partying here ." Harry, who had been sedated, looked extremely indifferent, he raised an index finger and said, "Actually, you don\'t need to worry about whether this is true or not, because Voldemort is not a quiet person, at most only need In a year, no, nine months you\'ll see signs of his activity in the papers."

"Of course, I have a way for you to spy on the truth." Harry said suddenly, looking at the stiff-faced crowd.

"any solution?"

"Let you watch that part of my memory directly." Harry said softly: "In the headmaster\'s office, there is a prop called a Pensieve, which can play a memory fragment in a person\'s head, as long as you can get it from Dumbledore. Borrow something, and I don\'t mind letting you watch Voldemort\'s memories of his resurrection."


The spot was fried in an instant.

None of them thought that Harry would actually say such a thing. Although everyone could not judge whether Harry was lying, the possibility should be very high.

If it is fake, it will definitely be easily exposed.

"Of course it\'s true, I didn\'t have to lie to you," Harry said meaningfully. "The premise is that you have the courage to accept the truth."

"I\'d like to believe you Harry." Neville said, raising his hand, "My grandma always said Fudge was an idiot, and it was pointless for him to smear Dumbledore like that. Once the mysterious man appeared in front of everyone, Fudge would be completely reduced to the entire wizarding world. laughingstock and sinner."

"From what we\'ve heard, there are predictions that Fudge will be ousted as Minister of Magic next summer," George said with a wink. "And Umbridge, of course, will get out of school."

"So we never took toads seriously," Fred added. "Next, we\'re going to introduce a candy called quick-action candy, and if you don\'t want to go to a toad class, you can eat one. Make it easy for you to skip class."

"Everything you buy from us for joke props to deal with toads is discounted," George continued.

"What about Anderson? What does he think about this matter?" Shanna asked, and was about to push them by the way. She saw Albert\'s shadow from this club.

"He knows better than anyone what\'s going to happen next," Hermione said solemnly after a moment of silence.

"He knew everything, but he didn\'t say anything." Michael Corner said suddenly,

"Even if Albert said that Voldemort would be resurrected, would you believe it?" Hermione asked rhetorically.

The answer can be imagined. Even if there is one more Albert, there are not many people who are willing to believe, but will be regarded as a liar by everyone.

"Albert believed that the magical world would need the knowledge in the "Guide to Self-Defense", so he spent a lot of time and energy compiling this book and using it to teach everyone how to protect themselves." Hermione told everyone.

"Why didn\'t he publish this book?" someone asked inexplicably. "No matter how much money it costs, I\'d definitely be willing to pay for a copy."

"Publishing now will only be attacked and smeared by the Ministry of Magic. Toad and Fudge agree to be very afraid of Albert\'s influence." Hermione explained, "Any other questions?"

"What is our club going to be called?" Lee Jordan asked, "Is it still called the Defense Association?"

"Yes, it is also called the Defense Association." Hermione continued, "You can also call DA directly, this abbreviation also means Dumbledore\'s Army."

"Where are we going to meet and how will the meeting be scheduled?" Diggory asked with a frown.

"The party here, of course?" Arya said rightfully.

"No." Luna, who had been silent for a while, suddenly refused.

"Why, it\'s very hidden here. As long as we move around frequently, the toads will definitely not be able to find us."

"This place is actually more fragile than you expected, and it can\'t support everyone to practice magic. Of course it\'s fine if it\'s just used for class, but we obviously need to practice magic more." George explained.

"We can\'t operate under Toad\'s eyes." Diggory reminded everyone, "If Toad knew, the Defense Association would definitely be banned, and it would be regarded as an illegal gathering. You saw it just now, Toad even wants to dissolve the wizard. Card Club."

Everyone fell into silence, which was undoubtedly an unsolved question.

They couldn\'t possibly use empty classrooms or other places to hold parties, because the toads would definitely come and trouble them in the first place.

"Let\'s go back and ask Albert about this matter, he must have a solution." Fred and George looked at each other and said in a joking tone, "If it really doesn\'t work, just use a spell to kill the toad quietly at the party. Stun, well, we\'re just kidding."

"When we have determined the time and place of the first meeting, we will send a message to inform everyone." Hermione took out the parchment and quill prepared in advance from her wallet, took a deep breath and said to everyone, UU reading www .uukanshu.com "Anyone who wants to join the club needs to leave their name."

"Do you want to leave your name?"

Many people are a little disgusted with this approach.

"Once you sign, you agree not to tell Umbridge or anyone else about us," Hermione explained, looking at the people who stayed behind, "you can always feel free until the first official meeting. Privately ask me to remove my name and withdraw from the Defense Association."

"I\'ll cast a spell on this list after the party starts to make sure we\'ll know at any time if anyone betrays us and tells Umbridge." Hermione said calmly, noticing everyone\'s displeasure, " I certainly wouldn\'t have done this without the toad, and now I have to prevent the worst from happening, and I don\'t think anyone wants a traitor between us!"

"Strict secrecy is normal. I don\'t want to be imprisoned by toad because someone leaks secrets." Fred reached out and took the parchment, happily signed his name on it, and said to everyone, "If one day you are caught by toad. Hold on, she wants to force you to leak the secret, so you tell the toad that you have signed a contract and can\'t open the leak, and let her come to us."

"Looking for you?" Everyone\'s eyes widened, not knowing where Fred came from.

"Yes, for the two of us." George also signed the parchment. "We\'re not afraid of toads."

"Aren\'t you afraid of being fired?" Diggory asked twitchingly.

"If we were afraid of being fired, we wouldn\'t have said that." The twins said in unison.

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