
Chapter 826: Wormtail

Peter opened his eyes suddenly and woke up from his sleep. He stretched out the sheet and sat up, his forehead was soaked with sweat for some time, and his breathing became a little short.

As soon as he closes his eyes, Peter will return to that day. His mother sacrificed herself to help him escape from Azkaban prison.

Since his mother died in Azkaban prison, self-blame and guilt have been torturing Peter\'s heart.

"Live well?" Peter smiled helplessly. Can he really give up everything and keep his name incognito, and live well?

too difficult.

It\'s too difficult.

In order not to be found alive by others, Peter had to stay away from the magic world and hide himself in the Muggle world.

But how can a wizard live like ordinary people?

Of course Peter couldn\'t, and he knew he couldn\'t integrate into the Muggle world.

Even Arthur Weasley, who is most obsessed with Muggles, can\'t do this.

Therefore, most of the time Peter can only use magic to solve the problems he encounters, so that he can lead a decent life.

Long-term use of magic in the Muggle world is easy to cause trouble for himself, and may also attract employees of the Ministry of Magic, so most of the time Peter only stays somewhere for a few days. Then, you have to carry a suitcase like a traveler and embark on a new journey alone.

Especially after leaving the UK, the language barrier made communication very difficult, and also made Peter\'s life more difficult. He had to frequently use magic to solve the troubles he encountered.

And everything Peter does is not compatible with good people. He knows that he can\'t become a good person.

Probably let her down again.

The sky was still dark, and the street outside the window was completely dark.

Peter, who was awakened, had no sleep. After putting on a decent dress for himself, he began to organize his suitcase. When it was clear, he would leave the hotel with a suitcase like an ordinary traveler.

A familiar crackle came from outside the street. Peter was like a mouse stepped on his tail. He quickly hid his wand under the bed, and the whole person quickly turned into a mouse and got under the bed.

After a few seconds, the door of the room was opened without warning.

The three wizards with magic wands rushed into Peter\'s room vigilantly. They quickly scanned the empty room, their eyes fell on the half-organized suitcases on the bed, and they exchanged glances.

"I didn\'t hear the sound, it shouldn\'t be Apparition." A wizard quickly scanned the room and began to check where people could hide in the room. Naturally, he didn\'t let it go under the bed.

"It\'s a man, just left." One of them glanced at the clothes in the suitcase and said, "Who do you think it will be?"

"I don\'t know, that guy is really alert, I guess he hasn\'t run far yet." Another wizard waved his wand toward the suitcase and took it away directly.

Before the three of them left, by the way, the magic used by Peter on the innkeeper was disarmed.

"Damn it." Peter waited for a long time before he got out of the bed. He didn\'t want to change back quickly. Instead, he watched the neighborhood for a while to make sure there was no threat around him before he took out the wand he had hidden under the bed. Then change back to human form.

This is not the first time Peter has encountered this kind of thing.

Using magic in the Muggle world at will, it is easy to be targeted by the Ministry of Magic. This time his luck was relatively bad, and he never expected that he would be targeted so quickly.

However, the situation is not too bad. At least, the wand is saved. As long as the wand is still there, he doesn\'t have to worry about life problems. Magic can make him easily get everything in the Muggle world.

Before leaving the inn, Peter secretly borrowed some money from the innkeeper to avoid the embarrassing situation of having no money. It is quite unwise to use magic rashly now, especially in such a dense Muggle area, he doesn\'t want to be targeted by the Ministry of Magic.

So Peter used Apparition to leave after borrowing the money.

Somewhere in a remote alley, Peter appeared out of thin air. He sniffed the terrible smell in the alley, frowned slightly, and quickly left the alley, bought himself a sandwich with the borrowed money in the shop on the side of the road, and then just wandered the city. The destination is walking.

Peter actually didn\'t know where he was going, what did he want to do?

Ever since he left England on a Muggle ship, he has been wandering all over Europe. Most of the time, Peter only needs to avoid wizards and let others find that he is still alive.

"It\'s really embarrassed, like a stray dog. When Sirius flees, was he as embarrassed as me? No, he must be worse than me, he can only become a stray dog ​​wandering around." Peter ate his sandwich. Memories of the guy who made himself so embarrassed.

He threw the finished sandwich bags into the trash can, and then sat on a chair by the park in a deep thought.

Why did things become like this?

Peter had asked himself this more than once.

If it weren\'t for Voldemort, maybe he wouldn\'t be what he is now, but Peter didn\'t dare to hate Voldemort, and he didn\'t have that courage.

Therefore, Peter hated Potter, hated Blake, and also hated Lupin, hated them for pulling himself into the Order of the Phoenix, hated them for bringing misfortune to himself.

Actually, Peter didn\'t plan to join the Order of the Phoenix at the beginning, but because of the relationship between Potter, Black, and Lupin, he eventually joined the Order of the Phoenix with them.

Then, all nightmares started from then!

After being threatened by Voldemort and forced to choose between family and friends, he embarked on a path of no return.

Peter chose his family and betrayed his friends, if that really counts as a friend.

The betrayal was not just because of being threatened by the Dark Lord, but Peter was also retaliating against his friends who caused misfortune and disaster.

No, they never regarded him as a friend.

"It\'s gone from the beginning," Peter murmured.


He has no retreat!

Peter also didn\'t want to live like this. He didn\'t want to live like a stray dog. He had to worry about being afraid at any time, that Black would come back to kill him, and that Death Eaters would come to kill him.


Peter said the place name softly. Legend has it that the Dark Lord is hidden in the forest of this country. If he can help the Dark Lord come back, those Death Eaters who wish to kill him will have to give up their hatred, accept him again, and seize him. The Ministry of Magic who took Peter\'s estate would also be punished.

Also, Black, Lupin and others.

Peter also hated Albert, who sent him to Azkaban Prison. When he escaped from the prison, he also wanted to go and seek revenge from Albert.

But Peter finally gave up. He finally escaped. He didn\'t want to take the risk. In fact, Peter didn\'t dare to seek revenge from Albert. The arrangement was so miserable last time that Peter had a problem with Albert. Some shadows in my heart.

That guy is very nasty, insidious, cunning, and his own abilities are terrifying, he is known as the young Dumbledore.

Peter suspects that the opponent can also use magic skillfully without using a magic wand.

Once the sneak attack fails, it’s really over, and the most embarrassing thing is that Peter doesn’t know where Albert’s house is. He may be able to find the location of his house after spending time, but Peter is afraid to take risks. He still doesn’t want to die. The fact that he is still alive is exposed, and everyone will never let him go. Leaving the UK as soon as possible is the best choice.

Maybe, only when the Dark Lord comes back, everything will be different.

He doesn\'t need to live in embarrassment like he is now.

At that moment, Peter seemed to have made up a certain determination, resolutely embarked on the journey to Albania.

The road to Albania was not smooth.

During this period, Peter used Muggle tools most of the time, and sometimes he even had to use the Imperius Curse to control the Muggle, let him leave the country with himself and the wand turned into a mouse, so as not to attract the attention of the wizard.

It took Peter a full week to arrive in Albania by steamer from an Italian port.

Albania is a chaotic and poor country. The Muggles there are very poor, the population is very small, and there is no Ministry of Magic. Many dark creatures and black wizards like to settle in the Albanian forest.

However, this really broke Peter a bit.

The Albanian forest is not big or small. It is not easy to find the hidden Dark Lord in such a country. No one knows what the Dark Lord is hiding in that forest. Peter has to look for it one by one.

Finding someone is not easy, especially when the target is the Dark Lord, it is even more difficult to find him.

However, Peter has a special way of searching.

Probably because it is the relationship of Animagus, Peter is relatively close to other animals, especially mice, there is always a strange close relationship.

Whenever Peter turns into a mouse, he can communicate with the rats in the forest to inquire about the news in the forest. This makes him more efficient in finding the Dark Lord. After all, no one is more efficient than the residents living in the forest. Understand the situation in the forest.

Peter spent a lot of time, but he did not find the Dark Lord, but found a bunch of dark creatures, especially vampires, banshees and trolls, and even some wizards settled here, but he just didn\'t find the Dark Lord. Although it made Peter a little bit disappointed, he also knew that this was a normal thing, whether it was the Dark Lord that was found by someone, instead of the so-called "Legend that the Dark Lord is hiding here".

Peter did not give up easily. He is screening the forests in Albania one by one. It has to be said that the forest area of ​​this country is really not average, and at least 30% of the land is covered by forest.

Time is slowly stripping away Peter’s patience, but for a guy who doesn’t know what to do, this kind of boring thing is undoubtedly very suitable to pass the time, and communicating with mice is actually not too boring, he You can learn a lot of information about the forest under your feet every time, and you only need to pay for some food.

Moreover, staying in Albania, there is no need to worry about wizards, at least there are basically very few wizards here.

He has decided that if he did not find the Dark Lord, he would settle here, away from those right and wrong, at least this land is more suitable for him to live in than Britain and even Europe.

Yes, many criminals have settled here.

"There are not many remaining forests. Is it really just a legend?" Peter took the map he got from Muggles, and the forests marked on the map were crossed one by one.

Most of the legends are actually somewhat based.

Peter came to the edge of a forest again. The sky around him was completely dark. The dark forest looked a bit hideous, but he couldn\'t frighten Peter away. He used to sneak into the forest at night.

However, Peter is not in a hurry to enter the forest now, because he is hungry and intends to eat something to fill his stomach at a nearby Muggle hotel, and he also needs to bring some gifts to those mouse friends.

When Peter entered the hotel disguised as a Muggle carrying a suitcase, he suddenly heard someone calling himself.

"Dwarf Peter, are you still alive?"

Peter was shocked, his heart beating violently, and countless thoughts popped up in his head.

When he turned his head, he saw a strange woman.

Peter knows Bertha Jorkins, who works in the Ministry of Magic and is a woman with a not very clever mind.

"Well, still alive, a lot of things have happened."

Peter lowered his eyes. He knew he had to eliminate the hidden danger. If Bertha Jorkins returned to the Ministry with news that he was still alive, God knew what would happen.

Maybe some people think that Bertha Jorkins is stupid, but Sirius, Lupin and the other Death Eaters can definitely guess that they are still alive and come over to make trouble for him. This is something Peter cannot tolerate. , He must erase the memory of Bertha Jorkins meeting him, and even kill her.

"I heard you..."

"Some things are not suitable to be said here." Peter raised his hand and interrupted. "Let\'s go out and have a chat. A lot of things have happened during this period of time."

Bertha Jorkins hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and followed Peter out of the hotel.

The two walked briskly in the night, and Peter also began to tell some things that happened to him.

For example, how he escaped from Azkaban prison, why he betrayed the Potters, why did he become a mouse and hide.

"If it were you, how would you choose, watch your family members be killed, or compromise." Peter smiled bitterly.

"So, you betrayed the Potters?" Bertha Jorkins asked rhetorically.

"No, no. I actually secretly hinted that the Potters should run away and let the mysterious person take the air, but unfortunately they didn\'t have time to run away and were blocked, so they died." Peter could not hide his face. He is portraying himself as a person who is not dangerous. "Later, my mother knew that I was still alive and was always very guilty, thinking that the things that year were all because of her, so I was forced to do it. With that choice, she felt that she was dying, so she took the compound medicine instead of me to die in Azkaban prison. She hoped that I could live well, so I came here to start a new life."

"Then why didn\'t you come out to prove that Black was innocent." Bertha Jorkins continued to ask.

"I think, but Sirius wants to kill me, and the Death Eaters want to kill me too. If I stand up, I\'ll be dead." Peter retorted, "If it\'s you, would you like it?"

"After the Potters died, Sirius used to chase me down. I tried to explain all this to him, but Sirius just didn’t want to believe it. thought I killed the Potters and used them. A powerful magic, trying to kill me. Later, our spells collided and blew up the entire street, and the injured I had to turn into a mouse and ran away from the sewer in a hurry."

"As for Black, it is purely that the Ministry of Magic needs to find someone to take care of it. After all, a lot of Muggles have died and must be accounted for, and Black laughed over there again, and was caught by the Ministry without trial. Throw it straight into Azkaban prison." Peter couldn\'t help but laughed at himself, "Actually, I didn\'t expect it to be like this."

"You probably don\'t know, my mother donated most of Peter\'s wealth to the Ministry of Magic in order to see me in prison."


"Of course it\'s true." Peter stopped, no one sneered. "Otherwise, why do you think the Minister of Magic Fudge would allow her to visit me in Azkaban prison?"

"Why..." Before Bertha Jorkins was finished, he saw Peter holding a magic wand pointing at herself. The next moment, a red light lit up under the curtain of the night, and Bertha Jorkins was caught by Peter. The coma spell was brought down, and he didn\'t pay the price for his stupidity.

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