
Chapter 479: thoughtful little padded jacket

  She had to take someone to the farm to clear the snow over there.

   During the day, I left alone to look after the house. With such a large farm, it is busy enough just feeding, how can I have time to clear the snow?

  The snow is still falling. If we don’t clean it up quickly, the shed of the pen may collapse at night, and the animals inside will be crushed to death?

   Huang Shengli, Feng Chao, and Sun Xiaofeng, together with the scumbags from the farm, took a casual bite at home and hurried to the farm.

  Looking over here, a road has been cleared in the farm to feed the animals back and forth, and the rest of the place is covered with thick snow.

  At this time, I didn’t care about cleaning the ground, so I hurriedly built ladders and supports, tried little by little, and cleared the snow on the roof of the shed.

  Everyone worked until midnight, the snow finally stopped, and the snow on the pens was almost cleared.

   At this time, everyone felt that the temperature had dropped a lot.

   "This bad weather, I don\'t know how many sticks will be frozen." Huang Shengli sighed.

   "Yes, thanks to our third brother and third sister-in-law who saw the opportunity early, we have another car and move quickly.

   It might be enough to replace someone else, it just depends on how much you can grab. "Feng Chao also followed with emotion.

  It’s true, they have three cars anyway, although the back of the car is not as big as a big truck, it’s no problem to pull a dozen people.

  Cars always run faster than horse-drawn carriages and bicycles, and they acted earlier. This time, the loss should not be too great.

  If it were someone else, it wouldn\'t be so much, others don\'t have such convenient conditions as them.

  Of course, other people\'s houses don\'t have as many ginseng land as they do. If the number is small, even if they go late, they can grab it.

   "Sister-in-law, why don\'t you tell third brother, let\'s buy three more cars. The lack of cars is not enough."

   Huang Shengli had wanted to say this for a long time, but he had never had a chance to say it. Today, because of this matter, he happened to bring it up again.

   "Well, that\'s fine. I\'ll call Shiyan another day and ask him to ask how much this car costs in the provincial capital. Let\'s buy a few more."

  With more and more ginseng land, the farms here also use it, so there are really a few more cars.

  The snow stopped, and the snow on the livestock pen in the farm was also cleaned up. Everyone who worked this day had backaches and backaches, and their bodies were weak.

  Everyone was tired and sleepy, so they hurried home and lay down on the hot kang to rest.

  So Huang Shengli drove, pulling Su Anying and others back.

   "Well, Xiao Liu, you guys\' wages today are counted separately, one hundred yuan each.

  I didn’t bring so much money when I came here today. I’ll bring you the money another day. "

  Before getting into the car, Su Anying talked to the blind people working in the farm.

  These blind wanderers are very good at their work, and the farm is doing their best.

   Moreover, they should not have done the work today. Since they are hired to do the work, the money must be paid.

   Otherwise, if something happens in the future, people will not give their best.

   "Oh, thank you, Manager Su." When the workers heard it, they were all beautiful.

  For people like them, strength is the least valuable thing.

  I was a little tired after working for a day, but if I could earn a hundred yuan, that would be a sky-high price. Who would be unhappy?

   Just like that, Su Anying and others left the farm and returned to their homes.

   Tired from the day, I didn’t care about anything when I entered the door, so I took off my clothes and went straight to the kang to sleep.

   This sleep was so deep that I slept until dawn.

  When Su Anying woke up, it was almost eight o\'clock, and the house was quiet and there was no movement at all.

  Su Anying hurriedly got up, put on her clothes and went to the ground, and found a piece of paper on the table.

   "Mom, the food is in the pot, Grandpa Chu and brother have already cleared the snow in the yard.

  My brother and I sent my younger siblings to my grandparents’ house and went directly to school. Mom remembers to eat. "

  The writing on the note is neat and delicate, it is exactly the handwriting of my daughter Xu Jinping.

  Su Anying took the note to the kitchen and saw that there were small pickles and miso on the table.

  Open the pot, and there is a large bowl of porridge, two flower rolls, and two eggs in the pot.

  The flower rolls should have been brought from my mother-in-law last night, and the porridge and eggs must have been cooked by my daughter this morning.

  Looking at the food in the pot and on the table, Su Anying felt this irony in her heart.

  My daughter is big, caring and sensible. Knowing that her mother is too tired from work, she quietly cooked a meal in the morning to coax her siblings to eat, and left the meal in the pot for her mother.

   That\'s great, how about the girl is a caring little padded jacket.

  Su Anying hurriedly scooped some water to wash her face, combed her hair, and brought out the rice to eat a few mouthfuls.

  After tidying up the kitchen, he came out of the house.

  Open the door, and the air-conditioning suddenly hits the face, and the temperature is below zero.

  Su Anying couldn\'t help worrying about the sticks on the mountain, and wondered if the straw curtains and plastic sheeting would be useful.

   I hope it can play a little role, otherwise this year\'s club is finished.

  The snow in the yard was quite thick, and a road more than one meter wide was cleared in the middle.

  Chu is over seventy years old, Xu Haiyuan is only nine years old, how can this old and young one have much ability?

   It\'s pretty good if you can clear a path.

  Su Anying took out the wooden shovel and began to clear the snow in the yard.

   Such thick snow must be cleared, otherwise the temperature will rise tomorrow, and the yard will be filled with water.

  The terrain of Xu\'s yard is high in the middle and low on both sides, so Su Anying cleared the snow bit by bit to the slopes on the east and west sides.

   Waiting for the snow to melt, the water will flow down the **** to the bottom of the ditch and pond, so that the yard will not be full.

   After a lot of effort, the snow was almost cleared away, so Su Anying locked the door and went to see her parents-in-law.

  Originally, the five wing rooms at the west end of Xu Chenghou\'s house were planned to keep two for sale and rent out three.

   Isn\'t it Elder Chu\'s decision to stay? Leave those three rooms to Mr. Chu to run a clinic.

   It is definitely no problem to open a clinic with Mr. Chu\'s qualifications. In March, all the procedures will be completed.

  Xu Shiyan bought a batch of medicinal materials and equipment for the clinic from the provincial capital, and specially shipped them back. A few days ago, the clinic officially opened.

  At Mr. Chu’s age, he opened a clinic not to make money, but mainly to take care of his grandchildren.

  So we set a rule right after we opened our business, and we only see a doctor every morning, and only see ten patients.

  In the afternoon, unless it’s a matter of being anxious, I don’t watch it at all.

  Anyway, there is a hospital in Donggang, and it’s quite close. Mr. Chu doesn’t show it here, and they can go directly to the hospital.

  Mr. Chu’s medical skills, can those doctors in Donggang Hospital compare to it?

   Some difficult and miscellaneous diseases or old chronic diseases, the hospital does not recruit children, but when they come to Mr. Chu, it is very likely that they will be greatly improved after taking a few medicines.

  So despite the fact that this small clinic has just opened for a short time, there are quite a lot of people. Many people have come from all over the world, and they have been queuing up here for a long time.

  When Su Anying came over, the clinic was already full, and Su Anying didn\'t dare to disturb her, so she went directly into the hospital.

  In the yard, Xu Chenghou was also clearing the snow with a wooden shovel.

  Yesterday, during the day, Xu Chenghou went up the mountain to work, and Zhou Guilan just cleared a trail at home.

  The terrain here is flat, and Qingxue is not as convenient as Xu Shiyan\'s side. We have to get all the snow out here, so as not to flood the whole yard.

  Xu Chenghou is in his 60s after all, he was tired after going up the mountain yesterday, now Qingxue is a bit strenuous.

  Su Anying saw it and hurried forward to help.

  (end of this chapter)

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