
Chapter 814: Have an appointment

   "Maybe it\'s because I have different talents in this aspect," Albert said without blushing.

   Niya obviously doesn\'t believe it, because Albert can speak a lot of foreign languages.

   Even if the talents are different, no one is as talented as him.

   A language needs to be used frequently to master it skillfully. The practice during this period of time has made Niya have a deep understanding of this, and Albert obviously has no such opportunity.

   "Why not be optimistic about the subcontinent?"

   Looking through the books that Herb returned from the Far East colonial zone, Nia re-discovered the topic, "There are also quite a few people in the subcontinent, and there are still many British people still living in the subcontinent."

   "There are actually very few real people in the subcontinent." Albert simply commented, "It\'s dirty, messy, and unfriendly to girls. People who are not used to it were easy to get sick in the past."

   "You seem to be very clear." Luke asked with a smile, "Any information from the book?"

"I have investigated." Albert said softly, "If I hadn\'t become a wizard, I would probably first consider earning some money in China, and then use the earned money to go to the United States or the Far East. You know, the outbreak of the economic crisis There is a pattern. This is a disaster, and it is also an opportunity."

   "Well, I\'m not an idiot, I know what you mean." Niya knew that Albert had asked their parents to go to the Far Eastern colonies, which was obviously related to this matter.

   This is an opportunity, no one will dislike his lack of money.

   "By the way, I\'m going to travel far away in two days. A friend invited me to participate in a game, maybe I can bring a trophy back." Albert said to everyone with a smile.

   Yesterday, Mr. Bard wrote to him. In the letter he mentioned the Barnabus Finkley Award for Outstanding Spelling Techniques. The venue of the competition was in Spain.

   "How long do you plan to stay outside?"

   Niya\'s voice was a little higher, and she was obviously not happy. Albert had only stayed at home for a few days during the holiday, and was about to go out again, and she didn\'t bring herself.

   "It won\'t be too long, two or three days at most." Albert softly soothed: "I will remember to bring you souvenirs."

   "I\'m not a child, so what souvenirs." Niya said unhappily, "We will leave Europe next year. We may be apart for many years. You should spend more time on your family."

   "Sorry, this is indeed my negligence." Albert has been busy with his own business, and he has indeed ignored the relatives around him.

   "If you want to succeed, you have to give something." Luke didn\'t blame Albert, and said to Sansa, "The pineapple in the kitchen should be soaked."

   Sansa got up and went into the kitchen, took the pineapple out of the salt water and set it on the plate, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of an owl flying here.

   "Letter from your owl." Sansa opened the kitchen window and said to Albert in the living room.

   An owl flew in from the window, flew through the open door into the living room, landed on the table in front of Albert, raised his right leg, and an envelope tied to the owl\'s leg.

   Albert pulled Tom aside, reached out his hand and took the envelope off, scanned the seal on the letter, and said with a smile: "Sent from the school."

   "When will you go shopping at Magic Street?" Niya asked expectantly, "Can we go with you then?"

   "Of course, we can go together then."

   Albert went to the kitchen to prepare water and food for the owls. Then he tore open the envelope, took out a small stack of parchment paper, and unfolded it to find his transcript:

   Ordinary Wizard Rank Examination Results

   Pass score: Excellent (O)

  Good (E)

  Pass (A)

   Unqualified results: Poor (P)

   is very bad (D)

   Very bad (T)

   Albert Anderson\'s results are as follows:

  Ancient Runic: 〇

  Arithmetic and Divination: O

  Astronomy: O

  Protect magical creatures: O

   Mantra: 〇

   Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

   Fortune-telling: O

  Herbalology: O

   History of Magic: O

   Muggle Research: O

   Potions: 〇

   Transfiguration: 〇

   really won twelve excellent.

   After reading the transcript of the ordinary wizard rank exam, Albert found that his heart was not fluctuating, but the "simple ordinary wizard rank exam" in the panel task became available.

   "What are you looking at?" Niya moved her head over.

   "Examination transcript from last semester."

   Albert handed the parchment to Nia and opened the other letters in the envelope. As expected, there was an additional purchase option for the dress on the list.

   "Will you take Muggle studies?"

  Niya has read the book "Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles". It is really hard to imagine that the wizard has such a superficial understanding of ordinary people, and she has finished the course with Albert\'s character and patience.

   "All the good ones are better," Albert said, "But you are right, the wizards don\'t understand Muggles at all, and Muggle research is really stupid, and sometimes even feels embarrassing."

"I feel that wizards are a bit arrogant, and although magic is easy to use, the magical world is really backward." Nya was very impressed by the backwardness of the magical world. "On the contrary, the development of the ordinary world is much faster than the magical world. ."

"It\'s normal, because the number of wizards is small, so the development of the magical world is destined to be slow." Albert put the letter back into the envelope, reached out to touch Tom\'s head, and prepared to go back to the room to write to Bud. Letter, agreeing on a time for the two parties to meet.

   "It seems that there is another owl." Albert picked up a pineapple, and just about to leave the living room, he heard Niya\'s voice from behind.

   When Albert turned his head, he saw a gray owl hovering above the crowd, throwing a letter in front of Albert, and he didn\'t seem to have any intention of flying away immediately.

   Albert bent down and picked up the letter, and found that the sender was actually Angelina.

   He opened the envelope, took out the letter paper and started reading:

  Dear Albert:

   Yesterday, I received a letter from the school’s Owl. My O.W.Ls scores were not very satisfactory. In the end, I only passed seven courses. I think all of your O.W.Ls must have been awarded “O”.

   There is something that keeps me concerned. I didn\'t find the Quidditch team captain badge in the envelope. I hope you won\'t laugh at me for it. I have secretly asked Fred, George and Alia, but none of them received the badge, so I suspect that Professor McGonagall forgot to put the badge in the envelope and hesitated to write to Professor McGonagall. This matter.

   If you know anything, I hope you can write back to tell me, and congratulations on your winning the Merlin Class III Medal.

   I plan to go to the Quidditch World Cup this year to watch the game, Fred said you will go too, see you then.

   I wish you a happy summer!

   Angelina Johnson

   Albert of course knows why Angelina did not receive the Quidditch team captain badge, because next semester there will be no Quidditch competition at all.

   "Come with me."

   Albert said to Gray Owl that he can\'t let this guy disturb everyone.

   After a while, Angelina’s Ash Owl flew away with a note.

   Xuela was still standing on the table, looking at the owl flying away from the window, blinking, and she seemed to say: "The nasty guy is finally gone."

   Albert continued to write to Bud, telling him that he was going to go shopping in Diagon Alley tomorrow, and he agreed to meet him there. It would be even better if you could solve all the problems by the way. Not being able to use magic would be a hassle after all.

After writing to Bud, Albert told everyone about going shopping in Diagon Alley, but to his surprise, Grandpa Luke was not enthusiastic about going to Diagon Alley, and he didn’t even plan to talk to Albert. I went there together, just saying that I would wait outside for them to finish shopping before taking them back.

   "Grandpa, why don\'t you go together?" Niya asked puzzledly.

"I think it\'s good now. We can\'t be wizards after all, and we are not in the same world as wizards." Luke gently stroked Nia\'s head and said, "In this case, don\'t have too many intersections, lest we can\'t give up in the future. ."

"My dear, let\'s go to the movies when the time comes. We haven\'t been to the movies together for a long time." Sansa suggested with a smile. Although she is also curious about what the magic world looks like, she obviously does not intend to leave Luke. , Watching a movie is undoubtedly the best choice to pass the time.

   The next day, Luke sent Albert and Nia to the vicinity of the Broken Cauldron Bar.

   "There seems to be nothing over there." Through the car window, Sansa looked at the place where Albert and Nia were headed suspiciously.

   "The Broken Cauldron Bar is over there, but ordinary people can\'t see it because it is enchanted." Luke calmly explained, "Okay, let\'s go to the movies!"

   Albert took Nia by the hand and walked into the Broken Cauldron Bar. He found that the bar was more lively than before. Most of the people were talking about this year\'s Quidditch World Cup. Tom was surprised when he saw Albert.

   Albert ignored Tom’s gaze, looked around and didn’t find Isobel, he reached out and took out his pocket watch from his pocket, glanced at the time, and muttered, "Maybe, they are waiting for us at the ice cream shop."

   "You have an appointment with Isabel?" Niya asked.

   "She will go shopping with her sister." Albert explained, "It just so happens that you can meet Katrina first."

   Niya curled her lips in dissatisfaction, obviously more willing to go shopping with Albert, if Isobel was there, she would become an extra light bulb.

   Albert did not notice the change in Niya\'s mood, and took her to the backyard of the bar, using his magic wand to open the entrance to Diagon Alley.

   "No matter how many times I look at it, it feels incredible." Niya said, looking at the rearranged brick wall.

   "Yes, it was incredible the first time I saw it." Albert took Niya\'s hand and walked into the brick arcade, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Diagon Alley."

   "If I can, I really want to go around." Niya said, looking at the lively Diagon Alley.

   "Unfortunately, we only have two hours of shopping time." Albert took Niya\'s hand to the Florin cold drink shop.

   Isobel and Katrina are obviously not here yet.

   "Oh, look at who I saw, what a rare visitor." Florin greeted Albert with a smile.

   "Two chocolate nut sundaes." Albert took a gallon from his pocket.

"No, I\'ll ask you for free. I heard that you won the Merlin Medal III." Florin smiled and handed the two ice creams just made to Albert, and asked in a low voice: "This beautiful man Is the girl your girlfriend?"

   "She is my sister." Albert corrected. "But, thank you for the ice cream, I will take the time to make predictions for you another day."

   "Oh, it seems that they said you would predict that is true?" Florin looked at Albert curiously, "True prophet is not common."

   "Yes... he can predict, and he is very accurate." Just as Albert was about to say something, he heard a familiar voice next to him.

   "I thought we were going to wait a while." Albert smiled and said to the two sisters, "What do you want to eat, I will treat you."

   "Then I\'m welcome, Katrina, what do you want to eat?" Isabel asked his sister with a smile.

   "Same as you."

   Katrina is secretly looking at Nia who is holding Albert\'s hand. She is a pretty girl who is also not inferior to her sister. It is said to be Albert\'s sister, a Muggle who can\'t use magic.

   Niya took a bite of the ice cream and secretly looked at Katrina.

   "Let\'s go to Mrs. Morkin\'s robe shop first." Albert suggested, "We have two hours of shopping time."

   "Why do you want to make a custom dress suddenly?" Katrina asked.

   "The school will hold a Christmas ball this year." Albert explained that all students who plan to attend must prepare dresses.

   "You don\'t plan to go home this Christmas?" Niya was even more unhappy.

   "Don\'t worry, I have other ways to go back and spend Christmas with you." Albert smiled and touched Niya\'s head.

   Katrina looked at Albert, who was doting on her sister, and couldn\'t help but curl her lips.

   "What is the reason?"

"The Ministry of Magic is trying to restore the Triwizard Tournament, when the other two schools will come to Hogwarts to participate in the competition, so Hogwarts will hold a Christmas ball." Albert told everyone what he knew, " It is said that the champion who wins the championship can get 1,000 gallons."

   "Congratulations, another trophy." Katrina congratulated in advance. She doesn\'t think anyone will be Albert\'s opponent, this guy is simply a ruthless trophy harvesting machine.

   "At that time, I want to discuss something with you."

   "What\'s the matter?" Katrina asked.

   "Wait until I choose the warrior of Hogwarts, if I don\'t choose it, I\'ll assume that I didn\'t say anything." Several people were talking outside the robe shop of Mrs. Morkin.

   Isobel frowned and looked at his sister. She probably guessed what Albert wanted to say to Katrina.

   They entered the shop, there were already people inside. After the four people entered, the shop became more crowded.

A teenager with pale yellow hair was trying on a dark green dress, looking sideways in the direction of the footsteps, and said in a strange tone of yin and yang, "Mom, I smelled a strange smell, maybe we should change it again. Stores."

   Albert frowned and stared at Malfoy. He couldn\'t help but squinted his eyes to examine the mother and son in front of him, with a deep malice at the corner of his mouth.

   Even Niya couldn\'t help but look at her brother. Suddenly she felt a little strange, and she looked at the blond boy in front of her, obviously because of the words just now.

   Narcissa Malfoy looked at the four people who entered the robe shop and said, "Well, let\'s go to the dress shop, where we can buy better dresses."

   "Causality is a very magical thing."

   Albert\'s voice was very soft, but it happened to be heard by Malfoy who was about to leave.

   "I thought you would be angry." Katrina glanced at Albert and said.

   "That will only make you look uneducated." Albert said calmly to Mrs. Morkin, "I need to re-customize two school uniforms."

   "Don\'t you want a dress?"

   "No, I have a dress." Albert said, "That one is good."

   "Is that one last time, wouldn\'t it be too small?" Isabel knew which dress Albert was talking about.

   "No, it has been enchanted to automatically fit the user\'s height and body shape." Albert explained quietly, which is actually what Bud told him in the letter, "Your dress is actually the same."


  Isabel was a little surprised. When Albert was measuring his body, he quietly pulled Katrina aside and talked about the dress.

   However, Katrina eventually customized a dress.

  After measuring the size of the clothes, a group of people plan to continue shopping.

   Niya pulled Aite to go shopping, Katrina wanted to go to the bookstore to buy books.

   "I\'ll go with you, and meet at the robe shop then." Isobel couldn\'t worry about his sister shopping alone, "What class are you going to take next semester?"

   "Arithmetic, divination and ancient magic texts, and five basic courses." Albert handed a small bag of gold coins to Isabel, "Then please."

   "You won\'t be angry, are you?" Katrina asked in a low voice as Albert left.

   "No." Isabel said, shaking his head.

   Katrina whispered, "Don\'t you think he spoils his sister too much."

   "His family will leave the UK soon. It is normal for Albert to spend some time with his family." Isabel said calmly.

   Katrina opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

After separating from Sister McDoug, Niya\'s mood improved a lot. She grabbed Albert\'s hand and took him to go shopping, her big eyes filled with curiosity and excitement, and she wanted to see all the surrounding scenery. All in the eyes of income.

   Albert bought some novel things for Nia.

   When they came out of the drugstore, Niya\'s expression looked very abnormal. She asked in a low voice, "Couldn\'t the wizard\'s beauty potion also be made from those things, right?"

   "Not necessarily, usually, the potion is just like that, don\'t think too much." Albert softly comforted.

   "Do you feel sick when you drink the potion for the first time?" Niya asked again.

   "It\'s kind of, but it\'s just a habit." Albert thought for a while and said, "However, ordinary wizards don\'t explore the specific formula of potions, and they don\'t care, as long as they can cure themselves."

   "It\'s hard to understand and hard to accept."

   Albert took out his pocket watch from his pocket, looked at the time and asked, "If there are potions that can make you smart or beautiful, those potions that look a little disgusting, would you drink it?"

   "Probably so."

"That\'s right, you only need to pay attention to its effects, and you don\'t need to care too much about other things." Albert said to Nia, "Let\'s go, let\'s get the robe, I think Katrina should be too Finished shopping."

   "Do you want to go back?" Niya felt a little bit upset, she still had a lot of places she wanted to go.

   When the two passed by a shop selling owls, she asked in a low voice, "Can I buy an owl, and I can contact you through it in the future."

   "No, at least not now." Albert directly refused, "And, isn\'t there a double-sided mirror?"

   "The mirror is at my mother\'s. If you can find another mirror for me, we won\'t have to worry about communication problems in the future." Niya pursed her lips and complained.

   "I\'ll take a look at that time."

   "Don\'t forget."

   When the two returned to the robe shop, Isobel and Katrina had already finished shopping.

   After finishing shopping, Albert proposed to go out for a bite to eat, and wait for Grandpa Luke, who has watched the movie, to come and pick him up.

   "Would you like to eat at the Muggle side?" Katrina hesitated.

   "If you only study Muggles, you will never know how Muggles live." Albert said with a smile, "I think it is a good choice to understand Muggles from food."

   A few people went to the nearest Charlie\'s milk tea branch, where they ordered some delicious desserts, such as various pie and grilled cheese sticks with explosive heat, various flavors of fried chicken drumsticks, fried chicken nuggets, grilled sausages, and finger biscuits.

   Today\'s milk tea shop is not just a milk tea shop, but has begun to transform into a gourmet shop.

   Of course, Albert also shares the money made by Charlie\'s shop, but it is under Daisy\'s name in name.

   Katrina took a bite of the fragrant and delicious grilled cheese stick, squinted happily and said, "This thing is delicious."

   "This is for you."

   Niya handed her grilled cheese stick to Katrina.

   "Aren\'t you going to eat it?" Katrina asked puzzledly.

   "If you don\'t eat too much, you will get fat. These things have high calories." Niya explained in a low voice.

   Katrina looked at the cheese stick in her hand, and suddenly felt that it was not good.

   "Don\'t worry, it\'s okay to eat occasionally." Albert smiled comfortingly.

   Not long after the four people paid and left the shop, Luke drove to pick up the things Niya and Albert had bought.

   "Why didn\'t you leave together?"

   Katrina asked Albert, who was still standing next to them, puzzled.

   "I have an appointment with someone." Albert walked towards the cauldron bar, "how do you plan to go back."

   "I will use the Apparition to take Katrina back later." Isabel asked casually, "Who are you waiting for."

"Mr. Bard, he said he would take me to the Barnabus Finkley Excellent Spell Casting Competition." Albert took Isobel\'s hand and asked, "If you want to go with you, just go on vacation." Up."

   "Forget it." Isabel shook his head, "Next time I go to Egypt to participate in the International Alchemy Conference, I will go together again."

   Katrina didn\'t know why she suddenly felt sad for Albert\'s opponent.

   The three of them entered the Broken Cauldron Bar one after another. Isobel and Katrina returned to Diagon Alley. Albert quickly found Mr. Bud at the counter.

   "I hope I didn\'t let you wait too long." Albert said apologetically.

   "Did you finish over there?" Bud didn\'t care about it.

   "It\'s alright." Albert said.

   "Let\'s go, then." Mr. Bud greeted Tom, and left with Albert who had just returned to the Broken Cauldron Bar.

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