
Chapter 128: Magical text

Professor Browd has prepared cakes and drinks.

Of course, there is also a set of wizard chess.

"Wait a moment." Professor Broad sat at his desk, staring at some parchment in front of him, not knowing what he was doing.

Albert didn\'t bother him, sat quietly on the sofa, bought himself a cake, and ate himself.

Ten minutes later, Professor Browd finally finished his business, sat in front of Albert, smiled and said to him, "I heard Professor McGonagall say about you. She is proud of you."

"What about "Transfiguration Today"?" Albert asked a little puzzled.

"Yes." Professor Brod nodded, "At your age, it\'s very remarkable."

Albert was silent, suddenly wondering what to say. In fact, he really didn\'t care much about this issue.

Professor Browd noticed the astonishment and silence flashing across Albert\'s face, and asked suspiciously: "You seem to... don\'t care too much?"

"Huh?" Albert nodded in embarrassment. In fact, he wants to say that his reputation is not as affordable as Kanon.

Hogwarts students don’t have to pay for publishing papers in "Transfiguration Today." Of course, the relationship between the two parties has always been mutually beneficial.

Only the students who have won the Best and Most Potential Newcomer Award will be given a symbolic Kanon award in "Transfiguration Today". The number of Kanon is not large. More honors come from the title of Best and Most Potential Newcomer Award. .

"White moves first." Professor Broad was not discussing the topic, but made a request to Albert.

Albert immediately concentrated his attention and began to carefully test the strength of Professor Brod. He is very clear about his situation, the level of Wizard Chess is only one level, and it is still far away from the second level.

This level is fine for ordinary people, but it is much worse for international wizard chess champions.

In fact, facing the offensive, Professor Brod deliberately released the water. Albert still failed to block the opponent\'s offensive, and he was checked to death by Professor Brod\'s knights in less than ten minutes.

Although he lost in chess, Albert has benefited a lot from his chess game with Professor Broad. After the start of the second game, Albert slowed down his speed to avoid some small mistakes in the first game. The two sides fought for 20 minutes, and finally the opponent queen was checkmate dead.

"Lost again." Albert said with emotion, "Is this the level of an international wizard chess champion? The level of wizard chess games must be very high."

"No, in fact, you are wrong. The level of wizards participating in international wizard chess competitions is very average." Professor Brod took a sip of milk tea and gently explained: "In fact, there are very few people who really train in this area. Wizards, they may have some level, but they are still that way. In two years, you should be able to reach that level."

"You mean... the players participating in the international wizard chess tournament are all amateurs?" Albert was a little surprised at once.

In fact, it is said that when a person is seventeen, he will begin to reach the peak in many ways, and Albert once suspected that it was for this reason that he became an adult at seventeen.

"Yes, in fact, there has never been a so-called professional or amateur. However, every game is like this. When you become an adult, you can also participate in the international wizard chess competition." Professor Broad said with a smile: "Although there is no bonus How much, but the title is pretty good."

"Yeah." Albert replied absently. In fact, he didn\'t care if he was famous.

"Famous, sometimes it works." Professor Broad smiled meaningfully.

How did he sound like... well, a little strange.

"What were you doing just now?" Albert changed the subject, "Of course, if it\'s not convenient..."

"Study ancient magic texts." Professor Brod didn\'t mind at all, "Bathishida just sorted it out for me. However, I haven\'t touched these things for a long time, and it\'s quite difficult to research now."

"Ancient magic text?" Albert raised his eyebrows and said, "I heard that it was an elective course for the third grade."

"Yes, yes, an elective course in the third grade." Professor Broad nodded repeatedly.

Albert suddenly said: "It is said that in the era of the Big Four, this magic text was used to cast spells."

"Yeah, there is such a saying." Professor Broad looked at Albert. "Someone once guessed that ancient wizards were so powerful and inseparable from ancient magic texts."

"It is... very powerful," Albert said softly. "The ancient magic of Hogwarts can last for thousands of years. It seems to me a miracle. Although it may be rude to say that, I doubt Principal Dumbledore. Can this be done too."

"Haha, Dumbledore." Professor Brod put down the teacup in his hand. "He is recognized as the most powerful wizard of this century. He has also been the chief wizard of Wisengama for decades. Got it!"

"The rumors that mysterious people are afraid of him." Professor Broad continued: "Well, do you know who the mysterious person is?"

"I know." Albert nodded, "I have read his deeds in the book. It is said that the savior Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord."

"This matter is much discussed. At that time, many people thought that the mysterious man would be defeated by Dumbledore, but lost to..." Professor Brod realized that this topic should end here. He paused and brought the topic back again: "The ancient magic text has many legends. It is said that this is a kind of magical text. Using it to chant a spell can enhance the magical power of the wizard. Well, Dumbu Lido also uses them, and he himself is an expert in this area."

"Professor." Albert said suddenly.

"What\'s the matter, Mr. Anderson." Professor Broad asked, raising his head in confusion.

"I have also taught myself Rune writing." Albert hesitated, and still asked, "But I didn\'t feel the mysterious power of this ancient magic writing as I could tell you."

"You taught yourself." Professor Broad was surprised.

"Yes." Albert said. "Just during the Christmas holiday this year, I once taught myself Runi characters and barely understood them, but...in fact, they are not as magical as you said."

"After all, it\'s just a legend..." Professor Brod whispered softly, "But, do you really bring me many surprises?"

"Surprise?" Albert frowned slightly~www.mtlnovel.com~ nothing. "Professor Brod laughed, "Actually, many wizards have learned ancient magic texts, but at their level, they can usually only achieve ordinary knowledge and simple application. There are actually few real experts in this field. . "

Albert was silent.

After a long time, he said, "No one digs deep?"

"Dig deep?" Professor Broad shook his head. "For most of the time, this kind of ancient text is good as long as you can understand it. After all, no one uses it, so it would take time and effort to dig it. What about the secret?"

"But the school..."

Professor Brod interrupted: "The Hogwarts School will hold an ancient magic text class, just don\'t want future generations to look down on these ancient words."

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